Warnings and such.

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Hey. I often make the first pages this shit. Anyway. Let's get to it then.

Hi, the name is Eko and I am the author here. I do not say, as a teen, that I own the show South Park. It and it's characters are from Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

I am not English, i suck at writing English, I hate writing because I know I suck but also love it for some reason.

Normally I'd suggest something caffeinetea or Hello_Im_Crazy279 has written but there isn't much Kyman in either of their stories, thus, I would call it very stupid to direct you there. Kyman has lots of awesome fiction (I think? Haven't read much. NEITHER HAVE I READ MUCH BENDY AND IT'S MY FAVOURITE THING SO THAT SHOULD CONFIRM MY MULTISHIPPERNESS.)
Oh yeah, I'm a multishipper. I just ship anything that would technically be legal and wouldn't need people dying to work out. If you have any multishipper in you (or enjoy Bunny or Bendy) I would recommend those two. I mean I'm pretty sure Cat has something but J I am not as sure about. But seems to ship Bunny so could be possible I just looked back any Bunny. But J is fucking awesome and I will protect her with my soul and life, so, I really recommend J's work to anyone, especially anyone that likes Creek.

Warnings... I would call on Mental illness, cursing, sexual jokes or possibly sexual content, shit amongst the lines of that as well as mentions about teen pregnancy at points, just so you know in case it's triggering.

I don't stand bullying (like I always state) unless you bully me in which case I actually can tell you to please bully me.

I am not racist against Jews, just clearing that right off. I don't give a shit about what the nazi's said, fucking Hitler was a disgusting man and Jews are fucking awesome. So take everything here with that factor in mind.

Ships I will be including:
(I will MENTION other ships but those are the only ones I would call A B and C ships, obviously Kyman as the A ship)

If you're hoping for mentally abuse shit, wrong place honey, I want my badass Kyle to be a weird badass. I attempt redeeming Cartman. Don't worry, not immediately, I'll just attempt. Don't worry too much.

Special trigger warning for people that speak Spanish, I do not. It's a gag at my life with Swedish (J and Cat know) replaced with Spanish because while I try to learn Spanish, some people hate learning it as a second and that's why it's here as a shout out for Swedish, I will not give you nightmares with it any more than Swedish gives me nightmares... although that would mean this would be fully Spanish because SWEDEN CAN SUCK MY ASS YOUR LANGUAGE IS SHIT AND GAVE ME ENOUGH TRAUMA TO ACTUALLY BREAK DOWN IN FRONT OF MY TEACHER. But no, just a few words of Spanish.


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