So did i miss anything-jaune

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The screen start with Jaune slowly waking up from his coma.

Jaune:-groan- how long did I sleep? And also where am I again?

Jaune look around to see himself inside Mondstadt church with the aether,paimon,Jean,izuku,issei too.

Izuku: About 8 hour. You are currently at cathedral.

Jaune then look at his own hand in confuse. A glimpse of flashback show Jaune's hand having blood but from what he feeling right now. He feel fine like nothing happen

Izuku: what wrong?, Jaune.

Jaune: I feel like I forgot.

Izuku: If you forgot something then it wasn't worth.

Jaune: Maybe you're right. But anyway, what happen after I went coma state.

Paimon: when you are in coma. Many thing happen after we save Dvalin.

Jaune: Also who is that?-point the person standing beside issei-

Issei: that's Dvalin.


Dvalin: You dare question lord bahamut!

Jaune: Lord?bahamut?

Paimon: To accurate what happen after you fall into coma. Issei is The Who release the seal off Dvalin, making venti's friend able to turn back humanoid form. And we also find out that, issei is reincarnation of Lord of god and evil dragon

Jaune: wait is there anyone else in church beside us hear this.

Jean: Only us, Jaune.

Jaune: Okay. I need to go out to take some air.

Issei: Let me join too.

Both of them walk out the church.

Venti was waiting for issei at outside of the church. The greatest bard wave his hand to them with a smile until two agent ambush behind.

Issei, without more time as he follow the instinct of danger. He turn around with roundhouse kick. Shattering the fatui agent bone

Jaune was easy and all he need to do shoot agent fatui with destiny wrath in gun mode, shoot behind him without looking back. The fatui agent bleeding out from gut location

Caelus look at them with binoculars.

Caelus: Ha! Imagine when you try to ambush two guy with prefect ambush then the next thing you remenber is suddenly got death counter.

Issei: Two guy try ambush us with a stupid dagger. It kinda ironic when I use be a lord.

Jaune:-grabbing fatui agent collar- Who told you to kill us?

Someone make a finger snap sound. Issei see a flying ice spike coming at venti. Issei rush toward with a burst of speed to receive the attack instead of venti.

Blood coming out from issei's arm.

I know you guy gonna say something like why issei didn't create a fire shield to protect venti then let me remind you that. Issei need to generate fire enough to stop that thing

A high speed object can go through a hacksmith's lightsaber heat without a problem. The object didn't contact the fire but the air around the object is the thing that can go through fire for a short time but once you contact the fire long enough you will start to feel burn.

Issei knew it would be useless cause he understand physic than don't understand it. Three of them will look at the one, who make those projectile

Jaune quickly point the gun at the stanger. He was ready to fire the bullet.

When jaune see the figure was a lady. His body stop moving as when ice began to wrap around him in cube shape.

Venti look at issei's arm, bleeding out. Her eye was replace by death.

Issei: venti go... call the other. You can't face that woman alone.

He didn't get any response from his bard friend. Instead, venti put his hand issei's eye before he feel sleepy...

He just look at issei with a sweet smile before approach the lady. Her smile slowly fade away

Signora: At last, Mondstadt ruler in the flesh-approach venti-scurrying through the stree-Catch something-

On signora hand is gnosis.

Venti: get lost now-cold voice-

Fatui mage: Insolent bard! How dare yo-get cleave-

Half of the fatui mage body fall apart. Blood splashing everywhere.

Venti: did I allow you to speak?

Signora:<Tsaritsa told this anemo archon had been weaken by many year now>-observe-<but what I seeing right now is different>

Fatui mage: if you try to threat us then you are delusional! after all you are the weak-get cleave-

Venti: oh how much of an idiot like you. Still believe that archon like us need prayer to boost our power but sadly, there something not even they knew.

Signora:< is this Bard yapping about how powerful he is without prayer?>

Venti: usually archon get boost by prayer but they need to know their archon real name to pray to that archon but me? Barbatos wasn't alway my real name.

Signora: So what the point explain that to me.

Venti:-slowly smirk- becasue you will be the first harbinger to know my real me. And the last one to saw it.

Wind began to gather around venti as his body slowly letting out a crack sound of a broken mask. The ice cube get shatter by strong blow of wind.

Jaune rolling on surface. Going unconscious again

Signora: what on teyvat?

Venti was replace by a girl floating down with her wing.

Wendy: my real name is Wendy kero. And you dare attack my boyfriend~

Signora: who?-try to lie-

Wendy: the one you shot with your ice.

Signora: oh sh-

Wendy extend her hand out as she launch a wind slash to cut signora into go/jo until agent fatui come to the rescue.

author note:
-Alright. I am almost at the end of the story.
-let hope that I will not make a sequence of this story

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