☕︎ Chapter 6: I'll Fight

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I woke up from the bed slowly.

Ahh! My head hurts!

I opened my eyes and saw two prince charming sitting beside me.

My princes~

They gave me a smile and held my hand.

"Are you fine, beautiful?" They held my hand and kissed it.

"Yes, I am" I said as a light blush covered my face.

"Hazel! Hazel! Are you okay? " I heard someone call. I opened my eyes finally and was shocked.

"My princes?!"

"Eh?" Austin and Daniel asked, confused.

I woke up slowly and held my head "Where am I?"

"Well, you were unconsciousness.. because of getting a hit from..the basketball" Daniel nervously smiled as I recalled the incident.

"It's okay. The nurse said that you are completely fine" Austin smiled


"One girl and two boys! Wow! What a scene!" Emilia laughed and clicked a photo of us

"Do you even care about me?" I averted my eyez

"Of course I do and I know you won't die that easily" she giggled.


"No mean comments!" She chuckled and handed me a packet.

"What's this?" I said and opened it. "Doritos!" I jumped with excitement as they laughed "Thank you so much, give me a hug!" I hugged her tightly.

"I knew it!" She smirked.

After stuffing myself with Doritos, I was finally relaxed.

"I'm glad that you are in our gang, Daniel" I smiled.

"Haha, yeah, you all are interesting. I love hanging out with you guys." he laughed, but yeah, nervously, obviously.

"I never thought we would find the famous guy's best friend with us. I'm literally thrilled right now" Emilia rubbed her cheeks with his.

"Yea yea, now stop flirting with him" Austin nervously smiled as we giggled.

"And yeah, not me wanting anyone else" I sighed

"Oh come on, just stop fighting with Kevin and let's all be together" Austin said.

"Never! This is impossible! He is my biggest enemy!" I gritted my teeth and banged on the bed as they jumped back in shock.

"Cool down girl, you shouldn't destroy the college's property" Daniel said.

"It's time for revenge." I smirked.

"Hey! I want to befriend Kevin, stop your revenge game here." Emilia pouted as I passed her a glare.

"He should know who am I. This year is not going to be good for him and I will make sure of it" I said angrily as Austin laughed seeing my angry face

"Seems like it's gonna be fun" Daniel laughed as well as Emilia sighed


"Are you ready?" I asked Daniel. We were standing outside the college with a long thread

"Yes! He is coming!" He whispered. Our plan is that when he will pass from here he would trip and fall in the gutter.

He, the famous Kevin approached near the gate but stopped. Unfortunately he was alone and he bent down and passed from under the thread.





"You are too young to play games with me" he said as I showed him my tongue.

"Well, you are cleaver" Daniel nervously smiled as we all came out.

"I know and are you really my best friend? I have a doubt" He said.

"Dude, I was just having fun with them." Daniel said.

"It's really not your age to play with kids" Kevin averted his eyes.

"We are not kids, Mister! And how dare you to throw the basketball at me?" I grabbed his collar.

"I didn't do it intensionally" he said, casually.

"How can you talk as if nothing happened?!" I shouted

"Hazel! Hazel! Stop fighting" Emilia dragged me from him

"Leave me, I'll kill this bastard today" I yelled as Emilia left me "Leave me, Emilia! I'll surely kill him!"

".... I'm not holding you anymore, go on" Emilia smiled


"Pfft- lost the courage now, huh?" Kevin grinned

"No, I didn't, I swear I can kill you and hide your dead body in principal's room right now! You don't know me!" I said to him

"Wow, I'm scared and you don't know me too"

"Yea yea, I know you very well. An ultimate pervert!" I mocked.

"You ugly piece of shit! You must be a slut, right?!" He smirked.

"How dare you to call me that?!" I slapped him as everyone was shocked.


"Hazel, enough is enough! " Emilia gulped in fear "L-lets go home"


"Let's go now." Austin said.

"Wait!" Kevin shouted " It's not done yet!"

"Kevin, it was a mistake. Leave it" Daniel said

"It was a mistake? And I have to believe it?" He gritted his teeth.

"You called her a slut it's obvious for her to get angry" He tried to explain him.

"And what about her calling me ' An Ultimate Pervert'?"

"Because you are!" I shouted, from our car, as Emilia pushed my head inside the car

"You again-" he tried to come but Daniel was holding him tightly.

"Let's go now" Austin and Emilia entered the car and drove away


"Are you seriously mad?" Emilia said, while getting into the car.

"Why will he say that to me?" I pouted.

"I know but both of you are guilty" Austin said while driving "Now he would surely do something and I don't think that it would be something pleasant".

"I am not afraid" I said "I'll also fight against him"

"Hey, let's give up and be friends. How long will this go on? And I don't want any further headaches" Austin said.

"Friends? Never!" I said

" I never saw this Hazel before" he chuckled.

"Neither did I, but he just touched a nerve of mine" I said "I really hate that guy"

"You shouldn't" I heard Emilia mumble.

"Did you say something?" I asked.

"No, nothing" She quickly denied.

It was silent after that. I looked outside the window then at Austin.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing" I replied slowly "Emi?"

"Huh? Yes?" She asked.

"Do you like him?"


"Kevin" I said as both of them started coughing.

"What?! No! Never!" She shouted.

"Don't try to act innocent. I know how you flirt with him" I averted my eyes.

"I do that with everyone but it's not like I love all the boys. Kevin is handsome and good-"

"Oh please! Don't say that atleast!" I said, irritated as she laughed.

"Ok but he is not my type" she smiled.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Why do you think that?" She asked.

"Nothing" I looked outside the window again.

I felt like she lied. There is something, I know what type of girl she is but her feelings towards him were different from others.

She always wanted to be perfect in front of him. I don't know but I can't say that she loves him because I didn't notice lust in her eyes.

There's something she is hiding from us. There's something related to him but is this true or am I thinking too much?

Even if she loves him then I shouldn't have any problem. I hate him but that doesn't means that no one can love him. She knows a lot about him...and I think there's something I don't know.

"We are here!" Austin smiled and stopped the car.

"Thanks guys" I smiled and came out of the car "Bye, see you later" I waved at them and went to my house.

I locked the door and looked at the empty house.

"Sis is not here" I mumbled and went to my room. I changed my clothes and went to take a shower.

It's feels like I'm showering myself with strawberry syrup. Ew!

I came out and jumped on my bed.

"23 missed calls?" I said and checked the contact list. It was sis. I called her.

"Hey Sissy!" I smiled.

"Where were you?! I was trying to call you for so long!" She shouted.

"Chill! I was in the Washroom. By the way, how's your work going on?"

"Yea it's going perfect. How are you?"

"I'm great!" I smiled.

"Ok. I've something important to tell you" she said.

"What is it?"

"Mrs. Wilson wants you to go to her house" she smiled.

"What? I don't want to go there. She will seriously bore me with her never-ending gossips." I made a face.

"Uff- she is an elder. Behave properly! She wants you to meet her younger son"

"Younger son? When did this son took birth?" I asked.

"He was with his grandfather when you met their family" she said with a 'duh' tone.

"Whatever but I'm not interested in her sons." I said "Moreover I'm busy"

"Look, we can't ignore her forever. She really wants to meet you" she said.

"Ok ok " I said. " but I will go some other day."

"It's fine. I'll inform her." She said. "She will be very happy to see you and you will finally get the chance to see her sons too" she giggled and hung up.

What the-?

I really don't want to meet her sons. Maybe they are also a chatterbox like her! Ahh! Where did I get myself stuck?!


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