Chapter 19

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"Kid!" a voice called. Shaking as he finally took two steps away from the van, Tiny looked up as a red tailed hawk climbed out of the passenger side. Rushing over to the child, the large bird knelt down as he murmured, "Oh my god, are you okay?!" Still frightened by what almost happened, Tiny nodded his head. Breathing a huge sigh of relief, the hawk exclaimed, "Thank goodness, I'm so sorry. My partner is an idiot."

"I'm the idiot?! You're the idiot, not me!" another voice hissed angrily as a Sphynx cat got out of the vehicle. Marching over, he pointed a sharp claw in Tiny's face as he lectured him, "And you! Watch where the heck you're going! Don't you know you should look before you leap?!"

"Oh you're one to talk! We could've just committed a crime! I don't want to go to jail for vehicle homicide! And with a child as the unfortunate victim!" the hawk snapped, standing up. He was about to say more when the hairless feline clamped his beak shut. Glaring at his partner, the cat hissed, "How about you shut up and get in the van before I pluck the feathers off your pretty little wings!"

"Sorry sir... I'll be careful in the future..." Tiny mumbled. This day just kept getting worse by the second. He lowered his gaze when the two adults looked down at him. Sighing heavily, the cat released his hold on the hawk's beak as he muttered, "Make sure you do kid. Santa doesn't visit funeral homes." Approaching the kid again, the red tailed hawk patted him gently on the head as he spoke softly, "Don't listen to him, he doesn't like kids. Happy holidays squirt."

"You too," Tiny replied, feeling better. He honestly felt like he could trust these two. Sure, they almost hit him with their van but whatever, stuff like that happens. He smiled at the pair. Smiling back, the hawk looked over at his partner as he remarked, "Hey, you have anything NICE to say to the little gentleman here?" Rolling his green eyes in annoyance as he opened the driver side door, the Sphynx cat looked down at Tiny. Sighing, he murmured, "Okay okay... Merry Christmas kid, and have a happy new year." He finished the statement with a grin, revealing his golden tooth.

Bad mistake.

Staring at the golden tooth, Tiny could've sworn that he had seen it somewhere before. Then it hit him. He HAD seen it before. That last night he was with his family. A police officer had come to the house with one just like it. The cop and this cat were spitting images of each other. That's because they were the same person! Then Tiny remembered something else. The thieves from last night, their silhouettes. There was a skinny cat and a large bird. And their voices matched these two's voices. Putting the puzzle pieces together, Tiny figured it out.

These two WERE the thieves!

Tiny couldn't help but gasp at his discovery. So much for trusting these guys. That wasn't an option anymore. Realizing that he was still staring at the Sphynx cat, he slowly turned and walked away. He prayed that the pair didn't notice anything wrong with him. But they had. Watching the kid walk away, Ozone frowned. Looking over at the cat, Tiberius asked, "What?"

"Did you see how that kid looked at me? I don't like how he was looking at me," Ozone muttered, flicking one holey ear. He was still watching the young pup walk away. Following his gaze, Tiberius murmured, "You recognize him?" Huffing, the hairless feline shook his head. He had seen too many kids in the last week. Tapping his talons thoughtfully on the hood of the van, the red tailed hawk suggested wisely, "Let's follow him, see what house he goes in."

"Good idea," Ozone replied, getting into the van.

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