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4 days later 

It's been four days since Leo made the unfortunate mistake of spitting on Shredder and he was already back in his cell. True to the Shredder's word, he was also never given food or water for the last couple of days. Which made his miserable days worse since he hardly had any energy to do anything excluding staring at the ground or walls. This was hell and he was sure that he was on his last legs of sanity. As he wondered how his family was doing without him there, he heard footsteps approaching which meant that Shredder was coming.

"So how are you feeling Leonardo?" Shredder asked. Leo just stayed silent knowing that he was going to be mocked by the Shredder regardless any answer that he gives.

"Staying silent? Do you think that you can keep this up forever?" Shredder said.

"Yes. My friends and family will save me." Leo said while knowing deep down that they weren't. It could take months or even years to find him..which is time that he didn't have. He was already breaking mentally and physically and spending more time with the Shredder will only destroy what little sanity he had left.

"Oh really? Then where are they? It's been several days since I took you yet they haven't showed. Face it...they forgot about you and left you to rot." Shredder said.

"No. They're coming for me. I know they are." Leo said.

"Please. They know that you're tainted and have left you behind. Besides do you really expect them to rescue someone like you?" Shredder said which really hit Leo hard. They knew? They found out all about his "fun" with Shredder and left him behind. Why? He always helped them yet..he suffered numerous ridicule and harassment from them. All because they think that being the leader immediately makes you a kill joy and the only one responsible for things going wrong.

"You're wrong. They..." Leo said before Shredder touched his left shoulder making him flinch a little before staring at the Shredder's eyes.

"They don't care about you Leo. Never have..never will. Just accept it." Shredder said as he watched the light die out in Leo's eyes. 

"I'm worthless to them. I failed them." Leo said.

"That's right Leonardo. They hate you...and wish that you die here alone in a cell." Shredder said which destroyed the last crack of sanity that he had left. As he started to shiver and cry...Shredder looked at him with a smirk and knew that it was time to start the second step of the plan. Meanwhile Splinter and the three remaining turtles felt like something was amiss and quickly tried to shake that feeling off. Everything will be fine once they find their brother again....


Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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