Chapter 33

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The sun was below the horizon. The full moon was high in the night sky. Tiny was finally back at his street. His house was up ahead. He was almost home. Sighing softly, the young basset hound puppy looked around, admiring all of the Christmas lights on the houses of his neighbors. That's when he saw her.


Seeing his scary neighbor, Tiny froze in his tracks. Shoveling snow off the sidewalk, Chloe didn't see him yet. Watching the gray tabby cat working all by herself, the young basset hound puppy couldn't help but feel bad for her. She looked so lonely. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Tiny made his way across the street to where Chloe was. Summoning all of his courage, he mumbled, "Hi."

That caught Chloe off guard. Looking up, she stared at Tiny with wide eyes. Her gaze softened after a second and she meowed quietly, "Hi there Tiny." Surprised, the pup asked, "You know me?" Bowing her head briefly, the tabby cat explained, "I've been here before your parents bought your house."

"Wow, that's cool," Tiny remarked. Her striped tail twitching, Chloe murmured, "Look, I know there's a rumor going around about me being a serial killer. Those aren't true." She was about to start shoveling snow again when Tiny pointed out, "Yeah, I figured. You seem like a nice person."

"Huh, why thank you," Chloe purred. She actually blushed at the compliment. Smiling quietly, Tiny looked down and saw a bandage wrapped around her paw. "Are you okay?" he asked. Flicking her ear, Chloe nodded and answered, "Yeah, I fell yesterday and cut my paw on accident. It's okay now." Sighing, she looked around before she asked, "Are you by yourself?"

"Yeah... I accidentally got left behind..." Tiny admitted, shuffling his feet. Gazing down at him, Chloe murmured, "Ah, I thought so. I was supposed to take care of your dog but I found you at the house. I haven't seen your parents at all." Wringing his paws nervously, Tiny whimpered, "It's all my fault, it's my fault they're gone." Tears brimmed in his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay," Chloe whispered softly. Kneeling down, she pulled Tiny into a warm embrace. Petting his head with a gentle paw, she went on, "It was an accident. These things happen from time to time to anyone. It doesn't mean that it's one person's fault." Drying his eyes, Tiny mumbled, "Thank you." Smiling, Chloe replied, "You're welcome."

"Hey, you wanna come over to my house for Christmas dinner tomorrow, if you're not too busy," Tiny asked. Purring softly, Chloe smiled and answered, "I would love that Tiny, thank you. Have a merry Christmas." Wagging his tail, Tiny replied, "Merry Christmas Chloe." Giving her another hug, he hurried on home. Getting inside, he realized that he had only one hour before the thieves arrived.

"This is my house," Tiny growled, "I have to defend it."

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