Chapter 1 ( Salem Witch Trial )

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" Where is the girl?" asked a soldier. "God, why is that girl again? She had sneak into the jail many times for some unknown reason. If this kept happen, he will blame put hang on us."said another soldier as he sign heavily.

I am running through the dark tunnel with the torch on my hand which is getting dimmer. I am out of breath because I ran so fast, leaving back the yelling and cursing of the Puritans soldiers. I am Amanda Airy and a Puritans who hated the laws so deep and tried to do many things that Puritans governments ceased. I don't know why I use the word "government" because no one use it here.

" There! Over there!" yelled a soldier. Without wasting another second, I run to another direction, but cunningly leave back my hair bow in the opposite side direction. After the crunch sound trail of,I know that I was successful on distract the soldiers which create a chance for Minho to rescue the innocent people; and I had gathered more information about this hallway system of the jail.

  Innocent people I am talking about were the people who being accused as witches, which I utterly think are ridiculous ideas. This takes place in my homeland, Puritans Village. Betty and Abigail who began this whole mess are my friends. They decided to play a game and I came up ideas which are to careen, writhe the body insanely and talking about crazy stuffs. Fantastically, the plan went pretty well, like what I expected. But we accidentally blamed 3 innocent people as witches whose have nothing to do with our game. I had try my best to convince the churches but they refused to listen and tried to put me in jail many times. Furthermore, because I had gone against their law several times, so I don't think they'll believe me anyway.  After saw these women' death, I and my best friend Minho Haluki, he been treated unfairly just because his weird name; had start a plan; that's to rescue all the pure people who had involved into the trials.

  Minho and I start to convince people to join us. For about 2 months, we gather about 20 people or so, which full of adolescents who are bored of the laws and wants to change the ways that the Puritans' ancestor lived for many generations.

   One day, I took a walk near the edge of the forest where not a single person would come near because this is where many Native American live. So nobody would discover a special trees called "Trainsmoquis" which are useful for making flexible but strong weapons. I discovered it long time ago but I never had the opportunity to use it, until now, due to this event. "Hey! Amanda!" yelled Minho. "Want to start the final step?" he asked. "OK. I will organize the meeting to announce our plan; I will produce more weapons, beside that; I'll also create a new saber using the Trainmosquis." I replied. "Um!" he smiled, reveals his dimpled cheeks which make me feel bright red.  I love his gentle and caring for other. And I watch him as his brown- red hair flying restlessly in the air, highlight his tan skin, which show calmness.

    We are going to the jail to finish my final step of the plan. After heading close to the jail gate, which is huge; cover with chain, iron, thorns wire, I separate myself and fascinate the guards by act like I am going to climbed over the wall. While I keep them busy, everyone 1 by 1 creep inside the wall by a lever which could folded smaller and made into longer if necessary. But the plan don't go that easy.  A girl trip and made a very small sound, but eventually, it drag the guards' attention.  So, I have to quickly hit them on the above head to unconscious them.  We finally find our way to where the jailer being held. And Minho and the other destroy the cage within a breath.

  Suddenly, sounds of footstep and screaming of lots of people coming from all directions. As I and Minho are back to back, I whisper: "I think we have betrayer." "Obviously" he replied recklessly.  "Oh, so you're scared. Don't you, intelligence Blondie?" he said as he smiles warmly. "No, of course not.- Let's fight! Minho, you'll see my strongest weapons I had ever created!" As command, I begin to pull a long, bright blade that is about 3m. Without another word, I run into the battle and begin get the innocent people out of the jail while getting the soldier out of the way. Because we have so few people on our side, the Puritans easily defeated us.

  I swing my saber ferociously which hit various soldiers who stand nearby. I got so hostile that when I see anyone with the Puritans symbol, I hit them without thinking. There are swords coming from many directions which are heading towards me all in of a sudden. Then, everything I see are just blackness, emptiness. When I open my eyes again, I see Minho's large-view face. He is crying like he had never been cried for 10 years or so. Then, I raise my hand and what I see is red, color of blood. "Ha-ha, was I being shot?" I said like nothing bad had happen. He just nodded quietly. Yes, I had been shot. 3 swords were pin into my stomach and chest. Minho said some of the jailed people and group members were successfully escape; and the sacrificed people on both sides were too much that he couldn't count.

  "Minho, could you finish our plan?" I asked in a heavy voice. Then I go on: "I feel sorrowful about indirectly occurred this trial which killed so much innocent people. So, could you?" "Yes, I will" he said as he swept my blond hair gently. "Thank you!" I whispered peacefully even know my pale skin keep getting whiter. Then I calmly close my eyes, relax my body and leave a smile on my face before I go to another world.  "Good bye, my dearly friend!" I whisper satisfied.


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