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************************Natsu's POV************************

After an eventful honeymoon, we were finally saying goodbye to tenrou island. After handing back the room key of our honeymoon suite, Lucy and I were on our way to the ship. Carrying both our bags in one hand, and the other hand tightly holding on to my beloved wife, we walked. 

"Ready for hell?" I joked, perhaps I went a little too far, after having her shoot a warning glare at me. Knowing that when we get back home, she'll have to become a house wife pretending not to give a bother about the war. While I will have to be serving the oppisite side, and doing who knows what to her friends...

The entire trip was silent, I could tell she was in deep thought, probably thinking of how we'll cope. I know I should probably be thinking of the same thing but I was too excited to see everyone again, and catch up on how things are going.

I stared as land came into view. We were back, I looked over at Lucy, she held her head down and was whispering small prayers that her friends were still alive. At least that was my only guess from the quick words flying out of her mouth. I firmly squeezed her hand as we held our luggage in the other, ready to exit.

She looked at up me, her face looked like she was about to cry, but she gave me a smile anyways. I could tell that she was prepping herself for the warm welcoming of friends, or as she saw them, enemies. We slowly walked off the ship, onto the docks. 

I noticed that the Redfox's and the Fullbuster's were there waving frantically. Lucy suddenly let go of my hand and raced over to give Levvy and Juvia hugs. I couldn't help but grin as I ran over to them. "Hey! How was the trip?!" Gray gave me a slap on the shoulder and chuckled. "Quite fine... Fine indeed.." I replied laughing back. 

Gajeel gave me a fake solute, "Welcome to manhood solidier" then burst into laughter. I almost forgot about how upsetting this was for Lucy. It all seemed perfect, me, Gray, and Gajeel together again while our wives all got along having fun as well. "Glad to be apart of the team!" I replied, smile giving him a highfive.

After a bit more socializing, Lucy and I eventually headed to a taxi on our way to our new home. I could tell that even though she was upset to come back to the reality of this war, she had had a good time seeing Juvia and Levy again.

**********************Lucy's POV**********************

I stared at the doorway, too afraid to put the key in. I felt like if I enetered my new home, I am starting a new life, where I spend the rest of my days staying there and keeping things to myself. I was too afraid, I never wanted to lose myself on the freshly painted walls. I never want to stop trying to save them. However, I had no choice in fate. Leaning on Natsu's shoulder I handed him the key without letting go, we were going to do this together. 

He looked at me with understanding, and together we sealed our fate. Holding the door open for me, I walked in. Staring at the newly placed furniture, everything about this little house was what I had ever dreamed of as a child. Of course I had never pictured sharing it with a man with sakura pink hair. He put his arm around my shoulder as he carried our luggage inside.

I wandered through the small building, touching every inch of new furniture getting used to the new feel of everything. It was all so....perfect, too perfect. If I was to be living in this perfect house, with the perfect man, shouldn't Aquarius have the same thing with Scorpio? As I walked through the rest of the house I thought of the future those two could've had together, will hopefully have together.

After finishing the self led tour, I came back up to our room. Natsu had already started unpacking the suitcases. It surprised me that he can be so organized, then I realized he was placing all the clothing together. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" He jumped, too surprised at my presence to dodge a classic Lucy kick. He stumbled onto the floor and hit his head against the desk. "Ouch! What gives Luce?" He remarked rubbing his head.

I glared at him, "You need to learn organization.." I muttered, as I started sorting his clothes from mine, and putting them into seperate dressers. He just sat there watching me, as I continued to sort through all of our things. "Are you going to get up and help?" I looked at him after another half hour of organizing the entire house.

He looked up at me, "Nah I'm good, I'm getting used to the floor." He stupidly smiled up at me. "What good is it sitting and doing nothing?" I sat down beside him. He leaned against the desk and closed his eyes, "Well for one, I can think..." I giggled, "Since when do you think?" He sarcastictly glared. "And here I thought all you thought about was food..." I continued to joke.

He smirked at my joking, "Ya'know I've been thinking..." we stood up, and he held my hands in his. "What is it?" I asked. 

"What if we had children? I mean, you'd be a lot safer and appear less suspicious if you were a mother, and I wouldn't have a chance of being sent to the front lines." He said looking deep into my eyes. I stared at him then looked at my feet, "...well it does seem reasonable, but to create another life just for our own benefit due to current situations sounds....horrible" I answer him.

"Lucy I love you, if we were to have a child I wouldn't just want it for our benefit, I want a child with you and to grow a family with you.." He pecked me on a the cheek. I hugged him and held him there. Everything was happening so fast, ever since I was taken away everything was happening at once. I get locked in a cell, get forced into marriage, and now what? A child? 

I would never be a good mother, and I would be hiding everything that I am planning to do from him/her, live in fear that my child would innocently blab to an adult that I am against this side of the war, if that were to happen then what? It was the wrong time for me to become a mother not until the nazis loose this war...

"Natsu, I'm sorry, but I can't have a child be born into this war...I can't have a child be brainwashed by the system into having the same mindset as the nazi solidiers." I looked up at him. 

He gave a small smile. "I understand you completely, I know a husband is supposed to make descisions for the wife....but I trust your judgements," he kissed my forehead and whispered "let's hope that the otherside beats us soon, eh Luce?" 

I felt my eyes tearing up, but quickly whiped them away before they streamed down my cheek. "Yea.." I sat down on the bed as he sat beside me and hugged me in his arms. We sat there side by side until we fell asleep in eachother's arms. 

"I love you Luce" 

"Love you too, Natsu"

A/N: hey guys sorry that I haven't been updating in awhile! It's been really busy in school and I haven't had the time to work on 'Time of War' I hope to update soon, see you all until then! Bye ^-^

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