Chapter 1: The Future

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Silver's POV
This world is devastating, before I was born. Why did this happen? No one could answer me, but they all pointed to the flames. Suddenly a big flame came in front of me and I use my psychokinesis to distinguish it. These flames, they destroy everything that is in their path. They came from an eternal lifeform that we can't truly defeat. The Flames of Disaster, known as Iblis.


"What was that?"

Hmmm, it seems like someone's in trouble! I dashed to where the screaming was coming, but the person who screamed wasn't here. But, I must be imagining things.


It's Iblis! Now it's time to send it back. So I dashed to Iblis, but Iblis was going back? That was weird. Then I started to talk to myself.

"Cliiiiicccckkk Claaaaaack"

That sounds like a pebble. When I turned around and I saw a white jackal! I wasn't alone after all. The white jackal starts to run away from me.


I started to follow it. Then it lead me to an abandoned apartment. I snuck quietly to his room and I saw inside was a huge room with a bed, pieces of metal, circuits, circuit boards, and guns. I believe that jackal was an illusion, because of the heat and I decided that I should take the ice gun.


Then the same jackal was holding a weapon, which is a light blue rifle! I grabbed the rifle and I pulled it out of it's hands and the hood came off and the white jackal revealed to be a female.

"Wait a minute, question. How old are you?"
"I'm chronologically 13, but physically I'm 19, and I'm old enough to kick your butt"
"Hey, but you attacked me"
"You were going to steal my ice gun"
"Well, I'm sorry, it's just that it's been burning hot outside,and I thought that I should use it to cool myself and you were a delusion"
"Really, you thought I was......"


"You led it to me!?"

"Oh no that sounds like Iblis!"

"Who's Iblis?"

"Oh by the way, I'm Silver. What's yours? And Iblis is a fire monster"
"Oh, I'm Viola and I called Iblis, the Inferno Ifrit"

"Alright, follow me if you wanna live"

Viola gathered all of the armory and then we head over to my place.

"So you've been trying to survive while searching for a way to get home?"

"Yes, Silver"

"We have two chaos emeralds and we need use chaos control to open a time rift, but Viola, where you from?"

"Okay, and I'm from another dimension, the Phantom Realm. I came here, because I saw my mark on my right hand glowing and a rift opened up and I went in and here. I am, and I'm half-Mobian"

"Really? Cool, and how did you find Iblis?"

"I sensed him and I head to the aura and I see him, so I decided to fight him and my eyes can change color depending on the mood I'm feeling completely"

"Woah, so what color is your eyes when you sensed Iblis?"


"Alright, now lets save this world"

We hold one chaos emerald.


Suddenly a rift appeared and Viola and I hold hands so we won't get separated.

Out of the rift

I jumped out first then Viola landed on me.

"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry"

"It's fine"

"It's beautiful, just like my home"

"Yeah, the sky is blue, the serenity, but not beautiful like a certain girl I known"


"Nothing" *thought* 'What am I saying? I just met Viola. I can't fall in love with a girl I met'.

"Lets go"


We ran off to search for a way to fix the future.

To be continued...

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