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Yoongi fumbled with the small circular device as he placed it on Jimin's wrist. "Do I just turn it on?" Yoongi asked Jimin not sure how to reverse the time so it will be added onto Jimin's.

"I have no clue, but you better hurry," Jimin eyes wandered to his closed bedroom door, hoping his father wouldn't walk in.

This morning Jimin had snuck into his father's room and stole the device, which only had five days on it. It wasn't much but it was still better than nothing. His father had asked Jimin about his missing device but Jimin stayed quiet making Mr. Park head out to look everywhere he could have left it.

"I don't want to do it the wrong way and end up killing you," Yoongi looked for any other button on the device but couldn't find one. Little did he know he had to press the button three times to reverse it.

Jimin closed his eyes hoping Yoongi wouldn't mess up. "Okay, uhm," Yoongi tapped the button lightly.

Jimin pulled his wrist away from Yoongi, groaning loudly, feeling the way too familiar pain being sent through his arm. "Shit!"

Yoongi quickly grabbed Jimin's arm and pressed the button to stop it, he pealed the device off Jimin's wrist and frowned. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay," Jimin said through his gritted teeth. "It only burns a little,"

Yoongi stared at Jimin worriedly, he knew the pain felt worse than just some little burn. "Maybe, we should go find someone who knows how to do this," Yoongi placed the small device in his pocket, glancing at Jimin's time.


"You only lost a day, come on let's hurry," Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him towards the bedroom door but stopped walking hearing voices throughout the house.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked at Yoongi.

Yoongi put his finger to his lips, as he pressed his ear against the door. "Ah.. I'm glad we can agree on something." He heard a female voice say, who sounded a lot like his mother.

"I'll just take his time," Yoongi heard Mr. Park say. "So.. Yoongi is your son then?"

"Shit, Jimin, we gotta leave," Yoongi pulled Jimin over to the window and opened it. He pushed Jimin to go first, since the boy was in more of risk than he was.


"Our parents, now go," Yoongi bit his lip as he heard Mr. Park laugh, which sounded like it was right outside Jimin's room.

Jimin looked out the window and frowned, his window was a bit higher off the ground than Yoongi's. It wasn't that high, but it still made Jimin nervous.

Yoongi's head snapped towards the door knob which started to twist. "Fuck, Jimin, go." Yoongi said angerily as he ran towards the door, slamming into it and held onto the doorknob with a tight grip so it wouldn't move.

Jimin glanced at Yoongi than started his way out the window, putting one leg through and then the other, he fell onto the ground gently landing on his feet.

"Yoongi?" Jimin called out as he stood up straight and looked at the window.

Mr. Park was stronger and pushed the door open making Yoongi fall on his butt. "Where is he, kid?" Mr. Park growled at Yoongi, Mrs. Min standing there with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I told you to stay away from that boy! You know how the poor people are, Yoongi!" Mrs. Min yelled.

"What do you mean 'poor people'?" Mr. Park asked glaring over at Mrs. Min. Yoongi took the opportunity to get off his butt and run past them, making his way towards the front door.

"Yoongi!" Mrs. Min yelled, as Mr. Park chased after him. But it was too late Yoongi was already out the door.

He made his way to the side of the house where Jimin's window would be. "Jimin," Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him along his side, running back toward his home.


"What are we doing back here?" Jimin asked worriedly as he watched Yoongi lock his bedroom door.

"Well, our parents are fucking crazy." Yoongi walked over to Jimin, grabbing his hands. "I can't believe my mother found out where you live, it's creepy,"

Jimin nodded his head and sighed. "Yeah," He said quietly. "What are we gonna do? I don't think I can go back home..."

"Yeah, it's scary to think about it.. but I think your dad might kill you when he has the chance." Yoongi rubbed his thumb over the top of Jimin's hand.

Both boys stayed quiet for awhile, Yoongi trying to think of a plan to keep Jimin safe. "Jimin..."

Jimin made eye contact with Yoongi waiting for what he had to say. "I think we should runaway together,"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, "It's almost winter, there will be snow on the ground." Jimin shook his head not wanting to be left out in the cold.

"It's better than dying," Yoongi let go of Jimin's hands and made his way over to his closet to get a backpack. "Beside it will give us time to figure your situation out,"

"We've had a ton of time to figure something out..." Jimin mumbled quietly so Yoongi couldn't hear.

Yoongi placed the bag on his bed as he grabbed a few changes of clothes, he placed those in the bag along with a blanket. Yoongi grabbed another backpack and left his room to go fill it with food and bottles of water, some of his parents money and even a pocket knife for protection and what not.

"When are we leaving?" Jimin asked once Yoongi walked back into the room.

"Now," Yoongi said standing in front of Jimin and zipped Jimin's coat up for him. Jimin nodded as he slid a backpack on, Yoongi did the same then grabbed onto Jimin's hand guiding him out the house.

"Where are we gonna go?" Jimin asked quietly.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.


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