☕︎ Chapter 58: Farewell

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Our exams finished and during the exams none of my friends talked to me. It was my fault, I shouldn't have shouted at Austin but..that doesn't means all of them will ignore me now.

The results were declared and today is the farewell.

I swear I'll kill that stalker if he gives me a task today. Obviously I don't want to ruin my least happiness.

I'm now confused about my friends. Will they ignore me today also?

Whenever I was in trouble, I had only one hope that I've friends but now...

Will I go to the farewell?

If I go then they will ignore me and I don't wanna feel lonely. Yup! I won't go! It's the best idea!

I was lying on my bed peacefully as usual but peace was far away from my vision. I wanted to go to the farewell because after that...I may not meet Kevin and Daniel.

I shook my head and looked at my phone when someone called.


"Hazel, I'm your biology teacher "

I woke up "Ma'am?"

"Yes, I want to tell you that please kindly come in the farewell " she smiled.

"B-but I think my health is not -"

"Austin told me that you'll make this Excuse that's why I called you. You have to come and I guess your friends also want that"

My heart rose up. Really? Austin agreed the teacher to call me? They really care about me?

"Okay ma'am. I'll join you all there" I smiled and hanged up.

I hurriedly dressed up in short gown and did some makeup, followed by the author's wine coloured lip balm ;)


I reached the college which was arranged beautifully and there was a huge crowd of students in the field.

I entered inside and was greeted by some of my classmates.

"Austin?" I called as he looked around.

"Hi" he said with a short smile.

"I'm sorry" I apologized.

"Its okay"

"You are still angry with me, aren't you?"

"Does that matters?" He asked.

"Yes, it does" I said with tears

"Hey! At least don't cry today! And leave all this, let's go to the photo proofing"

We met Emilia, Kevin and Daniel there as they were clicking group photo as we joined them.

They were normal with me and like that only.

After the photo session, the famous dance team of our college showed the  choreographed dance.

All the enjoyments were going on and after showing and gifting a presentation to the college, the graduated students tossed off their caps happily while shouting in excitement.

Me and Emilia clicked pictures of them as they hugged each other and thanked the teachers.

Yea...its been the happiest time of our life and now everyone will move on and who knows if we will meet each other or not.

In every ending there is a new beginning and today maybe the day for both happiness and sadness.

Everyone was in tears as they chatted and exchange numbers with their classmates and teachers.

Then it's time for farewell speech. After the students gave their speech, Kevin went to the stage as we clapped.

"I never lived my life so openly before entering the college. I was so shy that didn't had any friends in my school but...college changed everything.

What I needed was friends and that helped to find the rare happiness which I didn't had.

I would like to thank my teachers who helped me to open up so beautifully and taught me the real intention of life.

My life wasn't simple but it totally changed when I stepped into 3rd year. I met some unique people who didn't only changed my life but also my nature.

I thank all my friends and even if I try, I can't forget you all. Hope we will meet again and you are the best thing I got"

He smiled as his eyes were filled with tears but he wiped them and came down as we clapped.


"Your speech was really nice" I said to Kevin.

"Thanks and what do you think? Will we meet again?" He smirked.

"I have no idea. We may or may not " I smiled.

"So will you miss me?"

I looked here and there and said "Don't you think we should join others" I was about to go when he held my hand and pulled me near him.

"You didn't answered me" he looked at my eyes then lips.

What this pervert is upto?

"Yes, I'll miss you. Will you?"

"A lot" he replied and came more closer.

"Did I disturbed you guys?" Emilia said from behind, making us jump as she laughed "Its time for the final goodbye"

We nodded and went near the gate as everyone was crying.

"I will miss you guys! Thank you for everything and making the year so special" Daniel sadly smiled and hugged  us.

"We will miss you too" we smiled

"By the way, when you are going?" Austin asked.

"Next week" he smiled and hugged him tightly.

"And you?" I turned to Kevin.

"Tomorrow " he smiled.

"Tomorrow only? " I said, softly.

"Don't forget my dear Hazel " Emilia hugged him "Because I know you can't forget your brother's future wife"

That made us laugh.

"Of course! I can't forget all of you" he smiled "Thank you"

"Best of luck for your future" Me, Emilia and Austin smiled as they waved at us for the final time before leaving.

I will miss him...too much..

I sighed as Austin patted my head "You fell hard this time "

"Huh?" I turned towards him "What do you mean?"

"Aw, I mean that you love Kevin. Don't you?" He grinned.

"Hey, what's with that look? And what makes you think that?" I narrowed my eyes.

"You can't lie, baby Hazel " Emilia mimicked Mrs Wilson as they laughed.

"You all are insane" I averted my eyes as my phone rang.

Oh shit! Its him!

Kevin?! *blinks twice *

Uff- no! The stalker!

I cut the call and turned towards Austin and Emilia "I think I should go home. Bye!"

"Bye! Take care!" I left from there and called him.

"What now?" I asked the stalker.

"Your next and final task is here" he said.

"So, what I've to do now?" I asked.

"Its simple. I'm giving you an address. Just come and take your dad " he said .

"Really?" I smiled "I'm coming right now"

"Great! I'm sending you the address "

I hanged up the call and smiled.

So finally I'm going to see my dad! I'm sooo happy!

I wonder how he will be like. He must be happy to see me. Maybe he was also waiting for this day.

At last everything will be settled and sis will also be happy to see dad.


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