Chapter 14

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Frisk needed answers, and what better way to get them than to ask?

"Tra-la-la where would you like to go today?"

"Hotland," Frisk said as they climbed on the Riverperson's boat.

"Then we're off..."

As the boat sped across the water, Frisk began to notice the cracks covering the walls had become much more frequent and much larger. They bit their lip and turned to face the Riverperson who began to hum distractedly. So far they had been the only monster who seemed completely indifferent to what had been going on. All they seemed to be worried about was their boat.

"Tra la la. Don't snoop behind people's houses... You might be mistaken for a trash-can."

Frisk smiled slightly at the bit of random advice. It was very rare for the Riverperson to give any advice that made sense, but the comments were appreciated anyway. After a few moments, the boat pulled up next to Alphys' lab. Frisk climbed out, thanked the Riverperson, and walked towards the elevators. They rode up and were met with a strange monster upon opening the door. This monster was entirely gray and resembled a large, disembodied head. He glanced up as Frisk approached.

"I understand why Asgore waited so long to hire a new Royal Scientist. The previous one…Dr. Gaster. His brilliance was irreplaceable. However, his life…Was cut short. One day, his experiments went wrong, and… Well, I needn’t gossip. After all, it’s rude to talk about someone who’s listening"

Frisk continued on their way until they reached another gray monster. This one was standing completely still, staring out into the distance with a blank expression on their face.

"It makes sense why Asgore took so long to hire a new Royal Scientist. After all, the old one…Dr. Gaster. What an act to follow! They say he created the CORE. However, his life…Was cut short. One day, he fell into his creation, and…Will Alphys end up the same way?”

The final monster that Frisk wanted to see was standing directly in front of the elevator labeled R1. He was the most detailed of the three gray monsters. He had whiskers and ears which resembled a cat, but only his smile was visible on his face. He held a hand to his head and stared down at a large blob in his hand. When he spoke, the blob moved instead of his mouth.

"Alphys might work faster. But the old Royal Scientist, Doctor W.D. Gaster? One day, he vanished without a trace. They say he shattered across time and space. Ha ha… How can I say so without fear? I’m holding a piece of him right here."


There was only one more place Frisk needed to go to before heading back to Snowdin. It took a little while, but eventually they managed to make it to the judgement hall. They had been here far too many times to count. Grimacing at the memories of the battle that had taken place in the previous timeline, Frisk cast their eyes around the hall. Everything seemed normal, except for the large blue box surrounded by caution tape near the end of the hall. Frisk was about to move closer to investigate, but stopped abruptly once they saw who was standing guard next to it. The entire Snowdin guard minus Undyne was patrolling around the box.   Frisk held perfectly still, remembering that dogs could only see moving things.

"Hold on," Dogamy's ears perked up and he began to sniff the air. "I smell something..."

The rest of the dogs also began to sniff the air.

"I smell it too," Doggo replied. "What is it?"

The dogs began to walk closer to Frisk who began to panic. If they made any sudden movements they would be spotted, but the dogs were moving faster than Frisk could get to the exit.

"It smells like a human!" Dogaressa exclaimed.

"But where?"

Frisk glanced around frantically. Any moment now the dogs would find where the scent was coming from and attack. What they needed was a distraction to...

The stick!

Frisk grinned and held the stick high above their head, thankful they had not thrown it away earlier. The dogs stopped sniffing the air and focused their full attention on the stick.

"What is-"

"A stick!"

"Get it!"

Frisk waved the stick in the air a little before throwing it as hard as they could to the opposite side of the hall. The dogs ran after it and Frisk dashed out of the hall before they could notice.

Frisk had barely walked for five minutes when something made them stop dead in their tracks. The air directly in front of them began to spiderweb with cracks. As the cracks spread, Sans suddenly appeared directly in the middle.

"Sans?" Frisk said in disbelief. "Did you try to teleport?"

Sans looked exhausted. He was out of breath and rather than answering, he only said one thing before disappearing again.

"i've figured it out."

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