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warning: this chapter kinda talks about abuse

"What do you mean you can't get it?" Yoongi asked angerily.

"I've fucked up with some people, so now I need to hide for a couple days," Jungkook sighed while he shook his head.

"Where you gonna go?" Yoongi asked, while Jungkook pulled his hood over his head getting annoyed with the light cool breeze hitting his ears.

"Who knows," Jungkook shrugged. "But I'll try and get the time to you soon, promise."

Yoongi sighed, "Okay,"

Jimin also sighed and looked towards the cement sidewalk. "I only have ten days, okay?" He told Jungkook.

Jungkook eyed the backpack on Yoongi's shoulders. "What's in there?" He asked, ignoring Jimin. "No weapons right?"

"Water and food," Yoongi answer truthfully. He didn't want Jungkook to get upset and think they might kill the kid for his time, then end up getting no help from him. But really Yoongi just created a problem for himself.

Jungkook didn't have a home, he lived on the streets. And now he was going to try and tag along with the two boys so he would get free goods. Even risking the chance of putting the two boys in danger, he had mean people after him and would kill all three of them if caught.

"I see... hey, I have an idea," Jungkook started, both Yoongi and Jimin looked up at Jungkook's face. They were hoping Jungkook had a new idea on how to get time for Jimin. "If I tagged along with you guys, then it might be easier for me to get you time. You've mentioned you were also hiding?"

Yoongi was uneasy with the whole idea of another person tagging along with them. "What kind of people are after you?" Yoongi decided to ask, he wanted to make sure Jimin and him weren't in any worse danger than they already were.

"They won't hurt you," Jungkook's eyes darkened as he looked into Yoongi's eyes. "Promise,"

"Just let him come, I need time..." Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and tugged at it.

Yoongi sighed, "Alright, but I swear I will kill you if you try anything," Jungkook smiled and nodded his head. He knew Yoongi wasn't as strong as him, so he had nothing to worry about with him.

"Let's go," Yoongi muttered as he lead the way towards their hideout.


Jimin stared at Jungkook with watery eyes, ready to begin crying at any moment. "Wow, that-" Jimin covered his mouth.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows in confusion at Jimin. He had just explained some of his past to Jimin, like how both of his parents were killed doing the kind of stuff he does. Jungkook wasn't affected by the loss of his parents anymore, he brushed it off like everything else.

"I'm sorry," Jimin sniffled, trying to hold his tears back. Jimin's noises had caught Yoongi's attention, who was going through more of the stuff that came from the store. Yoongi was going to stick to his word and kill Jungkook if he hurt one of them.

"It's just- my parents," Jimin continued on but paused to regain himself again.

"Are they dead too?" Jungkook asked with a deadpan expression.

"My dad- he," Jimin had finally let a tear escape, but quickly wiped it off. "He killed my mother right in front of me, he took all her time,"

Yoongi placed the can of food that he was holding, down on the floor then walked over to the two boys, with a deep frown on his face. He never knew this kind of stuff about Jimin and wasn't gonna push it when he asked. He was fine with the fact that Jimin had told Jungkook and not himself, he figured it was easier to tell someone who was kind of dealing with the same thing. But he wanted to be there with Jimin to comfort him.

"Oh," Jungkook replied, not sure how to handle this kind of situation.

"It was horrible, her screams," Jimin shoved his head into his knees and began crying quietly. "My dad was hitting her and then I watched... I just sat there and watched. I didn't do anything." Jimin's voice was quite muffled from his pants but the two boys could still understand him.

Jungkook looked up at Yoongi who was standing in front of them and shrugged his shoulders. Yoongi sighed silently then kneeled down in front of Jimin, gently running his fingers through Jimin's greasy hair. The boys haven't showered in a few days which was pretty gross, but they had to deal with it.

"Jimin, it's not your fault," Yoongi said, figuring Jimin was blaming himself for what had happened. But Jimin only cried harder, he never shared this with anyone, he kept it to himself all along and he finally let it out.

"How old were you?" Jungkook asked quietly.

Jimin inhaled a sharp breath and lifted his head somewhat to look over at Jungkook. "Nine and a half,"

Yoongi pressed his lips together tightly. "Don't blame it on yourself, it was your father who did it. You were a little boy, you would probably get hurt if you intervened with what had happened. Your mother is watching over you, okay?"

Jimin nodded his head and wiped his eyes trying to stop the tears. He missed his mother a lot, Jimin really hoped she was watching over him because he really needed it.

"Why don't we take your father's time?" Jungkook suggested.


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