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A long day has passed leaving both of the boys exhausted. They managed to find a small abandon store, it was old and gross but it was better than staying out in the open.

Jimin and Yoongi had worked all day trying to clean the place up. Yoongi had found a broom in one of the storage rooms and swept the floor clean. While Jimin went through to see if any of the goods were still good. A few shelves had to be put back into place since they were tipped over on the floor. The electricity also was no use, they'd be stuck in the dark when the sun goes down.

"Ah, Yoongi, this is so much work," Jimin frowned wrapping the blanket around his shoulders more. It was cold and his jacket did nothing for him.

"I know," Yoongi dragged the back of his hand against his forehead, wiping the nonexistent sweat. "Why don't you lay down and rest, I'll take care of the cleaning."

Jimin nodded his head, taking up on Yoongi's offer. "Hyung, don't push yourself," Jimin said as he sat against a wall and watch Yoongi clean.

The sun has set meaning Yoongi could no longer move things around or read expiration dates on cans of food. It was now just as dark as it is outside, maybe even darker. The only light they had was the moon, which shined through the window on the wall across from where the boys sat underneath their blanket.

"It's kinda spooky..." Jimin mumbled pulling his body closer together. Yoongi nodded his head slowly.

"It's not that bad, though. I went through all the rooms. There's no one here besides us. It will be morning in no time." Yoongi kept his stare on window.

Jimin nodded, "We'll try and find someone who will help us tomorrow. Maybe even buy another blanket.. this isn't cutting it." Yoongi pulled the blanket up more.

"And a flashlight." Jimin added.

"Yeah, but how about we sleep?" Yoongi asked quietly.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin asked looking over at Yoongi's face as best as he could in such a dark room.

Yoongi turned his head looking at Jimin, waiting for him to go on with what he had to say. Both boys were silent, only a yawn from Jimin was heard.

"What did you want?" Yoongi asked quietly.

Jimin leaned over leaving a gentle kiss against Yoongi's lips. Yoongi immediately kissed back, sucking hard on Jimin's bottom lip, letting his hands lay against Jimin's hands.

Yoongi pulled away slowly, leaning his head back against the wall as Jimin leaned against his shoulder. "Good night," Jimin whispered as he closed his eyes.

"Sweet dreams,"


"Well..? Does that mean you'll help?" Yoongi asked the taller dark haired male, who had bags under his eyes obviously not getting enough rest at night.

The male stared with a dark gaze at the two boys. "I never said that but I'm willing to help if you pay me."

"Yoongi, just forget it." Jimin said, tugging at Yoongi's wrist. He didn't want Yoongi to waste his money on his time. But the older boy only pulled his hand into his own coat pocket grabbing his wallet.

He held the wallet up to the male's face and said, "Here, I have the money. But you're not getting it until you get the time." Yoongi opened his wallet to show the boy the money.

Jimin bit his bottom lip nervously, he knew it was a danger for Yoongi to be flashing his wallet around like that. It put them in danger of being jumped or even having the police get a lead on them if the young male was to snitch.

"Alright... you got yourself a deal," The male held his hand out with a sly smile plastered on his face. "Jungkook,"

Yoongi shook Jungkook's hand firmly then let go. "Thanks, now how long will this exactly take you."

"To be honest, probably around five to ten minutes. Just grab anyone off the street and take their time." Jungkook smirked, pulling his hands into his pockets.

"You don't care about if they have a family or not?" Jimin asked, raising his brows.

"You can't think about that stuff," Jungkook kicked his foot against the cement sidewalk. "Now, I'd love to help you guys out-"

"Which you are," Yoongi cut in.

"I am, but I have a list of other people to help before you's. So, let me do my job and I'll meet you guys back here tomorrow morning." Jungkook started to walk off leaving the two boys.

Yoongi watched him silently, wondering how much money the boy was getting for doing the dirty work for people.  He shook his head then turned to face Jimin.

"If he wants money, why doesn't he just kill people and then take money? He doesn't have to help people." Jimin told Yoongi.

"I dunno," Yoongi shrugged, "But you're getting time,"

Jimin let a long breath out, finally feeling relieved that he would have a longer time to live and it was all thanks to Yoongi's help.

i need to edit reality check but laziness

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