Chapter 1: Nico

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I'll just start at the beginning:

It had been a year since the Great War with Gaea. Percy and Annabeth were together, so were Frank and Hazel, Jason and Piper, and Leo and Calypso.

Coach Hedge was living in Tristan McLean's mansion alongside his wife, and two sons, Chuck and Norris. Percy and Annabeth were living in New Rome together, as they had always dreamed of, yet Natalie, Percy's little sister, of whom he adores, was staying with Sally. She was after all, just a newborn.

Reyna was helping Jason and Piper back in Camp Jupiter, putting up shrines for gods and goddesses, while also managing Amazon and EBay accounts to sell all the new collectible god and goddess cards. (They got huge orders every day).

I, for the most part stayed in my cabin at camp. I had it all to myself. Hazel would come and go, but really, It was all mine. Since I didn't have much to do, I either practiced with my sword, or wrote poetry in my secret notebook. If anyone found out about it, I'd be sent to my dad the hard way.

I got up, off my comfortable couch, and headed to the pavilion. It was almost midnight, but the cleaning harpys knew better then to mess with me. Enough said. I sat on the surface of one of the tables, Athena's and a pomegranate appeared in front of me. I slowly started to eat it, seed by seed, lost in thought.

"Hello Nico." A voice said next to me, and I jumped, startled. It was Chiron. Three years ago, I might've been worried, being caught this late by Chiron, but he had caught me many times and understood that I needed fresh air sometimes. I nodded a hello.
He breathed in the night air, and I did the same. We both breathed out in sync. I looked at him, eyebrows raised.

He looked away from me, and off into the distance, and said gravely:
"Nico. How would you react if I sent you to high school?" The question was so casual, but my reaction was... Umm... You need not know.
I was most definitely surprised.

"High school?" I asked. He nodded.

"Several campers in this camp and the next, have all had a very.... Busy, life. The gods, and I, and a lot of your parents, have decided that it's best for you to go and have some free time. To relax. I got up, not knowing what to think.

"Have you told the others? Who is going? For how long? Where will we stay? What about monsters? When do we go? Do I HAVE to go? Why Me?" I had started to shout a little. I closed my mouth, embarrassed, but still slightly mad.

He gave me a knowing-of-it-all look, and I sighed. "The gods, well... Hermes really, have went out and bought about a dozen homes, for you to pick from. They are all in the Goode High school, school district. You all have been given your own car, and a small stash of money has been set out for all of you. No expense has been spared. You all have your class schedules set out to fit your specific minds, and needs. Also, Hephaestus has gone out of his way, and has completely monster-proofed your school. Your mission is too make friends, and relax. Learning a thing or too would be nice as well." I stayed completely quiet through this whole thing.

"Are you going to be teaching there?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You leave in the morning, sorry to bring this on so suddenly. Bring your luggage to pavilion, and wait for your names to be called. Then go to Thalia's tree and wait for Argus to come and pick you up and take you to your new homes." I nodded, trying in vain to take this all in. I got up, and slowly walked away.


When I got to my cabin, I slumped down on my bed. I could hear Hazel snoring in the bunk below mine. I wondered if she knew about all of this. I was going to high school. Where there were people. Lots and lots of them. I sighed again, and got up to go pack. If Chrion wanted me to, then I guessed I would have to.


When I woke up the next morning I saw that Hazel was already awake and packing her suit case. "Chiron told you?" I asked. She nodded. I got up out of bed, and changed into a new pair of all black clothes. I said goodbye to Hazel, and walked out the door to breakfast. As usual, I was late, but I didn't care. I was always late. I sat down at my table, and dug into a huge breakfast of pancakes, sausages, oatmeal, a banana, grilled cheese, hash browns, and potatoes. It was good. Around 8:30, Chrion walked onto the stage/platform/thingamabobber and brought out a list. He read off a bunch of names, after explaining the situation. All the called on demigods got up and walked to Thalia's tree. All of them carried a tote or bag with them. Drew had three whole suitcases, and two handbags, FULL of stuff, which two male Aphrodite kids carried for her.

I walked behind everyone else. I noticed that Reyna, Jason, and Frank were here. They must have come in the middle of the night by rainbow. Iris had figured out a way to travel over rainbows. It took five drachmas, and for Iris to be in a good mood, but you could get almost anywhere in a heartbeat. Speaking of Iris, her Roman daughter, Stilla was here. Iris- I mean Arcus, had brought Stilla here herself. Stilla was something of a mystery.

Argus honked down below, and we all ran for shot gun. Piper used her charmspeak to get everyone to stop, and she hoped in herself. Everyone unfroze, disappointed and climed in the van. It was big enough to fit everyone in, comfortably. I was sitting between Travis and Conner Stoll, and it was a nightmare. Every one was talking loudly, and I was at my breaking point. I yelled at everyone to shut up, and we rode the rest of the way in stunned silence.


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