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{I Don't own BNHA}

{Nejire is one of my favorite characters along with Toga and I barely see any x Fem reader for any of the female characters so I'm making this}


{Y/N}:Your Name

{L/N}:Last Name

{H/C}:Hair Color

{E/C}:Eye color

{C/C}:Color Choice

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"You'll love him sweetheart he's just such a gentlemen" her mother boasted, as she tightened the corset that gave the {H/C} fairy princess more of a 'figure' and pushed up certain parts to make her look more appealing to the prince that she was to meet today, the man her parents arranged her to marry for Ancient Fairy laws stated she couldn't be a queen unless she married someone to produce an heir for the throne, "And he'll just love you your wings are one of a kind my child so are your gifts, I do hope my grandchildren inherit them from you" picking up the brush the older woman brushed out her daughters long hair, hair she was happy of and not her daughter.

It was clear to see the young princess didn't want this for her focus was anything but the mirror, no it was on a picture of her and her friends, including the one friend whom looked like her, he didn't have her {H/C} but their faces were similar, and he seemed to always want to marry a prince, maybe just maybe she could use this as her escape, though it would be quite selfish of her to throw away her friends freedom like that and if he were to get caught he'd be banished out of the fairy forests.

Unlike her parents she truly was uninterested in being a Queen, she wanted to be free and to travel explore and maybe find a nice place to make a garden, she would settle down with a nice Girl one day and not a Boy whom only cared for riches, it was the same story all men only wanted one thing from her and that was the crown, and her riches, and her beauty she wanted to be free to choose her own story her own path, her long hair annoyed her because her Mother loved it so much, never allowing the {H/C} female to cut it, she was just a doll to her parents even if she could fight, she was seen as fragile and in need of someone to Marry her.

Maybe that's why her parents decided to set her up with a Prince from another Fairy kingdom, the very person she'd be meeting today, her mother getting her ready when she could have done it herself, she hated the dresses her other picked they were to tight and she hated how tight her long hair was put up in a bun, she hated the shoes she didn't need for they floated around anyway with their wings.

She felt as if she couldn't breathe when her mother finally allowed her out of the room, the light makeup didn't help she hated it and she wanted it gone, she wanted to leave this place behind, her Mother and Father greeted the fairy king and queen from the water Fairy kingdom, the one she was to marry grabbed her hand about to kiss it but she pulled it away, her parents frowned .

"I do guess a handshake is in order than Princess?" He questioned standing straight wings pointed, she frowned "Where's your smile Princess I'd though you'd be happy to see me, than again it wouldn't be the last time will it seeing as we will be Wed next week".

"I do not wish to smile for their is nothing for me to smile about" {Y/N} spoke up for once "My parents are forcing me to marry you because they only see me as Their little Doll that they can use as their Puppet" 

"She's just joking" Her mother stated "We are not forcing her to marry anyone, sweetheart this is what is best for you" her Mother told her, as her father frowned uncertain why his dear precious daughter was acting like this.

"Your not a Puppet, we allow you to hang out with those flies like you wanted now you are of the right age you get to marry this fine young man" Her father stated "He can protect you from any humans dare crossing the forests"

"I don't need protection" {Y/N} snapped raising her voice, "Neither do I need it form some Man, you of all people should realize I am not into men Father, than again you and Mother never cared about that did you?" she hissed "And my friends aren't flies their more Family than you two will ever be because they understand me, they understand I Need Time to Bloom, instead of being forced to do as you wish!" 

Not daring to look back at her parents she flew out the room through one of the opened windows, her wings pushing her to go faster than any fairy, she was a fast flier and her gifts made her different she wasn't fragile and their was only one option she hoped the Gatekeeper was willing to help her.

Willing to free her from this life she never wanted, she wanted to be freed, and not marry someone she didn't love, she needed her time to bloom just like the flowers in her small garden in the forest.

And she would indeed get that chance, for her life will soon change forever.

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{Working on an update for The Life Of A Cat, and while I do that enjoy this new story}


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