True Change to me...

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True change is when I can walk alone at night,

Without the fear of being violated.

True change is when I can be completely independent,

And not worry about frying my own dreams in the kitchen.

True change is when I can follow my passion,

Without being worried about any other reasons, not to.

True change is when I am allowed to love whoever I want,

And not worry about losing my other loved ones...

True change is when my future is not a question mark,

And money is not the singular goal I must work for.

True change is when I don't have to watch them starve,

And can sleep tight, knowing they'll all grow up healthy.

True change is when the fear of recession,

Doesn't rule our lives, like a terrible tyrant.

True change is when our sisters and brothers at the borders,

Can come home, for the world is united and at peace.

True change is when the world is one,

And harmony is the common language.

True changes... am I too ambitious to yearn for them?


At last I have finally posted the 50th poem in this book🎉🎊. 

I loved writing this poem because it helped me realise want I want to change in this world and man there is a lot. But if I could just take one tiny step in the right direction, I can at least know that I tried.

Hope you enjoyed this poem?

What is the true change you want to see in your lifetime, whether in you or in your surroundings?

Thank you for being patient and reading all these poems! 

Vote and comment!

P.S: Virtual blue M&Ms for those of you who stuck with this from the start, you guys are awesome!🔥

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