Chapter 2

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The house of the Russell family was filled with noise and light. What would you expect?! The Russell family was a big family. And they loved to go on vacations. Not just around Christmas time. It happened during the summer and sometimes around Easter. They once took a vacation to California during the beginning of the school year for no exact reason other than to go to California. Guess this is what rich people do when they have a big family and a whole lot of money.

They were also rushing around like a bunch of chickens who had their heads chopped off.

"Hey, excuse me! Excuse me! People! Hey! Your friendly neighborhood police officer is here!" a Sphynx cat dressed in the attire of a Chicago cop exclaimed. He had just come by to check on how things were going in the big house. However, not a single one of the family could hear him as they were too busy shouting at each other and rushing up and down the stairs and through the halls. Well, it was either they couldn't hear the police officer or they were purposefully ignoring him. Rude. Huffing irritably, the hairless feline crossed his arms over his chest as he declared, "Fine, I'll wait."

There was a knock on the door.

"Parakeet Pizza!" a voice called on the other side. The police officer turned around and opened it, letting in a green and yellow parakeet. In his clawed hands were ten pizza boxes. Trying to peer around the tower of boxes, the parakeet asked, "Are you Mr. Russell?" The Sphynx cat shook his head in reply. Groaning inwardly, the pizza delivery man grumbled, "You're my witness. I got here five and a half minutes early." The cop nodded his head in understanding.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here! It's hard dealing with a starving family!" Gidget cried, seeing the pizza delivery man. Still carrying Tiny in her arms, she hurried over through the sea that was known as her family. Setting her young son down on the floor, she gratefully took the pizza boxes away from the parakeet. Watching as she walked out to the kitchen with them, the parakeet called after the Pomeranian, "Hey! Someone needs to pay for that! And a tip and review is very much appreciated on the Parakeet Pizza website! My name is Sweetpea!"

"Max, honey! There's someone who needs to see you!" Gidget called up the stairs.

"Busy night, huh little fella?" the police officer remarked, smiling down at Tiny. The little basset hound puppy nodded his head silently, gazing up at the Sphynx cat. There was a golden tooth in his smile. He had seen it glistening in the light when the cat smiled. He just kept staring at him while the cop continued talking, "So, is your family going on vacation? Where are you all going?"

"I'm not supposed to be talking to strangers," Tiny replied without hesitation. Just then, his dog Hu trotted by from the living room to the kitchen. The little boy followed him, leaving the cop alone with the parakeet known as Sweetpea. They weren't along for long though as Max Russell walked down the stairs. Approaching Sweetpea, the terrier shook his hand as he asked, "Sorry bout the wait. How much is the pizza?"

"$100.39 sir."


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