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"Jimin," Mr. Park said as he sat across the table from Jimin. "Let me see your wrist,"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at his father. "No, it's none of your business."

Mr. Park  raised an eyebrow. "None, of my business? I am your father."

Jimin gently picked up the glass of orange juice  and sipped from it. "Doesn't mean anything, I'm old enough now to take care of myself. I don't need you,"

"Well, if you don't need me then might as well kick your ass out," Mr. Park said staring at Jimin who sat frozen.

He couldn't believe his father would actually kick him out onto the streets, it made him feel even more unloved.

Jimin stood up and pushed in his chair making his way towards his bedroom. "He's so stupid," He mumbled to himself with a frown on his face. He walked over and sat down on his bed, grabbing onto the sheets tightly.

Mr. Park knocked on Jimin's door quietly, making Jimin's eyes dart to the door. "I'm sorry... I wouldn't kick you out,"

Jimin scoffed, "Okay,"

Mr. Park walked over to Jimin's bed and sat down. "I'm sorry..."

Jimin looked at the ground, he didn't believe his father since his father never apologized for anything.

"It's okay," Jimin decided to say, since he didn't want to keep going on with the conversation.

Mr. Park smiled making Jimin feel uneasy, "You can go now... I'll be okay," Jimin told his father.

"Alright," Mr. Park said about to stand up but grabbed Jimin's wrist, pulling him forward making him fall to the ground.

"Stop!" Jimin shouted struggling to stand back up. Mr. Park had already attached the small circular device onto Jimin's wrist and pressed the button, making Jimin groan loudly from the pain.

Jimin kicked his father's legs making Mr. Park fall to the ground. Jimin quickly rushed to press the button stopping it then peeled it off and threw it somewhere in his room.

"You piece of crap," Mr. Park shouted as he stood up and walked out of the room. Feeling too angry to search the room for the device.

Jimin wiped his eyes and crawled back onto his bed. "You're the piece of crap," Jimin mumbled to himself so his father wouldn't hear and come back.

He picked the picture frame up from his bedside table and held it in his hands as he stared down at the once happy family.

"What happened?" Jimin asked himself then threw the picture on the ground. "Stupid world," He threw the blankets over his head as he crawled into the middle of the bed and laid down.

He didn't even want to look at his wrist, he still had the device that meant he could put the time back onto his, the only thing that was stopping him is he didn't know how to do it.

Being stressed out about the whole situation that just happened, Jimin forgot about meeting up with Yoongi to discuss his plan to save Jimin.


Yoongi went through with his plan without Jimin's consent since he never showed up. But it was a failed mission, he was going to steal someone's time but couldn't go through with it, he'd feel too guilty. So he let the lady go and went to go sit back down at the usual bench him and Jimin usually meet up at.

"Jimin-" Yoongi sighed loudly and stood up finally getting fed up with the time, he was going to go to Jimin's house. He remembered where it was since he walked Jimin home that one time.

It was a short quiet walk, he didn't care though, it was quite relaxing. Once Yoongi arrived at the familiar house he didn't know what to do.

Last time Jimin made him stay back some ways just in case his father was home. Yoongi didn't know how dangerous Mr. Park was, or if he was at all. But he kept his caution as he walked up to the door knocking on it gently.

Yoongi thought about walking around looking through all the windows until he found Jimin's room, but that involved too much work and he could also get in trouble if people thought he was trying to break in.

Moments later Mr. Park opened the door and took in Yoongi's appearance. "What? Are you lost?" Mr. Park sneered, seeing that Yoongi came from the other side of the town.

Yoongi stared at Mr. Park who obviously didn't take care of himself, he looked like he hasn't showered in a year or so. His hair was a mess, his clothes were dirty, and he hasn't shaved in a few weeks.

"Uh- no,"

"Then get lost if you're trying to sell something, kid," Mr. Park glared about to close the door shut.

"Is Jimin home?" Yoongi asked quickly.

"Yes..?" Mr. Park raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because he's my friend," Yoongi told Mr. Park.

Mr. Park opened the door and let Yoongi inside. "Are you staying for awhile... do you want me to take your coat?" Mr. Park asked, trying to get a view at Yoongi's time.

Yoongi remembered what Jimin said about his dad, then shook his head. "No, it's alright, I'm a tad cold,"

Mr. Park nodded and closed the door shut. "His bedroom is down the hall," He pointed down the hallway to the last door on the right.

"Thank you," Yoongi mumbled and began his way to Jimin's room.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, Mr. Park didn't seem like a bad guy, but Yoongi knew better and thought Mr. Park was probably just acting. "Jimin?" Yoongi knocked on the already opened door.

His eyes wandered to the lump on the bed, then sighed walking over to Jimin's bed slowly. "Jimin," Yoongi whispered, bending over to pick up the picture frame Jimin had threw on the ground earlier which was now broken.

He looked at the family and smiled seeing how happy everyone looked and how cute Jimin looked when he was younger.

Yoongi gently placed the broken picture frame on Jimin's bedside table then sat on the bed. "Jimin, are you sleeping?" Yoongi shook Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin moved his arm then sat up pulling the blanket off his head. "What?" Jimin yawned loudly, he turned his head to look at Yoongi and froze.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked, feeling more awake now.

"I was worried when you didn't show up," Yoongi shrugged glancing at Jimin's wrist. "Jimin?" He looked back down at Jimin's wrist noticing the time.

"Uh," Jimin sighed, "My dad..."

Yoongi pressed his lips together tightly trying not to freak out and go punch Mr. Park in the face.

"I didn't even look at it, is it bad?" Jimin whispered as he stared at Yoongi.

Yoongi stayed quiet, looking Jimin in the eyes.

Jimin slowly looked down at his wrist and sighed loudly.


"You lost eight days," Yoongi mumbled, feeling horrible. He really liked hanging out with Jimin these past few days, even though it wasn't much.

"Should we give up?"

"No! Jimin, I'll fix this," Yoongi said, he was thinking about stealing someones time again. He told himself he'll only do it one time, until he figured Jimin's situation out.


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