Chapter 42

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"Hello, 911. What's the emergency?" Sheriff Rooster asked, answering the phone. Clearing his throat, Tiny replied in a deep voice, "Help, my house is being robbed. My address is 6719 Illumination Avenue. My name is Liam." Hanging up the phone before the Welsh sheepdog could say anything, the young basset hound puppy exited his parents' bedroom just as Ozone and Tiberius arrived.

"There you are! Get over here kid!" Ozone shouted, rounding the corner. He, of course, failed to see the tripwire. Running right into it, the hairless feline flipped in the air and landed on his back. Learning from his partner's mistake, Tiberius nimbly leaped over both the tripwire and the Sphynx cat before crashing on the floor. Tiny turned to run. However, the red tailed hawk was faster and grabbed the pup's ankle with one taloned hand.

Game over.

"I got ya rascal!" Tiberius snarled, smiling triumphantly. Panicking, Tiny held on to the nearby stair railing tightly. He struggled to free himself. However, the hawk had a firm grip on his ankle. And it was clear he wasn't about to let go anytime soon. Trying to come up with a plan, Tiny looked to his right just as Leonard's pet tarantula Pepe crawled by. Lightbulb moment. Grabbing the large spider, he turned around and remarked, "Merry Christmas sir."

Then he promptly dropped Pepe on Tiberius's face.

Staring at the gigantic hairy spider crawling on his face, Tiberius let out the loudest ear splitting screech he could muster. Releasing his hold on Tiny, he continued shrieking in terror. He threw the tarantula off his face. Curling up into a tight ball next to the wall, the red tailed hawk realized with horror that the spider was now on Ozone, who still hadn't moved from his spot on the floor.

Free, Tiny ran for the attic. Racing up the stairs, he tossed the potato gun off to the side before making his way over to a window facing the backyard. A rope hung from a wooden post to his treehouse on the other side. A bicycle handle hung on it. In other words, Tiny had built a homemade zip line. Grabbing the bicycle handle, he crept out onto the windowsill. Shaking, he looked around nervously.

Groaning quietly, Ozone blinked his green eyes open to find Tiberius towering over him. The hawk had a tight grip on his crowbar. The cat was completely oblivious to the fact there was a giant tarantula crawling on his chest right now. For the moment, he was only concerned about what was wrong with Tiberius. Rubbing his eyes, the cat murmured, "Tiberius, where's the kid?"

"Don't move!" Tiberius hissed. He slowly raised the crowbar over his head. His eyes widening, Ozone couldn't help but whimper. There was a bad feeling crawling up his spine. Or was that coming from his chest? Trembling, the hairless feline mumbled, "Tiberius, what are you doing?" Not answering, the red tailed hawk froze for a second before he brought his crowbar down on the cat's chest. He missed the spider but he succeeded in hitting something else. Now he had to deal with something more dangerous than a tarantula.

All the while, Pepe the tarantula crawled away unscathed.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Tiny looked down. A steak in his mouth, Hu wagged his tail. At least someone seemed to be in a good mood. Down below him, Tiny could hear the robbers arguing about something. He wasn't sticking around to find out. Without any more hesitation, the basset hound puppy jumped down from the windowsill and zipped through the air. Terrified, he could see his treehouse coming closer and closer. He screamed during the last part of his short journey. Then he crashed into the treehouse, landing safely on pillows. Getting up, he looked back at the house.

"Where'd he go?" Ozone muttered, looking around as he peeked his head out the window. Sporting a black eye, Tiberius grumbled, "You... you don't think he committed suicide, do you?" Hearing that, the Sphynx cat punched the red tailed hawk in the eye again as he growled, "Shut up."

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