☕︎ Chapter 9: Cheers For Losing

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That's Enough! I have to take revenge by anyway. I leaned my back against the wall and was thinking what I should do when my sight fell on the brown paint kept in a side for  colouring the furniture.

"Idea" I smirked

"What are you planning?" Emilia back hugged me

"Now he will pay for what he did" I laughed.

"Again? Dude, when are you two going to stop all this...but it's fun too." Austin chuckled

"Yup and it's going to be more fun" I said as we smirked at each other.




"Third year building?" Emilia asked.


"But what if a teacher catches us? They may suspend us." Emilia said with a worried look.

"Yes but we have to take the risk." I said as the three of us went to the third year building with the brown paint.

"Um...do anyone know the room number?" Austin asked.

"Yes, Room no 476 in the second floor" Emilia said with a smile.

"You seems know everything about him?" I averted my eyes.

"Yup! You can get any information about him from me" she said proudly as I ignored her and we went to his classroom.

"Hey seniors!" Emilia winked at the senior boys as soon as we entered in the class.

"Look, it's Austin!" A girl shouted

"Yes! AUSTIN ACKER!" Another one shouted

"He is really too hot" other said with sparkling eyes.

"And did you hear him playing guitar, he is really amazing at that" Another girl said as everyone agreed with her.

I gave them an ugly look as all the girls rushed and surrounded him

"Hi Austin!"

"Hey girls!" He smiled

"You know, you are really too cute!"

"Thank you and you're cute too" he said

"Aww, your voice is really amazing! I'm Suzi ,nice to meet you" Suzi winked

"And I'm Lisa" another said.

"You all are quite pretty" Austin smiled at them.

How can he shamelessly flirt with those senior girls?!

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat as those two dumb heads were busy with their Flirting session.

"Hey beautiful!" A guy said from behind. I turned behind and saw a blonde guy .

"Hi.." I nervously smiled

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked out of blue

"Yes, I do. But you can join the waiting list" I smirked at him as he cleared his throat and went to his seat.

"GUYS!" I shouted gathering everyone's attention "You can flirt later, can we please do the work now?"

"Oh yes" Austin and Emilia nervously smiled and we quickly put the basket of paint on the top of the door as the boys helped us.

"Finally done!" I smiled

"Nice way to prank the teacher" a guy said.

"It's not for the teacher" I replied


"It's for Kevin!" Emilia said.

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted as they quickly sat on their seat "Are you mad? We don't want to live in our nightmares in the last year of college!"

"Chill guys! Nothing will happen!" I said as they gulped

"I'm informing Daniel about this so that he can take him here quickly" Austin said and called him.


"Hey! They are coming!" Emilia said as she looked outside from the window

"Come here quickly" the three of us hid under a bench

"Ready?" We laughed excitingly

After sometime we heard footsteps coming closer. The whole class is silent, not a single sound except some whispering sound.

The next thing we saw, the door opens slowly

"Yess" we whispered but..

"AAAGHHH!" A heavy voice shouted. We looked up and our hearts almost stopped

"S-s-sir?" We mumbled. I looked behind me and saw a nervous Daniel and a smirking Kevin

Not again!!

"What we will do now?" Emilia asked me

"Only one thing is left" I said

"What?" They asked

"RUN!" I shouted as three of us stormed out of the class

"Wait! Who you are?!" We heard the chocolatey teacher shouting, the bucket was still on his head

"Who were they? I'll suspend them right now??" He screamed as he removed the bucket

"Um..they were wearing masks so we didn't see them." Daniel lied and hopefully everyone agreed with him

"But-" Kevin tried to say but he again cut him off.

"Sir, you should better get a shower" Daniel dragged Kevin to his seat.


"Welcome To International Basketball Tournament" the coach announced "Students are requested to take their respective seats "

I looked at the empty ground which was decorated with flowers.

"Let's take the front seats" Emilia smiled as three of us went there.

"I'm so excited" She smiled

"I didn't knew that you loved basketball" I said

"No, I'm not interested in sports but you know the boys of opposition team are so hot" She said, dreamily as we both laughed.

"Yea, there goes our Emi!" Austin chuckled

"Hey guys!" Daniel appeared in front of us, wearing a green jersey.

"Yo dude, looking cool!" Emilia said.

"Thanks! "

"Well, best of luck" Me and Austin wished

"Thank you very much, little radish!" Kevin smirked from behind him

He is last person I want to see right now!

"Haha, I have a complete faith that our school is gonna win!" Austin nervously smiled

"Yes, I know that because I'm there" Kevin said.

He and his ego! Uff-

"Hey prince charming!" A blonde girl said from left side. We turned sideways and found Clara standing with her group of girls.

"Hey babe!" Kevin excused us and went to her

"I have to go too. Lots of preparation are there." Daniel said and we wished him for the final time.

"I wish they win!" Austin said.

"But I wish they lose" I said

"Why?" Emilia and Austin asked together

"Because Kevin is in their team.!" I pouted

"Shh! Don't say that loud" Emilia said with a blush

"Huh? Why?"

"No-nothing" she said

"You are behaving weird lately. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine!"

"Okay" I said "And I hope they lose. Please god!"

"As if they will" Austin smirked and Emilia too.

"Well, then also-"

Best of luck for losing!


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