Chapter 6: Nico

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 I had just walked out of the restroom when I spotted Cael making his way over to Reyna. Anger boiled inside of me, but I had to keep my cool. I didn't think the gods would appreciate it if I got kicked out of school on my first day. I casually walked towards them, while still keeping my distance. 

Cael asked her a question, and she nodded happily. I could only assume what they were up to. I cringed. I knew that Reyna could protect herself, but she hadn't been acting a lot like herself since we left Camp. Also, she didn't know what was coming, so who was she to be prepared?

Cael left and Reyna grabbed her supplies and walked to class. 


I was following Reyna. It was the end of the day and Cael and Reyna were walking together. I was ten feet behind them, and trying to act casual. Cael wandered to the side with Cael and I watched them closely. He walked off with her, down an alley. I watched them from the shadows. Any sudden movements, and Cael would with he never messed with Reyna. I'd show him.  

He pulled back his fist while her back was turned, and all of heck was unleashed. I jumped onto his back and Reyna whipped around and punched him in the stomach hard. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious. 

Reyna didn't seem surprised to see me. 

"Nico. Thank you for watching out for me." She said. Her normal powerful aura had come back. She stood tall with her back straight. 

Cael started to come to but she pounded her foot into his chest and he blacked out again. 

"How did you know I was here, and about Cael?" I asked. Reyna smiled. 

"It was because of you. I noticed you following us, and considered that you saw Cael as a threat. I put myself on guard. Thank you Di Angelo." She said. 

I knew that I shouldn't have been surprised. She was after all, the praetor Reyna. I smiled back. 

"Glad I could be of help." 

We walked to our cars, and drove off to our homes. 


It was about ten at night, I still hadn't fallen asleep, when I heard a knocking on my door. I quickly put a shirt on, and walked to the front door. It was Piper. I said hello. 

"Hey Nico! Piper squealed. 

"What are you doing here so late. Piper?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. 

"Well, I just on my way to this big star-gazing thing downtown, and thought that you might want to come!" 

"Sure, I guess I'll come. Let me grab my shoes." I slipped on my black tennis shoes and hoped in Piper's car. Jason was front seat, with Piper. I slid in next to Reyna. She smiled at me, and I decided to return it. We drove for a minuet before picking up Percy and Annabeth. 

They climbed in, aand we drove away. "Are the other's coming?" Percy asked.

"Leo didn't want to, he's got a date with Calypso, Frank and Hazel are meeting us there, and the Stoll brothers thought this was going to be boring, so they stayed at their house. Grover and Juniper are on a picnic. So, yeah... Kinda." Piper explained. I shifted in my seat.

"How long till we get there?" I asked. 

"You better not ask those stupid questions all night!" Piper scolded. 

"I won't, I was just wondering if I should just shadow-travel the car there."

"No, It's only an hour long ride." Piper assured me. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Do you guys want to play a game?" Percy asked. 

"Sure! Pipere said. 

"Jason. Let's play Truth or Dare! I pick you! Truth or dare?" Jason smiled. 

"Dare." Jason said. Piper thought for a moment. 

"Umm... I dare you to open the car door, and fly out to the nearest house, and tap on a window with a flashlight on your face." Jason grinned. He did as Piper ordered. As Piper pulled over, Jason flew out, and everyone moved to see what he did. They couldn't see very well, so they just stared into the darkness. 

Nico sat back in his seat. Then, he got an idea. 

"Guy's! Do you want me to shadow travel to Jason with one of you?" Piper's eyes lit up, but she said that she'd wait at the car for Jason. Annabeth and Percy agreed. They didn't like the feeling of Shadow Jumping. 

Reyna, who was used to the feeling of traveling by shadows, agreed, and held out her hand. I grabbed it, and we melted into darkness. 


We appeared on the roof directly above Jason. He was just reaching the window. We both jumped down next to him, and he flew back five feet. 

"Guys!" He whispered loudly. "Don't do that!" I laughed to myself, and Reyna smiled. 

We looked into the window. Two little brunette boys, around the age of six, sat up, playing a card game on the floor. Two twin beds are pushed to the wall, and blankets are all around. Another small boy, blond this time, walked into the room. He was tip-toeing with a bag of chips and a bowl of salsa. 

They were obviously having a slumber party. They were whispering excitedly. They probably didn't want to wake the parents. This was going to be fun. 

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