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Before we get into the story...Let me introduce you for the two new TMNT fanfics that I have planned for the future:

Current Summary: Leon has managed to catch the eye of a mysterious billionaire who will stop at nothing to have him. Even if it means separating him from his family and using him for less than favorable means.

 Current Storyline: The leader. The genius. The comedian. All of his brothers are known for something, but what is Leon known for? The question plagued him every single day yet his family never seemed to notice. So what happens when it becomes too much and he runs into the waiting arms of Baron Draxam who wants his own purposes. Inspired by Like Father Like Son by eternalglitch and Facing Comsequences by Hallyeet.

Hope you comment on these and tell me what you think about them and the storylines and before you ask...Those two fanfics mentioned in Insecurity are on Archive of Our Own. You can cheek them out if you want, but right now....

Let's head into the story:

Raph was punching one of the many punching bags in his room. It was the only thing that kept him from thinking about his older brother. Fearless. Brave. His older brother. A brother who was still in the hands of that blasted Shredder who was doing who knows what to him. The very thought of that made him punch harder to escape the guilt, sadness and rage that was building up inside. 

"I should've been there." He said to himself as he looked at the almost destroyed punching bag. He thought about everything that he's done to his beloved brother which almost made him want to head out there and find Leo himself. To make up for all of the taunts and fights that happened because of him. He was hotheaded and Leo was just trying to be a good leader and brother. Yet he wouldn't hear it. He was too stubborn and bitter about not being made leader all of those months ago. 

"Raph? Are you alright bro?" A voice said as Raph turned around and came face to face with Mikey. 

"I'm fine." Raph said. He expected Mikey to walk away and go back to watching cartoons, but instead he just continued to talk.

"Don't try to lie Raph. We both know that you punch one of your punching  bags whenever you're upset." Mikey said.

"How did you.." Raph started to say until Mikey interrupted.

"We've lived here for years Raph which makes your habits very easy to figure out." Mikey said.

"Just leave me alone Mikey." Raph said.

"No. Ever since Leo went missing...all you and Donnie ever do is exclude me out and snap at each other to hurry up and figure out his location." Mikey said.

"Sorry about that. We just want to find Leo and hope that he's still okay." Raph said.

"We all want that, but we shouldn't fight with each other about it. That will only add more time to Leo being in Shredder's clutches." Mikey said which made Raph nod in agreement.

"I know. It's just...I keep thinking about how badly I treated Leo. He always tried to be there for us yet instead of thanking him...I just.." Raph said until Mikey gave him a hug.

"I know. We all should've treated Leo better, but what happens in the past can't be erased. But that doesn't mean that we can't make things right when he's free." Mikey said. As Raph was about to thank him, April rushed through the doors with a panicked expression on her face. The two turtles were about to ask why she was so worried when she said:


Meanwhile, Leo was sitting on his bed and started to stare at the wall right in front of him. It was the only thing that could pass the time besides medication which he hasn't done in a while. The reason being that he was trapped in chains and the Shredder always came and started to have "fun" with him.

Speaking of which, he knew that at any moment Shredder was going to come through that door and do it again. And again. And more after that. It was enough to make him question if he was truly worth saving. His family would be disgusted and he still doesn't know what he did to his body. 

His scars were mostly healed and he could hardly notice that his plastron was cut open. But he knew that something was different about him which he hasn't put his foot on. Slowly he started to drift asleep just as the Shredder started to prepare for his meal...which would be one of the elements to make him submit to him and only him.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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