Double crossed

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As the police arrest the bad guys, thrpolice officer grabs the golden dolphin.

"The bad guys go bust!" Tiffany Fluffit reported as she and her news crew stood at the front of the art museum.

The cameras were rolling as the Bad Guys were dragged from the gaping front entrance, handcuffed and struggling.

"The nefarious fivesome has finally been captured. And I, Tiffany Fluffit, am first on the scene"

As the bad guys were been taking in, Thomas watches them while holding princess, he had a sour look on his face.

chief tugged Wolf toward the police van, the police chief was euphoric.

"Wow," she said, "I just realized that I have devoted my entire adult life to putting you in jail. You are my purpose. Without you, who am I?" She whined then She shook her head, laughing. "Ha! I'm Just kiddin' This is the best moment of my life! It's the end of the Bad Guys!"

before wolf and his team are put in the van, he looks back to see tiny toons waving at him and smiling, which gave him an idea.

"Hold on chief there is something you should know, before you throw us away I want you to know: we weren't alone on this, those tiny toons over there helped us"

Everyone gasped and the tiny toons acted offended, "yeah right you expect me to believe that the winners of the tickets helped you steal the golden dolphin" she laughed.

"You don't believe me, check the cameras" wolf says and it made the tiny toons worried.

The chief didn't wanted to believe him, but she ran to check the security cameras with the governor and Tiffany and Thomas, where they will see the tiny toons helping them. after the tiny toons finds out they have been exsposed.

She turns to tiny toons as they back up nervously, "now let's not do anything hastily" buster says but he pulls an extra grappeling hook to make a quick exit.

"So long everyone" Buster says as everyone hangs on to him, just like what happened to wolf Buster loses his pants that's where he and his friends are also arrested.

"Uh, so this is awkward" Buster chuckles nervously.

5 seconds later, where he and his friends are also arrested, Buster was next to wolf who looks down at him.

"Off we're going down, we're taking you down with us"

While the news crew carried on filming, the police loaded the Bad Guys into a heavily armored police wagon.

''No! Shark screamed.

Piranha snapped his jaws at his captor. "Take your hands offa me!" then they threw him in and he screamed.

Tarantula griped. "Ooh You're begging for a biting right now!'

Ivy and freckles weee struggling as they get pushed inside the car.

Snake cried out, "Wolf!" just before he, too, was thrown in the wagon.

But when he locked eyes with his bud, buster can hear his friends panicking then He looks down at wolf's tail which gave him an idea.

Just then, Governor Foxington and Professor Marmalade exited the museum with Thomas and princess he turns to see Reporters called out to them, "Professor Marmalade! Madame Governor! Mr chesterfield"

"One at a time, one at a time.." Diane said, holding up a hand for calm.

But before the first reporter could pose a question, Buster ran blast the chief and up to Diane through the din as he escapes from the chief.

"Excuse me!" he called out.

"Hey" the chief called.

"Sorry to interrupt. But I wanna say you are right about these so called criminals" Buster points out.

"What is he doing?" Shark muttered.

"Don't know" wolf eyes buster suspiciously.

"What's are you doing" Babs whispered to him.

"I got a plan that'll get us out of here" Buster whispered to her.

"Sadly," Buster continued while making a sad look, "they were never given a chance to be anything more than second-rate criminals, just like Monty max over here"

"HEY!" Max was offended as everyone even Thomas chuckled.

"If only there was someone who could help the flower of goodness inside us blossom? Some icon of love and forgiveness, like, I dunno.." He coughed, then winked at Professor Marmalade. "Say us and marmalade but do I know I'm just an accomplice which he forced me and friends to do his dirty work otherwise he'll kill us"

before buster and wolf are the last ones to be placed in the prison van buster will make an agreement with diane, marmalade and thomas that he and his friends can turn the bad guys into the good guys.

"If only we could make some sort of deal but I guess the Best thing is to just throw them in jail for the rest of their hopeless lives-"

Then the chief grabs them both Buster and wolf"That's the plan," the chief agreed in a chipper voice.

She stepped forward to shove Wolf into the wagon with the rest of the crew right before she grabbed Buster.

Marmalade called out. "Wait!"

Bingo! Buster thought, trying to hide his smile. And his friends knew exactly what he was doing.

The professor sashayed down a few of the museum's steps, making his way toward the police wagon.

"Beg pardon" the chief questioned.

"Mr. Wolf may be a savage beast," he said. "Basically walking garbage."

then marmalade turns to Wolf, and said, "Sorry. I'm making a point.

Wolf shrugged. "Do what you need to do, pal."

"But the bunny is right, how can we say they're hopeless," Marmalade asked, puts down his trophy, performing for the group of people and reporters who had gathered around, "if they've never been given a chance?"

"Exactly what I'm saying" Buster says as he rushes up to them.

"Ms. Governor, Mr. Chesterfield, professor marmalade, what if we made a deal"

"I think the Buster is up to something, What if we tried a little experiment, Diane? As you know, my Gala for Goodness, the-_hashtag-charity event of the year; is coming up"

"Yes If us and professor marmalade can changed the bad guys by the gala" Buster saysz

"What?" Wolf couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes" buster's friends cheered

"If we can change them will you set them free and give them a clean start?" Buster asked.

The crowd gasped. Before the governor could reply, the police chief then rushed over. "What Professor marmalade??" She then drops wolf.

"Ow" he howled

"No! No no no, don't you see what he's doing? He's playing you and besides he tried to kidnapped princess."

"But it was me and marmalade's idea!" Buster argued.

"It was his idea," Wolf agreed then he grins at her.

"Only because the bunny made him have it! Because you probably forced him" the police chief sputtered at Wolf.

"Madam governor, mr chesterfield" you can't just let them go" chief whined.

"Professor, I am not about to put the safety of the city on the line for an experiment."

"I agree" Thomas steps in. "They tried to kidnap my daughter and don't you need to watch her tomorrow because I and my intern here Montana max have to get everything ready at my mansion for a big event I'm also having" Thomas reminded him.

"I know but I promise, she'll be protected and taken care of"

"I'm not sure professor"

"Don't worry sir we'll be sure to keep a close eye on the girl for ya" Buster pulls on his shirt.

"Oh I-" Thomas tries to hesitated but he agrees, "very well"

"Whoa sir you can't trust him, he tried to rob us, if they can't be trusted now how can we trust them tomorrow" max glares at Buster who just smiled.

"Easy max, I have a lot on my plate right no

But before he could decide, he noticed princess was reaching out for wolf, he started to think.

"Alright, I'm up to it, What do you say governor" Thomas turns to Diana.


Then Wolf broke in, his voice like silk. "Excuse me, Madame Governor, I seem to remember that a wise person once said Even trash can be recycled into something beautiful."

Diane considered this. "Okay," she said eventually.

"I'm game but only because of you professor"

The police chief was horrified. "No!"

Diane added, "we'll hold on to the Dolphin until the gala. just to remove any unnecessary temptation."

"Of course!" Professor Marmalade agreed. "Good thinking.

The tiny rodent passed the Golden Dolphin As Wolf's eyes tracked its course.

"I can keep an eye on that for the profesor and for you governor" Thomas says.

"Ok Thomas" then she hands it to Thomas.

"That's why you're governor! Now that everyone's happy"

"Grr!" The police chief said, stamping a foot. "Not Happy!"

The little guinea pig beamed for the crowd. "I, Rupert Marmalade the Fourth, and..."

"Buster bunny"

"....will turn the Bad Guys into... THE GOOD GUYS!" The crowd erupted in cheers, engulfing Professor Marmalade as soon as he'd uttered those magic words.

Behind him, Wolf slipped out of his cuffs, then stepped into the police van a free man.

"I think these belong to you," he said, handing them back to the police chief.

"Hey" she growled.

"Not everyone gets a second chance. Make the most of it. Mr. Poodleton and to you Buster bunny, good luck to you and your friends." But before wolf closes the door, it was blocked by the two hands of Thomas.
He opens the door and pulls on wold's tie, look infuriated.

"She better be unharmed otherwise you will pay" he growled. Wolf grins at him and pats his cheeks.

"Relax she's in perfectly good hands, if anything i be more worried about the Event for tomorrow" wolf smirks.

"Just be sure to keep your hands off by the 1000th anniversary party or else" he storms out and shuts the door.

Then as the police take them away as Buster regroups with his friends, they cheered.

"Uh" but his friends were confused.

"What was that about?" Wolf asked.

"Let's just say that i found a way for us to win" Buster says

Inside the police wagon, the rest of the gang stared in bewilderment at them.


They were confused and angry, wondering what on Earth what kind of bargain tiny toons gotten them roped into.

"What exactly-?" Snake hissed. "What are you doing?"

"Yeah" Wolf asked nonchalantly.

Everyone stared at Buster, waiting for a real answer.

"Lets just say I got a plan that will get us all free, you're going to go good"

"Uh.." Tarantula gaped at him. "You totally lost me"

"What's happening" Piranha said.

"Hey" Shark said, sounding worried. "Did you get hit on the head?

Buster shook his head. "What? No, I didn't get hit on the head."

"My cousin got hit on the head with an anchor and after that, he only swam in a circle," Shark said.

"No, no," Buster said. "Guys, guys, guys. You're not following me. I had an deal we make you guys look good and we get off Scott free, you get to be free and so do we, it's a win win" suddenly Everyone agrees and laughed, Snake grinned.

"Bad guys acting good! It's the ultimate Bad Guy thing. It's FANTASTIC! I guess, you're a genius!"

"This is going to be the most relaxing con ever. Like a vacation." Piranha chuckled and added, "A con-cation!"

"Alright but first a quick pit stop" Buster grinned. the next step in their plan.

Buster and friends call their mentors and tell them the situation at hand:

In a moment of urgency, Buster picks up his phone and dials the mentors, including Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Lola Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Wile E. Coyote.

"Hey, We've got a toon-sized dilemma here. The bad guys are about to be loaded into the prison van, and we've got a plan to turn things around."

"Eh, what's the hare-brained scheme, doc?"

Buster, excitedly: "We'll make a deal with the authorities. If we can reform the bad guys, they won't have to throw us in the slammer. It's a toony twist, but it just might work."

Porky, stuttering: "Th-th-that sounds like a risky idea, Buster."

Lola, optimistically: "If anyone can pull it off, it's you guys! Count me in."

Daffy, skeptically: "Reforming bad guys? You're crazier than a duck in a barrel, but I'm game."

Wile E., with a sly grin: "I've had my fair share of schemes. Let's give this one a whirl." He gives a sign language

With the mentors on board, Buster and his friends gear up for a zany attempt to turn the tables on their predicament.

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