Chapter 1- sign ups!

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(Joker's POV)

That DJ Peacock guy announced about some sort of Phantom Thief singing contest or something,'sounds interesting...' I thought before a cough interrupted me,"you know if your planning to compete, you better get ready some earplugs for everyone," a certain jerk's voice came from the seat next to me.

"Yeah, yeah, if I were to go there I wouldn't even sing, you on the other hand..." I stopped mid sentence, he raised an eyebrow at me while looking at me with a curious look,"me? What?","Well, they'll probably only hear about how much you like tea" I said with a snicker.

He got angry so he crossed his arms,"well at least that'll be better than hearing about curry", he said back. I only shrugged,"that song was a joke, I could've sang better but I wasn't competing". A snort was heard from behind me,"HA! You? Sing? I'd prefer going deaf!" Queen, another jerk, came in.

"Well I'm just going to check it out, any of you going to compete?", I asked but hey just shrugged,"Well we're going there anyways!" I shouted while standing up.

(Time skip to the location)

We were getting close, it's either because of all the airships parked near by or the big crowd below but I can't really tell which.

I did the same with all the other ships and jumped down with both Spade and Queen into the crowd of thieves below. We somehow survived and got into the far bigger space inside the place. Though it was big and widely spaced but it's still mostly packed from what I can tell.

After surviving the crowds we split up to see what we want. I walked alone through the noise,'ugh.... singing... are all these people going for auditions? Or are they just here to watch?' I asked myself. Surely not that many people want to sing, right?

As I walk aimlessly, weaving my way through, I finally see a familiar face,"ALICE!" I called out to her. She turned back and waved,"Hey!" She shouted back. I came over to her, she was in a line with a few other people in,"What're you doing?" I asked when I got to her,"Auditions duh! Isn't it obvious?" She asked when she put a hand to show how many are there, honestly it wasn't that surprising to see only a few.

"Joker?" Another familiar voice called out from not that far to the front,

It was Gem,'she's auditioning to?' I thought,"This line's soo boring! How long do I have to stand here?" She whined to us,"How long have you been standing?" Alice asked,"Uuuhh...... 10 minutes maybe?", she answered unsurely. "It hasn't even been that long...", I pointed out to her.

She shrugged,"so.... who else is here?" She asked,"I brought Queen and Spade along, Dark Eye's probably already in and..... I think-","I'M HERE TO IDIOTS!" Another person shouted. Half of the crowd went silent as she walked through.

"Of course, Ace", She came here and immediately got in line,"Wait you're joining in to?" I asked holding back a laugh,"yeah? So what?" She asked,"at least I won't make people deaf" she continued before I could say anything.

"No one else?" I asked they shrugged then we got into a conversation of something.

While talking, I caught a glimpse of someone sort of familiar, they were in the line but far too front and they looked short so I couldn't really see them that well, I think I was staring cause all 3 of them were calling me,"Oi! Joker?! What are you looking at?" Gem asked me then hit me behind the head,"oh-uh no one- I mean nothing!" I answered while rubbing my head.

Alice looked back to where I was looking then smirked,"ooooo, was someone staring at a girl???", she asked in a teasing tone,"N-no!","ooo, someone's lying!" Ace said then hit my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes,"Fine, I was staring at a girl, so what?" I asked, they all had smirks on their faces,"does someone have a cru-","No!" I cut Gem off her sentence,"then?" They asked still with a teasing tone,"sigh* you guys are idiots.." I facepalm as they snickered.

"You, you and you! Get in line!" A woman that seemed like she works here pointed towards me and a few other people,"w-wait! I'm not-","well, we don't have enough contestants yet, so you'll have to join",I was about to say something but she left.

With no choice and them all pulling at me, I got in line with a very upset face,"Oh come on, it couldn't be that bad, right?", Alice said with a slap on my back.

Well, I guess this is where this begins...

Everyone else who joined will be mentioned in the second chapter.

Here are the rules:

•You will have to request songs according to the genre given by me.

•Contestants will be able to cheat in some competitions, but it will not affect any results but it will not matter anyways cause you'll probably fail in your sabotage(this one's just for fun)

•The form to join will stay open until the book ends or there are too many characters to keep up with and additional info can be added at anytime

•That's it for now(rules may be added in the future)

•Contestants will have to vote for someone to win(you're not allowed to vote for yourself)

Genre: ROCK!
(ANY SONG WILL BE ACCEPTED AS LING AS ITS IN THAT GENRE examples to look at: Natewantstobattle)

request a song for you to sing and the winner will be chosen by me and my brother and probably my other friends)

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