Chapter 2: Interrogation

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I didn't know a lot of things. I didn't know why the name flashed in my mind. I didn't know how I remembered the name. I didn't know why the simplest things were able to jog my memory. But I did know that there was something that the thread wasn't telling me.

Lena, Tanz, and Selah seemed genuinely clueless. Isaias was my main target. I already had a gut feeling that he was hiding something, so my suspicions were confirmed. But getting him to talk wouldn't be easy. I was never good at making people talk, so making Isaias talk was like trying to survive fighting a tiger blindfolded. But, I was going to do whatever it took to make him spill everything.

After I finish my homework, I went on my phone and went into my private message inbox. I tapped the conversation I have with Isaias, and I started typing. "Isaias, I need to talk to you," I type. I put my phone down and I pack up all my homework assignments. Once I close the folder, my phone screen flashes with Isaias' reply.

" 'Sup Shree?" the reply says. I unlock my phone and type a reply back. "I have a question. And you better be honest with me," I say assertively. My tolerance for any kind of crap is at a new low. Isaias better not try anything with me. "Depends on what the question is, Shree," Isaias says. I sigh. "It's the kind where you better be honest with me," I say. "Fine. What's your question?" he asks. "I want to know who is Gabriella Briseño is," I say bluntly.

It takes a while for Isaias to reply. I feel like he just got hit in the face with this information and he's trying to figure out what the hell I just threw at him. Eventually, after too much time, Gonzo composes a reply.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Shree," he says. I frown. Isaias is seriously testing me right now. "Cut the crap, Isaias. Who is Gabriella Briseño?" I ask. After I send that message, dead silence follows. That silence stays for a good two minutes.

I then send another message. "I'm waiting, Isaias," I say. All I want is answers. I felt like everything is a lie. I felt like I couldn't trust anyone anymore. I had developed trust issues a while ago, and I lost trust in lots of people.

I don't want or need Isaias to be another one of those people whom I had lost trust in. Eventually, I get a reply back. "I can't tell you, Shree," he says. "So he did know what I was talking about!" I think angrily. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe I was lied to again. I trusted Isaias. I thought I trusted him. Only for my trust to be broken again.

"You lied to me, Isaias. I can't believe you," I say. "Shree, I didn't mean to lie to you. I'm sorry," he says. I sigh. "If you want to do anything to make me feel better, tell me who Gabriella Briseño. Please," I say. It's the least he can do for me. I just want him to be honest with me. I don't want any more lies.

"I can't tell you Shree. Leave it," he says. That's it. I'm tired of all the lies. I'm tired of being fooled. I'm just tired of everything. If Isaias doesn't want to tell me, then I don't need to talk to him at all.

"Fine, Isaias. I'm not going to argue with you on this. But just because I'm keeping my mouth shut doesn't mean that I'm going to look at you in the same way," I say, and I turn off my phone. I'm too overwhelmed right now. I feel like everything is a lie right now.

I need to talk to someone. Someone close to me. Nikki doesn't know much about Isaias, and I am too lazy to explain everything, so I grab my phone and I go onto the Wattpad community. When I get on the "We Need More Friends 10.0" thread, Roy, Bee, and Yara are there.

"Hey everyone," I type. I can see Roy, Bee, and Yara typing, and Roy replies first. "Hey," he says. "What's up Roy?" I ask. I then scroll down to Bee's reply. "SHREE! Hej!" she says. I smile and type a reply back. "Hej Bee! Hur ar det?" I ask in Swedish. (Translation: Hi Bee! How are you?) I then scroll down to Yara's reply.

"Shree! Long time no see!" it reads. I smile and reply. "Agreed! How are you Yara?" I ask. I then see Roy's reply to my question, and it says, "My di- oh wait, sorry, underage." I roll my eyes. Typical Roy. Always so dirty minded and perverted.

"Well, Roy, you realize that it doesn't count if you already are one," I fire back. "Holy moly! I love that, Shree!" Yara types. I smile. They're the best. "Thanks Yara!" I type back. "Oh come on Shree. Can't deny that I'm totally hot," Roy says. I sigh. "I can't deny the fact that you can be so dirty minded," I say bluntly. I don't know how I haven't lost my patience with Roy.

Trust me, that's a mystery to me as well.

"This is why I love you, Shree," Yara replies. I laugh a little bit. "Well, I know I'm pretty awesome! Just kidding. Love you too," I type back. "Jag ar bra. Och du?" Bee replies. (I'm good, and you?) "Jag ar inte bra, Bee," I say. (I am not good, Bee). Then, Bee replies. "Oh no! Why is my Shree sad?" Bee asks. Yara then replies. "Is everything ok, Shree?" she asks. Roy then replies.

"That was actually pretty good. But what's wrong?" Roy asks. I tag all three of them. "I feel like my whole life is a lie. People have been lying to me, and I'm not happy about it. I just feel like everything is a lie. I can't take it anymore," I say. I can see all three of them typing back.

"I'm so sorry Shree. You can talk to us about it," they all practically say. "No it's fine. I'll hang around though," I say, and I talk to them for a little while.

I talk to them for another good 30 minutes. We have interesting conversations. Most of them involve me yelling at Roy for being so dirty and us arguing. If you ever find Roy and I on the same thread, sit back and get some popcorn. It's going to be a wild show.

And you get to see a lot of the dirty jokes he makes. That's just him. At around 8:00, I go upstairs to charge my phone, when suddenly, my phone flashes with a single Wattpad message. That one message fills me up with such confusion and a little bit of fear. I don't know what's going to be shot at me, but I prepare myself for the response.

I open the app, and I prepare to listen to whatever they throw at me. I never knew, "Shree, I'm ready to tell you about Gabriella," would ever spark this much emotion in me.


Well, there you go! The second chapter of this amazing book! Do you think I overreacted with Isaias? Let me know in the comments.

Hey everyone! How are you all? Well there we have it! Chapter 2! And slight disclaimer: thisisRoy isn't actually that bad. He's actually a super cool guy, so if you haven't, go follow him! He's a cool guy. And PurpleReborn is also super cool. Go ahead and follow both of them and show them love!

That's pretty much it. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! The next chapter is out next Wednesday, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Have a great week!

Love you guys,


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