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warning: blood

Jimin was currently curled up in Yoongi chest wailing as hard as he cold. Yoongi tightly held onto Jimin and laid his head on top of Jimin's.


Jimin didn't even have an hour left to live. Yoongi decided that they should be with each other until the end, Jimin agreed with him.

Yoongi nuzzled his cheek against Jimin's head as he loosened his arms, his eyes wandered down to his own wrist. He looked at the white faded scar, that was barely noticeable, he had gotten it from when he had his chip rewired.

"Jimin!" Yoongi shouted loudly, getting excited that he figured a plan out at last minute. "Jimin, holy fuck!" Jimin looked up at Yoongi and frowned.


"I figured everything out!" Yoongi stood up, helping Jimin up too. "We have to go now,"

Jimin raised his eyebrows, wiping his eyes to rid the tears. "What's happening?"

"Fuck- come on!" Yoongi rushed out the store, dragging Jimin right behind him. Jimin stumbled a few times before catching up with Yoongi's pace.


"What are we doing here?" Jimim asked as he panted loudly.

Yoongi left Jimin standing in the front of the of the store they were in, as he searched for all the supplies he needed: two cloths, bandages, disinfectant, needle and fishing line.

Once he gather all the supplies he found Jimin still by the front of the store. "Jimin..." He whispered quietly, looking over at the cashier who was playing with a piece of gum they had in their mouth. "We have to run,"

"Why?" Jimin asked, watching Yoongi shove the things in his coat pocket as best as he could. "What is that stuff for?"

Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand tightly, "We don't have any money, remember?" Yoongi reminded Jimin, he gave one more glance over at the cashier who was starting to notice the unusual behavior from the two boys.

Jimin nodded his head as Yoongi dragged him out of the store. The cashier lazily glanced over at Yoongi, getting a good look at his open pocket as the two ran out of the store. "Hey!" The cashier shouted loudly, quickly dialing for the police.

Yoongi dragged Jimin faster down the street, trying to reach their hideout in time. "Jimin how much time do you have?" Yoongi asked nervously.

Jimin pulled his sleeve up and glanced at the time ticking down. "Twenty-five minutes!" Jimin exclaimed.

Yoongi nodded his head, it would take at least ten more minutes until they reached the hideout. But he didn't think negative about the situation, he kept telling himself that he could do it.

Out of breath the two stumble into the hideout. "Time?" Yoongi asked pointing to the floor. "Sit down,"

Jimin sat down, looking at his wrist, "Thirteen minutes," Jimin sighed, watching Yoongi pull everything out of his pocket.

Yoongi cursed under his breath as he grabbed the backpack that contained the water bottles, then sat down in front of Jimin.

"Open a water bottle and poor some water on your wrist," Yoongi commanded, pulling the needle out of the package, he then cut the finishing line with his teeth. "Okay," Yoongi sighed out, with shaky hands he threaded the line through the needle. "Give me your wrist," He set the needle down on his lap, as he pulled the other backpack over to his side.

"What are you gonna do..." Jimin frowned,
holding out his wet wrist. Yoongi searched for the pocket knife he had packed for emergencies as he put one of the cloths over Jimin's wrist so he could dry it. He wanted to make sure Jimin wouldn't be dirty for what he was about to do.

"Okay, put that in your mouth," Yoongi nodded towards the cloth on Jimin's now dry wrist. "This is gonna hurt," Yoongi pulled the pocket knife out, placing that on his lap as well.

Jimin's eyes widened, "Yoongi..."

"Do you want to die?" Yoongi glared at Jimin. "Now listen to me," Yoongi pushed his index finger deep into Jimin's skin on his wrist, searching for the chip.

"That hurts," Jimin wanted to pull his wrist away from Yoongi but didn't.

Yoongi cursed again, forgetting to wash his own hands. As quick as he could, he poured some water into his hands drying them off on the cloth Jimin had not put in his mouth yet.

"Jimin," Yoongi shoved the cloth into Jimin's mouth. "Close your eyes," Jimin followed Yoongi's instructions and closed his eyes tightly.

Yoongi pressed his finger into Jimin's wrist making sure he was about to cut open the right spot.


Yoongi bit his lip, picking up the pocket knife. "We're gonna be okay," He reassured Jimin and himself. There still is a chance Jimin could die losing too much blood.

Yoongi placed the sharp tip of the knife against Jimin's skin. "I'm sorry," Yoongi apologized for the pain he was about to put Jimin through, he then pushed the knife into Jimin's wrist making Jimin cry out loudly in pain.

Yoongi slid the knife along Jimin's skin so he would be able to get into Jimin's wrist. Blood immediately seeping out of the wound, Jimin's cries becoming harder. Yoongi squinted at Jimin's wrist as he stuck his finger in it.

When he felt the chip he stuck the knife in and cut the chip off as slowly and gently as he could. Yoongi cringed as he had to use the knife and his finger as tweezers to pull it out, he knew Jimin was in a great amount of pain with his fingers and knife stuck in Jimin's wrist moving around.

Yoongi dropped the knife and chip on the floor as he wiped some of the blood on his hands off on his pants. "Almost done," Yoongi told Jimin.

Jimin opened his teary eyes and looked down at his wrist, he groaned loudly at the sight. Yoongi grabbed the water bottle and split some of the water on the sides of Jimin's wrist to clear some of the blood away, but it really didn't work since it was just replaced with more blood.

Yoongi grabbed the needle off his lap and began to sew the deep wound back together. "You're gonna be okay," Yoongi said quietly, he wasn't sure how much longer he would be able to keep himself together. Seeing Jimin like this made him want cry along with Jimin but he didn't, he was going to be strong for the both of them.

Once Yoongi finished sewing Jimin's wound back together, he placed the needle next to the knife and grabbed the water bottle cleaning off the bloody wrist.

Jimin closed his eyes again as Yoongi used the disinfectant on his wrist, he then used the other cloth to clean it up some more then wrapped it in bandages to put some pressure on the wound.

Yoongi pulled the other cloth out of Jimin's mouth as he leaned forward hugging Jimin as tight as he could. "You did good, Jimin,"

"I can still die," Jimin continued to cry onto Yoongi's shoulder.

Yoongi shook his head even though he knew Jimin was right. The loss of blood could kill him or he could get a nasty infection and die.

A loud noise came from the door, "Police, open up," Yoongi's eyes widened he couldn't believe they had found them. He let go of Jimin as he threw all the stuff into the backpack.

Jimin stood up and grabbed the other backpack with his non-injured arm. "Back door?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi nodded and quickly ran towards the back door of the store Jimin following right behind him. He pushed the door open and grabbed onto Jimin's hand as they ran as fast as they could.

The police officers stormed into the store and looked at the blood on the ground while some others searched through the store.

One of the police officers crouched down to the broken chip on the floor, poison leaking out of it. The boys had removed the chip just in time.

"Well, he was right. They were here," He told his co-worker as he looked up.

"What should we do with him?" The co-worker asked looking over at the boy who stood there with his hands cuffed behind his back and a cold expression on his face.

"I think you owe me a thank you for showing you where they were," Jungkook growled out.

yeS, there will be a sequel. i'm not sure when. but there will be.

buT i didn't kill jimin. i never planed on killing either of them in this story but oo a sequel. (':

i hope you all enjoyed this. thank you for all the nice comments and support for this story. i love you all. <5 thank you~

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