Chapter 4: Reyna

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I woke up on August 24th, the first day of school. I grabbed an apple and my book bag. I had showered last night so I was fine today. I hoped in my car and offered to give Leo and Nico rides to school. Leo said yes, but Nico said he wanted to take a shower and have breakfast first. I scolded him for being such a procrastinator, but left him at his house. 

Repair boy and I climbed into my car and zoomed off to school. He kept on trying to mess with the mechanics of the car, and he did it so many times, I stopped and made him get out and walk the rest of the way. Sadly, we were a block away, so my punishment didn't do much. I parked my car and got out. 

I walked up to the school. It was huge. I walked in through the main doors. Jason and Piper appeared next to me. "Hey Reyna!" Piper squealed happily. 

"Hi Piper. Jason. Can I see your schedules? I want to compare them with mine." They nodded and handed them over. The three of us shared biology, and Jason and I had P.E. together. We walked to o]our lockers, separating on the way. I found mine, and did the code. (13-33-03) It was easy enough. 

I shoved my bag in it and walked to my first class. It was Algebra. Our teacher was Mrs. Cole. She wore a fancy red wig and a long green dress. I plopped myself down in the back row. I was one of the first students there. A boy with bright blue hair, and deep gray eyes, wearing all black was sitting next to me. He turned to me and flashed me a wicked smile. I rolled my eyes leaning back in my chair. 

He turned to me. "G'Day mate, may I ask yer, what's yer name? I've never seen you aroun' here before." He had a thick Australian accent, yet he didn't seem to be the type to come from Australia. 

"I'm Reyna. I just moved here with a few friends." I said as casual as possible. He nodded. 

"Are you from anywhere real far? Or are you just from around here?" He asked. 

"I lived really close, but before that I was all the way in California." 

He smiled. "I have a cousin who lives in California. He's a real outcast though. It's kinda' like he's the only one of his kind. I kinda feel bad for him almost."

I nodded, thinking about Nico. Speaking of the devil, Nico walked in right at that moment. He saw me and sat in the chair on the other side of me. 

"Hey Nico." I said. I turned to the Australian guy and introduced him. "Wait a minuet." I said. "I don't even know your name." He smiled again. 

"It's Caelum, but you can call me Cael. It's what everybody calls me." I nodded and finished the introductions. The bell rung and class started. We faced the front, and Nico's scowl deepened. It was obvious, he didn't like school.


After class Nico and I compared schedules. They were identical, up till when I had a Nature class, he had a Home skills class. He looked embarrassed. I said goodbye to Cael and we headed to Biology. I sat next to Nico and we decided to be lab partners. It was better to be with someone that you know. Jason and Piper were seated in the desk directly in front of us. 


After class, Nico and I walked to English. He placed himself all the way in the back row and I sat with him. It was kind of weird to be spending so much time with him. It was a lot like the good old days when we were traveling across the world with the Athena Parthenos. 

Our teacher was Mr. Bowen, he seemed really nice, and I liked him already. Every question he asked I raised my hand for. At school I decided I would let myself go a little bit. He seemed very excited to have someone  happy to answer his questions. I felt at bit like Hermione Granger. Nico didn't budge to answer a single question. 

"Now class, I am assigning you a two page essay on How Rainbows are made. But first, can anyone tell me how? Reyna?"

I smiled and explained that what causes a rainbow is when water droplets are in the air and the sun is shining. Sunlight, which contains the colors of the rainbow, is bounced off these water droplets at different angles, making different colors appear to our eyes. 

Mr. Bowen smiled happily. "Thank you Miss Ramirez-Arellano. Well done. You will all go home and write the essay using correct formatting, and at least ten of this month's Spanish vocabulary. Thank you. Class dismissed." Everyone got up to go. Mr. Bowen called Nico's name. I walked to Mr. Bowen's desk with him, but he dismissed me, and told me to go to class.

I couldn't help but to wonder what they were talking about. I left for my next class, P.E.


I saw Jason leaning against the bleachers and I walked up to him. "Do you know what we're doing yet?" I asked. He nodded. 

"We're just doing warm-ups, since it's the first day. I think that we will be jogging the track."

I nodded my thanks and ran over to Nico, who I saw just entering the field. "What did Mr. Bowen want with you?" I asked. He blushed.

"Oh. Umm... Nothing. Just a... Performance check." He mumbled. He looked nervous. 

"But it's the first day? A performance check now?" I asked bewildered, not sure if he was telling the truth or not. 

"Exactly!" He said. Then walked away quickly. I rolled my eyes. Boys. 

Author's Note: Hope you liked this chapter! Disclaimer: I did not make the video at the top of this chapter, and I did not make it for the previous chapter or the next chapter. Comment below on what you thought of this chapter! 

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