We really gonna need to fight that dragon, don't we

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The screen start to show issei doing the moon kick.

As when a ice spear flying over his gap, over between his leg as he float on mid air for a slow motion moment. Before he land down safely

Issei: Can we seriously stop doing the skip canon story!

Jaune: You are telling us!-roll to aside-

Izuku:-fire alpha bolt- Author said, he is a bit busy on study and final semester exam is coming to the next week so~ he have to skip some part.

Jaune: Then let use our final attack!

Jaune's finisher: GRIND RAIL TIME BREAK!

A clock glyph appear behind Jaune's back. The clockwise began to spin at 12.


A grind rail of aura appear. Jaune slide down on grind rail with a horizontal slash. Cutting mitachurls in half along with it shield.

Izuku's finisher: Lightning sonic drill

Izuku's body is sourrouding by electricity as a pair of horn forming on his head

Izuku: Ten second is enough for me.

in a speed of sound, izuku rush over B group of hilichurl as they get send up into the mid air by viginlante pyshical attack, izuku was so fast as he leave afterimage of himself behind.

He turn back to look at them. On hilichurl's body having lightning sphere, sticking on them while still on mid air before lightning sphere change into a drill form. 


Izuku: HUH!-jump up-


He preform a front flip before extend his right leg out. Izuku's body began to split into particle as launch himself toward them and went straight to the drill as each of them they get pierce through by electricity particle.


Time out

The dead hilichurl began to fall to the surface as they slowly disappear in ashes. Izuku reform himself back into stable particle and land down before let out a sigh of tired.

Deactivate transformation

The horn disappear from his head before his Body stop realeasing eletricity around him.

Issei's finisher: PYRO IMPACT!

Issei: My turn already?

Issei spin around as fire glyph before he crouch down and! A dragon make out of fire come out the glyph and it flying around him

Issei jumps into the air with fire dragon flying behind him. It then breathes fire at issei, propelling him into a flying kick. The attack .

Mitachurl use rock shield to block a incoming attack. Issei kick through the rock shield



Mitachurls receive a big hole as it explode into piece.

To be continue

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