Copyright Notice and Author's Note

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Hi there! Thank you so much for picking up this book (*^_^*) Time Flies is a short story that I wrote in seventh grade for a competition—in which I won third place—and was inspired by the times I flew paper planes with my friends back in sixth grade.

If you like this short story, please vote to show your appreciation by pressing the star-shaped button (*︾▽︾*) I'll also love it if you leave any comments or add this book to your reading lists!

Also, since this story was written back when I was thirteen years old, the prose isn't an accurate depiction of my current writing abilities. You're very welcome to leave feedback through the comments section or private messages, and I'll take them into account when I edit it! You're also welcome to check out my more polished stories on my profile (stella_vigo), especially First and Final, Blood Will Tell, and The Secret Land of Otrâlmondé.

Once again, thank you for picking up this book and happy reading!

This work shall not be reproduced nor translated in any form unless explicit permission is granted by the author. This work is only available on Wattpad. If you find this work on another website or any other media, it is a plagiarized copy and you are at risk of a malware attack.

This story was driven by the author's imagination and was loosely inspired by the author's personal experience. It was not based on any existing literary works. All similarities with existing literary works are purely coincidental.

The cover was made by TheTigerWriter. The banner was made by the author on Canva using Canva's free resources. All credit goes to the original artist(s).

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