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"People of Paris. It was heard that our superheroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir have defeated TimeBreaker. You can now come out of your home. It is safe."

"Did you hear that?" Alya jumped up and down excitedly. She took Marinette's arm and dragged her out of the bakery.

Weird. Shouldn't we be going back to where we came from? How come we're still eight years old?

Marinette frowned as Alya dragged her to where Ladybug was purifying the akuma.

"If they defeated TimeBreaker, then they would have time to talk to us," Alya said. But then she stopped as soon as Marinette let go of her hand. She turned to Marinette. "What is it?"

"TimeBreaker has been defeated. We should be going back to the age we were," Marinette pointed out. Alya gasped, realizing that her friend was right.

"Why isn't it working?" Alya looked around. "Why?!"

Adrien then came, running to them. Once catching up to them, he stopped to catch his breath.

"I... Just heard..." He huffed. "What's going on? We have to make this quick. I just ran out of the mansion and I think Nathalie is chasing after me."

Adrien was right. Behind them they saw Nathalie calling for Adrien's name, yelling out how his father wasn't going to like the fact that he took off again.

The three eight year olds ran away from her, running towards Ladybug and Cat Noir, whom were now crowded with people asking questions, and asking for autographs.

"Ladybug. Wait!" Marinette yelled, hardly believing that she was calling someone else Ladybug. She had to sometimes remind herself that she was not Ladybug. At least not now, and Tikki was not here with her.

Ladybug turned to see the kids running towards them. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. "What do you want now?"

"Who was that TimeBreaker?!" Marinette demanded. "What was her civilian name?"

"Allie?" Ladybug frowned, pointing to a girl with curly brown hair. "She got akumatized because her precious watch was broken by her enemy."

The three of them turned to look at each other. Why does that sound so much like Alix? And why isn't it Alix?!

"This is hopeless!" Adrien sighed. He then heard Nathalie calling for him.

Shoot, she caught me!

"Adrien Agreste, how dare you leave my sight and not come back when I told you to?!" Nathalie grabbed his arm. She looked at Marinette and Alya. "You two again? Why don't you just leave Adrien alone? He doesn't have time for you!"

"That's not true!" Marinette exclaimed back. "We are Adrien's friends. You're just keeping Adrien from having friends!"

"It's true," Adrien said, the thought of someone finally standing up for him about this making him grin.

While Alya tried to talk Nathalie out of taking Adrien back home, Marinette looked closely at Ladybug.

She doesn't exactly look like me when I was Ladybug. First of all, her hair is longer than mine, and she goes it in a pony tail.

"Listen," Ladybug noticed her staring at her. "I would be able to help you if I knew what you were talking about. You being eight years old again just doesn't make any sense."

"But it's true!" Marinette fought back. "We were fight TimeBreaker and she took us an k in time. We're not supposed to be eight years old!" She hated how nobody believed them.

"I..." Ladybug looked at her. "I'm sorry if what you're saying is true, but I can't help you." Her earrings beeped. "Got to go."

Cat Noir looked at Marinette as Ladybug flew away. "What were you two talking about?"

Marinette quickly explained what was going on. She hated explaining it all the time, but she would if the person she was explaining to could help them.

"Interesting." Cat Noir thought. "Wow."

Adrien realized as he was being dragged away by Nathalie. He doesn't have my perfect voice. Wow!

"Unfortunately, if Ladybug can't help you, then I can't," Cat Noir shrugged as his ring beeped for the third time again. "Bye."

Marinette groaned as Cat Noir left them as well. Turning, she saw Adrien nowhere in sight. Alya pointed farther away from them, telling her that Nathalie had already taken him.

At this point Marinette was above the to give up.


Adrien returned home with Nathalie. When he asked about his father, Nathalie told him he was busy, and one thought came to his mind as he frowned.

He's always busy.

"Adrien, go to your room, and sleep. It's already almost nighttime." Nathalie instructed. "Your father will come see you tomorrow, after you've had your sleep."

Adrien nodded as he walked up to his room. Opening the door, he went inside, and shut the door.

But the sight in front of him shocked him.


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