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Jimin nervously waited in line for his first scan ever. The scan he was going to be going through was to see if he still had the chip injected in his arm.

The small delicate chip that's injected in your left wrist at birth. If you don't have it while you go through the scan then you're automatically dead on the spot. It was a scan that happened only once a month. If you didn't show up then you get time taken away. Sadly Jimin was only gonna have to do two of these scans.

"Are you okay?" A blonde headed boy asked as he stood behind Jimin.

"Uhm... sure," Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm Yoongi," Yoongi said moving next to Jimin's side. "Is it your first time?"

Jimin nodded his head and blushed, feeling flustered about being near this extremely attractive stranger.

"Don't worry, they're not gonna kill you... unless you don't have a time?" Yoongi stared at Jimin, trying to figure out why he was freaking out about such a simple thing.

"I do," Jimin looked at Yoongi.

"I don't," Yoongi said blankly.

Jimin's eyes widened, "What!? They're gonna kill you!" Jimin whisper-shouted at Yoongi.

"Shut it," Yoongi hissed, he didn't need to be caught.

"Let me see your wrist," Jimin said staring at Yoongi's wrist.

Yoongi sighed and pulled up his sleeve to reveal his wrist.


Jimin gasped loudly seeing all the time Yoongi had left to live, he felt jealous that Yoongi was going to be able to stay and take his time with his life.

"I thought you didn't have a time," Jimin mumbled thinking Yoongi was just saying that so he could show off how much time he had left.

"I don't," Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Jimin raised his eyebrows as he ran his cold finger across Yoongi's wrist, over the numbers. "They seem real,"

Yoongi sighed, "My mom is wealthy, she paid someone to remove my chip and rewire it, i have the same time every day."

"Don't they track down how much time you have each time?" Jimin asked.

"Why would they do that?" Yoongi asked stepping along with the line. "They don't care if people steal your time,"

Jimin looked down at the ground with a slight frown, he thought about some memories that he really did not want to think about at this moment, he then looked back up at Yoongi.

Yoongi was lucky he had a wealthy family, they had the money to do that type of stuff. While the people who lived in poverty had to take the whole chip out them self and live in the shadows of the world not wanting to be found and killed.

Either way it was more likely you were going to die from the blood loss when you remove the chip. If that wasn't the case then you'd die from hunger or even the flu. But some were lucky, they could survive on their own.

Once the chip stops working it's assumed you're dead and when that happens you can't show your face anywhere in fear of being caught. You can't buy anything because you need to scan your arm to make sure you're not breaking the laws.

"What about you? How much time do you have left?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin pulled his sleeve up, he frowned seeing that he had even less time to live, a day had already past since his birthday.

"Oh gosh, when was your birthday..?" Yoongi asked with a frown as he stared at Jimin's wrist.

"Yesterday," Jimin sighed.

"I wish I could help you... but my mom doesn't like people like you." Yoongi trailed off quietly.

"People like me?" Jimin asked as he furrowed his eyebrows together. "I don't understand,"

"She doesn't like poor people, she thinks they deserve to die." Yoongi didn't really like that side of his mother. Luckily he was the opposite of her and wanted to help everyone he could.

"How could you tell I was poor?" Jimin asked getting closer and closer to the front of the line.

"Well, they usually give poor people less time to live... also, by how you dress," Yoongi mumbled, he felt bad, he didn't know if he was coming off as a rude person or not.

"Oh," Jimin said, he didn't want to continue talking about this stuff.

"I'll still try and help you, though," Yoongi told Jimin. "By the way, I never got your name?"

The person in front of Jimin moved leaving him to go next. "Why should you know my name, if I'll be gone soon, anyway," Jimin knew Yoongi wasn't going to help him.

Before Yoongi could get a word out the guard called for the next person in line. Jimin moved forward and held his wrist out. The guard slowly scanned over Jimin's wrist then told him to move along after it beeped, signaling Jimin was cleared.

Jimin let out a breath and looked at all the people around him, he could steal someone's time. But he wasn't going to do that, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

He peaked over his shoulder and saw that Yoongi had made his way past the guard perfectly fine.

Yoongi walked over to Jimin with a quick pace, not wanting to lose the younger boy. "What's your name?"

Jimin sighed quietly and looked over at Yoongi. "Jimin,"

"Well, Jimin, I'd like to see you again, probably tomorrow," Yoongi started. "Sound good? We'll meet here, at noon."

"Okay..." Jimin slowly turned on his heel and began to walk away back towards his home, feeling even more bummed about his life.

idk if this makes any sense

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