Chapter 11

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"So what's our plan?" The Doctor asked, pulling out his sonic screwdriver from his jacket. Frisk looked at Sans and shrugged, prompting him to speak.

"i might have a way to monitor the timelines and see where they are going," He said, "but i don't have all the pieces i need. we need to go talk to alphys."

The Doctor recognized that name. That was the scientist who's lab he'd been stuck in when the royal guard caught him. "I'm not exactly sure that's a good idea."

"you got a better plan?"

He didn't respond. Sans grinned in satisfaction. "thought so. don't worry about it. if i know alphys, she'll be happy to help us."


Together, the three of them managed to walk all the way to Alphys' lab, thankfully not meeting any enemies along the way. Once they arrived, Sans stepped up to the door and knocked.

"J-just a minute!"

There were muffled sounds of footsteps before the door opened and Alphys stepped out.

"Oh! H-hi, Sans. I d-didn't expect to be s-seeing you today. And you have friends also-" she froze when she caught sight of Frisk and The Doctor. "Another human, and..."

"We've met before," The Doctor said in response to Sans and Frisk's curious looks. "Sorry about leaving you before, there was something urgent I needed to do."

"No, no. It's f-fine! Um... why don't you all come in?"

The three of them followed her into the lab. Nothing was really a surprise to them as they all had been there one time or another. Frisk didn't even look at the screen that was watching their every move. Instant noodles and movie discs covered the counters along with many doodles of anime characters.

"S-so what did y-you guys need again?" Alphys asked once they had all entered the lab.

"uh, well there's sorta a problem," sans replied, "y'know all the cracks that are appearing everywhere? we might have a way to stop them from growing but we need supplies. you're the only person who might have enough stuff."

Alphys smiled a little. "Yeah! D-definitely. If you n-need blueprints I might have s-some of those also."

Frisk nodded. "That would be great."

Alphys stared at them for a moment before shaking her head. "Sorry, it's j-just a-a little hard to g-get past the fact that you're human." She turned around and began to walk upstairs. "I'll find the s-stuff. Y-you guys wait here."

Without hesitation, both Frisk and The Doctor began to search around the lab. Frisk walked over to the spot where Mettaton would usually begin his quiz show, only to find that the set hadn't been finished. They had arrived too early.

As they were inspecting the room, The Doctor was looking at something completely different. Amongst all the crumpled pieces of paper and trash on Alphys' desk were some notes that she had taken earlier on the physical properties of his soul.

Two hearts fused together to make one soul. Twice amount of DT? <---- Testing concludes moderate amount of DT
Soul color: Orange. Appears to be greyed out. Bravery
Theory: Based on physical properties, cannot absorb any other soul. <----- DO NOT TEST
More powerful than human soul? Less powerful?
Testing conclusion: is not compatible with DT extractor or Barrier.

The Doctor furrowed his brow. He must have been unconscious for a very long time for them to have enough time to do all that testing. Although this information about his soul was new, he supposed it made sense. As he continued to pour over a the notes, Alphys walked back into the room, carry as much machinery as she could, which proved to be a substantial amount.

"I found some s-stuff!" She called out from behind the massive pile. "I could use a h-hand, though."

Together, they all managed to lower all the spare parts down to the floor. Immediately Sans grabbed the blueprints and began to make notes on them. While he was busy, The Doctor walked back over to the desk. Alphys followed him.

"The equation here is wrong," The Doctor said, pointing at a paper involving mostly abandoned research on determination in plants. "Change the X to a G, then divide it by the sguare root of Z and you've got it."

Alphys scratched her head. "Y-you're right. I'll change it." She picked up a pencil and made the change. The Doctor picked up the Timelord soul paper again.

"So what's all this?" He asked casually.

"O-oh! Those are j-just a few notes I m-made. Nothing really important." She tried to grab the paper, but he held it out of her reach.

"See, I didn't even know a soul could exist in physical form," he said, "What else can you tell me about them?"

Alphys sighed and gave up on trying to grab the paper. She sat down on the edge of the table and began to explain. She spoke very quickly and as she dove deeper into her explanation, her stutter began to go away.

"A soul is defined as the very culmination of your being. It is basically who you are. All your hopes and dreams are quantified inside it, making it you. You can live without a soul, but you wouldn't be you. You'd be an empty shell without your soul. Monster and human souls are very different. Us monsters have completely white souls while humans have colored souls depending on their most dominant personality trait. Your dominant trait is orange, the color of bravery. However, your soul is mostly grey. I've been theorizing on this, but I still don't have a solution. As far as I know, a grey soul only happens when each individual trait is cancelled out with its opposite. Although how that would be possible, I'm not sure. It would take hundreds of years for that to happen to a soul. Human or... You. Um, obviously you're not human, so what are you?"


Before he could tell her, there was a loud booming knock on the door.

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