Court Date Part One.

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Emily's POV

Court. That's the first thing that came into my mind when I woke up this morning.

Court. Judges. Jury. Lawyers. Dad.

I hear a knock on my door. "Co - come in." I say, my voice scratchy.

Katy and Topanga walk in. "Good morning. Are you ready for today?" Topanga asks me. She's in her lawyer outfit, very professional looking.

"No. But I have to do this." I say and look down.

"It's gonna be okay. We're going to win this. He won't hurt you again." Topanga says. I nod.

"Thank you guys." I say to the two women who have been like mothers to me more than my own was.

"Always sweetie." Katy says with a smile.

I smile back. "Let's get you showered and ready." Topanga says. I nod.

After my shower I go back in my room and change into the clothes that were chosen for me to wear.

It wasn't anything dressy. No dresses or skirts.

I leave my hair down, not doing anything special just putting a few clips and Bobbie pins to keep my bangs out of my face.

I sigh and leave my room. I go out into the living room and see Farkle.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I know you have court today. I wanted to see how you were." He explains.

"I'm okay." I say. He looks at my arms.

"You still have some bruises." He says.

"Yeah, these take longer to heal." I say.

I give him a small smile which he returns. "Thank you Farkle." I say to him.

"Why?" He asks.

"For being there for me." I say to him.

He smiles and gives me a hug. I hug him back. I let a few tears fall from my eyes. He pulls away and sees me crying. *It's gonna be okay. We'll all be there." He says and uses his thumb to wipe away some of my tears.

I smile at him. "Okay. Okay."

Topanga and Katy walk in the room with Maya.

"Hey Em." Maya says.

"Hey Maya." I say.

"We need to get going if we are going to be there on time." Topanga says.

Court room.

Topanga and I were sitting at a desk near the jury. They were about to bring in my dad.

The doors open and we all see him walking in, in handcuffs and a jail suit.

He looks at me. And if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now.

"Are you okay?" Topanga asks me. I nod, still looking at my dad. The judge isn't in here yet.

Skipping a little part. Judge now in room. Talking.

"Can we have Emily Daniels to the witness stand." The judge says. Topanga looks at me. I nod and so does she. She points over to where I'm supposed to go. I walk up there and sit down.

"Ms. Daniels, can you tell us what happened on November 8th?" The judge asks.

"When I got home?" I ask her.

"Yes." She replies.

"I got home and my dad was in the living room. I went straight to my room. My friend Lucas, called and we talked and then added my friend Maya to the call." She cuts me off.

"What were you talking about?" She asks.

"Our friend, Farkle, was being bullied. We wanted to figure out who it was."


"While I was on the phone, my dad walked in. Drunk. I hid my phone." I stop for a second, trying not to start crying. "He, he started hitting me and I was screaming and he was blaming me."

"Blaming you for what?"

"My mom leaving us."

"And how long ago did she leave you and your father?"

"When I was five, maybe younger. I don't really remember."

"And when your father was blaming you, did anyone here?" She asks.

"Um, I didn't realize I was still on the phone with Lucas and Maya. They heard everything. They came over, and saw everything. They helped me clean up my room and Maya helped me with the bruises and cuts. I made them promise not to say anything, but they did."

"Your father, when did he start this abuse?"

"Maybe a year after my mom left." I say.

"Will you show the jury some of the bruises, I can see some on your arms." She says. I look at Topanga then back to the judge.

"Do I have to?" I ask in a small voice.

"Please do." She answers. I slowly nod and show them the bruises on my arms.

"May I have Austin Daniel's lawyer up to ask some questions?" He walks up and looks at me.

"Ms. Daniels, you say your father hit you, but why did you never tell anyone?" He asks me.

"I was scared." I answer.

"And what were you scared of?"

"I was scared me would hurt me or my friends or worse."

"So if you never told anyone, and your friends heard you over the phone, what proof do you have that he hit you?"

"I have bruises all over me." I say to him.

"But who's to say you didn't do it to yourself?" He asks. I look at Topanga.

"Objection!" She says standing up.

"For what?" The judge asks.

"That little girls has multiple bruises and cuts on her the she couldn't possibly do them to herself. Her doctor said she had multiple bruises on her back. She could not possibly reach her back to bat herself." Topanga says.

"Okay. Mr. Jenkins, please ask questions on the main topic, not if she did it herself." The judge says and Topanga sits down.

"I have no further questions for Ms. Daniels. But I would like to question her friends Lucas and Maya." Mr. Jenkins says.

"Fine, we will take a five minute recess and then proceed." The judge says and she leaves the room and others do too.

Okay so this chapter is probably the worst I've ever written and I feel like shit about it. I'm sorry, I know it really sucked. But even though I watch some many cop shows I still had no idea what to do for this. I hope you guys liked it, if it wasn't to bad. Please, Please comment what you thought. I would truly appreciate it. Anyways thanks for reading. Bye.


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