☕︎ Chapter 15: Not What He Shows!

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Currently, I'm sitting in Mrs Wilson's living room, stuffing myself with tasty pastries.

"Are they good?" She asked.

"It's super yummy!" I said, while chewing

"Aw, thanks" she said, excitedly even when she didn't even made them. Well, who cares? I'm getting to eat it that's all that matters.

"So, how is your sister?" She asked

"She is good and is gonna come back tomorrow." I replied.

"That's really a good news. Hey dear, did you like my sons?"

Eh? What?!


"Yes! Andren and Kevin?"

"Yes..." I muttered

"Cool! You know, Andren had always been the silent type. He is rude and gets angry easily. He doesn't like to chat with me and is a workaholic but he loves cooking." Mrs Wilson said.

"Wow" I faked a smile.

"Yes but I don't think you two will match-"

Excuse me?

What's wrong with the mothers of cliché love stories??

"Why are you so silent dear? Say something!"

What is left to say?

"Big brother is awesome" I nervously smiled

"Big brother-? Oh! Ohhhh!! Yes yes, surely" now it's her time to smile nervously
"Then what about Kevin?" She further asked

"WHAT?!" I shouted making her jump.

"Gosh! My heart would come out." she sighed. "You know Kevin is always among girls. Sure, because he is rich, perfect and handsome but he is not what he shows. Moreover, I don't want those kind of girls who are after his money. I wanted someone to keep him under control, to love him the way he is, to understand the real him." She said, softly.

He is not what he shows?

She is obviously flattering him, I guess she thinks her son is tried of the girls clinging to him, poor lady.

"I hope you'll find the one who loves him selflessly one day." I smiled. Ugh! That pervert should die among the perverted girls.

"Haha, that's so polite of you but I really found that girl." She smiled and held my hand gently.

"Then the problem is solved!"

"No, my bad" she sighed "Unfortunately, he doesn't like that girl and my gut feeling is saying that she doesn't like him either."

Wow! I really should meet her, she is a genius just like me! Well done girl!

"That's so cruel but I wish they will understand each other soon." I smiled.

"Wanna know who that girl is?"

"Sure, if you want to tell me." I chuckled.

"Well, she is none other than You." Mrs Wilson smiled gently.

"That's gre- WHAT?! ME?! NO WAY?!" I shouted again, making her jump.

"I know but-"

"I'm sorry but I thought you wanted to meet me not to use me." I said, getting up.

"Please don't get me wrong, I am not using you .I just..."

"What Aunty?" I said, being annoyed.

"I was always worried about my sons, I wanted to find a perfect girl for them and somehow I thought you would be perfect for Kevin." She explained "And it was your mom's last wish too..."

Why I knew about this?

"We hate each other!" I shouted "And please stop this, I didn't expected this from you."

I know I shouldn't behave like this but I'm not interested in him so why will I pretend I do to please her?

"I'm sorry" she said softly.

Did I hurt her? Oh no, she is disappointed because of me. I shouldn't have overreacted.

Damn me!

"Aunty?" I sat beside her and placed my head on her shoulder "I'm sorry, I overreacted too much. I shouldn't have said that"

"It's not your fault. It's obvious for you to react like that if someone suddenly tells you something like I did." she smiled.

"I understand but please don't ever think that me and Kevin can be together. I don't like this" I said as she chuckled.

"I won't" she said "But someday you will, he only needs someone like you." I heard her saying under her breath but I pretended like I didn't hear it.

The rest of the time we talked about my friends and sister. She started talking about her sons and husband again making me bored. I was also given delicious Tacos to eat.

"I should get going, it's already 9." I smiled.

"Ok" We came out and Mrs Wilson called the maids.

"Where's Andren?"

"Mam, he said that he'll be late and is busy in an important meeting." the maid answer.

"He will be late?" She mummered "Then Baby Hazel?"

"It's okay, I can go by myself" I smiled.

"No!" She shouted "It's dangerous for a girl to go home alone at night"

"But we don't have any other choice." I nervously smiled.

"No, we actually have." she smiled.

No..no..no.. Don't say it's him!

"Kevin!" Mrs Wilson shouted.



"Uff-why are you shouting mom?!" He shouted as he came out of his room wearing just a towel.

"Ew!" I covered my face as my cheeks turned red.

"It's nothing Ew, BABY Hazel! And moreover, why are you still here?" He folded his hand in front of his chest.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Mrs Wilson shouted"And go and dress up!"

"Are we going somewhere?"

"Yes, you both are going on a date!" She smiled

"What?!" Both of us shouted.

"Of course, I'm kidding " she laughed "Kevin, you have to drop her home"

"Leave it, I'm not going" he averted his eyes.

"Hey, then do you want her to spent the night here today?" She smirked.

"Ugh! No way! I'm going!" He sighed in defeat and went to his room and closed the door angrily.

"It worked" she winked at me and I smiled, of course nervously.


"Bye sweetie!" Mrs Wilson waved at me as I entered inside the car. It's already 10 now!

He took a full hour to wear a shirt was he making the shirt?!

He started the car and we went away.

"Um...were you drinking?" I asked disgustedly, because of the smell of alcohol that I'm sure is coming from him.

"yeah" he said and continued driving. The journey was calm but sometimes he loses control.

He is not what he shows?!

Of course, he never shows his drunken side!

Ugh! What does that even mean? And why I'm even thinking about it? He is an ultimate pervert who flirts with all the girls except me. I'm lucky to be the exception that he hates me. So why?

And moreover, why is he drunk? Oh, it's of course because rich people love drinking but you know, I'm only comfortable with water.

"Hey, drive properly!" I shouted as a truck suddenly came in front of us. He turned sideways and the car entered in an empty road and hit the pole.

"Aaah!" I shouted. When I opened my eyes, I found him hugging me.

"K-Kevin?" I mummered. He moved from me gently.

"Are you okay?" He asked, still in a daze.

"Yeah, I'm alright" I replied. There is something off about him, since he came out.

"Um...are you alright?" I asked.

"Huh? Yes, I'm fine" he said, as we came out of the car.

"No, there's something off about you" I said.

"Why do you care?"

"I don't. If you want to tell me then tell or else don't, as you wish" I shrugged.

"*Sigh* Clara wants me to go on a date with her" he finally said.


Dramatic problem?

"Wow! That's a great news!" I smiled.

"No, it's not." he said, sadly.

"Why? I thought you love her"

"No, I don't!"

Can't he reply fully? Why does the Wilson family talks to less(Mrs Emma Wilson is the exception)?

"Then why you are after her?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm not after her, she is."

Yea, and I'm the father of Albert Einstein.

"Yeah, but you give her the opportunity and also you flirt with all the girls and it's not new that you're dating someone." I said.

"You will never understand." he said, softly.


"Hey! What happened here?" A policeman rushed towards us and started shouting because of the damages.

"Don't you know that drink and drive is a CRIME?" He shouted.

After apologizing and paying for the damages, I returned to my house and Kevin went to his house, oops Castle!

But there is still something which I don't know...

He is not what he shows, then what is he? A Big Big Big As𝗌𝗁𝗈le?


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