#€hąpťëř Ñïňę#

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[Ciel's POV]

The dreams happen every night now. I tossed and turned in the sheets. They swaddled my body, tangling me in a net like trap. I was panting, and covered in cold sweat. I kept mumbling small words.

"No. No stop...don't. Stop it!" I moaned.

The dream was killing me.


I stood helpless. No one could see me, no matter how much I screamed nothing would change. (Y/n) sat in a metal chair. He breathing was heavy and her head was bowed. Her hair covered her eyes and shadowed them, preventing me from seeing her blood red hues. Tears rolled down the side of her face.

(I imgaine the anime version of crying....probably bcuz Kuroshitsuji IS anime!! XD)

Claude walked into the room, a whip in his hands. I screamed at him to let her go but he just kept walking like he didn't hear me.

The whip came in contact with the left side of (y/n)'s face. She turned her head away from the impact but her bangs still covered her eyes. She began mumbling and Claude became severly agitated.

"No matter what you do to me. You will NOT hurt my Ciel. I. Won't. Let. You." (Y/n) spoke slowly.

Claude growled darkly in anger and slapped (Y/n) again with the whip in the same speed as the last strike. Her skin split and blood tricked down her face. A painful backhand connected with the smoothsoft skin of (Y/n)'s cheek.

I winced as if feeling the pain. The cuffs on her hand unlocked and she stood. Claude watched as she refused to look at him.

"I bid you goodnight and sweet dreams, Claude." Y/n whispered and turned away.

I followed her and watched as she walked to her room. Once she made it in her room she collapsed and began sobbing in pain. I tried to comfort her but she couldn't feel it. She crawled into her bed and sobbed harder. She mumbled something, and it broke my heart.

"Please Ciel...help me." She whispered and fell asleep.

~Ëñď ĎŕęåmŁàñď~

I jolted up and panted heavily. I can't let her go through that anymore. I swung my legs over the bed side and stared at the broken bloody mirror I kept all these years. I refused to be rid of it because it reminded me I was the reason she left, that I was why my life fell apart that day.

I stood and began getting dressed. I won't stand by and wait to help my love anymore. I looked at the clock and to my surprise it was almost five in the morning. I walked from my room and went to Sebastian's, knocking quietly. He soon opened the door, revealing himself in black pants and a white night shirt. Unbuttoned if I might add.

"My Lord? What are you doing up at this time?" He asked, quite surprised.

"I had another dream and this time it was of (Y/n) being beaten brutally by Claude. I will wait no longer to have her back, we go now." I finished a walked off.

Sebastian dressed quickly before following me out. We didn't take the carriage, we walked instead so we didn't draw any attention to ourselves. We finally made it to the Trancy manor and Sebastian and I looked for (y/n)'s room. A single window was lit with a dim yellow glow. Sebastian and I looked at it to see a candle sitting Inside the open window.

I climbed the nearest tree and looked in. (Y/n) lied on her bed, covered in bruises. Just like the ones from my dream. I growled in anger. I got down and began throwing rocks at the window.

(Y/n) must have heard because she looked down at Sebastian and myself. Her gaze became pure horror. She looked around frantically, and behind her as well.

"Ciel!? Sebastian!?" She whisper shouted.

"We're here to bring you back with us (Y/n). Im here to take back what's rightfully mine." I whispers back.

Tears filled her eyes and I became nervous and upset.

"Ciel I want you to help me, I really do but I don't belong to you. I belong the Claude. He's branded me. I'm his soul property." She let her tears trail down her face as she cried.

"Im not leaving without you!" I whispered harshly.

"Look you two have to leave! If Claude found out what we're doing not only would I be in trouble but him and Alois would kill you two."

"If its a fight they want, its a fight they'll get!"

"No! You dont understand! As long as I'm still breathing he will not hurt you! Just leave!"

"It's too late for that." A voice I knew all to well laughed.

I turned to see Alois and Claude standing side by side. I growled.

"What have you been doing to
(Y/n)?" I asked.

"She needed to be disciplined. She is a disobedient brat so I punished her." Claude smirked.

Sebastian growled deeply before the battle began and he pulled out his knives.

[Your POV]

I ran to the door and tried to open in but to my dismay I found it sealed shut.

"Damn it..." I mumbled

I banged my hand on the door and called out for one of the other servants here at the manor.

"Hannah!! I need you! Now!"

No answer.

I banged on the door a bit more before getting tired of it. I grabbed a chair and slammed it against the door. It didn't budge. I kept finding this to slam against the door until the small click of the door sounded.

The door swung open to reveal Ciel. His eyepatch was gone, blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, his nose and from the split skin on his cheek. He wasted no time scooping me Into his arms, bridal style.

"Sebastian I have her! Just hold them off a bit longer!" Ciel yelled out the door.

Ciel jumped out the window, surprisingly, and he landed on his feet. He looked back at the Trancy manor before running do the street, me still in his arms. Ciel stopped in a small field next to a tree. He sat me down and pinned me to the trunk.

"Why did you leave!?" He said without looking at me.

"I left because I had no reason to stay. I hurt the one person who made life worth living." I whispered.

"(Y/n) I love you and I hope you love me back." He mumbled.

Before I could respond his lips touched mine. So warm and as soft as they were four years ago. My arms slowly crept around his neck and his hands lightly danced over my stomach. I gasped and whimpered as my shirt was pulled up and he touched my bruises.

He pulled away and gave me a worried look. He looked down and his eyes widened in horror. Before he could do anything a smooth voice I had come to love, spoke.

"Excuse me, but young master Ciel?" Sebastian mumbled.

Ciel dropped my shirt and looked up.

"What Sebastian?" Ciel growled softly.

"Lets bring (Y/n) home. I'm sure Lady Elizabeth and the others would like to see her again."

"Fine." Ciel looked back at me and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Come on. Let's go home." He whispered and smiled at me.

He took my hand and that's when I realized how wrong I was the leave. How much I loved Ciel. Tears began to stream down my face as I stared back at Ciel. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked worried. Before he could say anything, I tackled him in a hug and kissed him.

"Im sorry I left you. I guess I didn't realize just how much I loved you until I lost you." I stuttered.

He hugged back like it was no big deal. He pulled away and wiped away my tears.

"You're back now. Nothing else matters. Let's go home." He smiled once more.

He took my hand again and we began waking home. I missed him... Im just glad I'm back.

I love you Ciel.

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