thomas and max's evil plan

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On the long ride, wolf felt broken inside as the little girl he loved was taken away from him.

how she looked at him when he attacked her dad, the tears in her eyes, he can still see it through the diamond like she was staring at him, he can still hear her crying but that wasn't the only problem, he saw on his friend's face snake he was betrayed this was not gonna be good.

"I can't believe we're going to prison" Babs says.

"Looks like we're not going home" Buster says.

"Some spring break this turned out to be" Hampton says.

"I'm too pretty to be in prison" plucky panicked.

Calamity holds up a sign that says: "this will make quite the essay paper".

"This is all Montana max's fault" Fifi says then everyone agrees.

"I'm sorry princess" wolf says as he stares woefully at the diamond, he begins to break down as he slowly closes his eyes and tears began to fall.

Webs looks at the necklace princess gave her and starts to feel bad.

The Bad Guys then were being loaded into a military grade police boat along with tiny toons.

This boat would deliver them to the highest-security prison for thousands of miles far offshore, on prison island.

"I can't believe we got played by a cheap, rotten cat." Shark moaned.

"Oh, we got double-crossed by a cat, all right." Snake grumbled.

Then he glanced in wolf's direction. "But I don't think it wasn't just him"


"Don't forget Montana max" plucky added.

"Oh yeah"

"I'm not talking about him"

The other Bad Guys gasped when they realized what snake was saying that wolf had set them up, and all this was his fault.

Snake was blaming wolf for getting them all caught and he knows why.

"This was supposed to be us conning Marmalade," snake said.

"It turns out it was wolf conning us! Does that sound familiar to you, wolf?"

"What"' wolf barked.

"Why would you think that?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you just sabotaged the biggest heist of our lives! I think you owe us an explanation, wolf"

"What heist?" Babs says.

Guards began unloading them into the processing room.

"Okay, okay," wolf said as they all got fingerprinted.

"You got me, so This is what happened: Back at the museum, I tried the old Classic snatch and grab,"

"Tried to?" Webs said, pressing her fifth set of fingers to the pad before moving on to hands six, seven, and eight.

"Since when do you try to steal something and not just steal it?"

"I was trying to steal some wallets when princess bumped into me" wolf explained as they watched the cops send a few guys through a pat down to check for weapons.

"She fell back And so I just helped her out a little bit"

"What?" Snake called out from where he was posing for a mug shot.

"I kind of. Saved her from falling," wolf said.

He took Snake's place and now was grinning for the police booking camera.

Piranha scooted through a metal detector. "But then you stole from her?" he asked nervously.

Wolf took a deep breath as he stepped forward to take her turn getting searched.

"No, I saved princess, and she hugged me, and my tail wagged. I didn't know what it was, but it felt...So good!"

All four of the other Bad Guys stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at their fearless leader.

"Ah," Piranha said, finally breaking the silence.

"But then you stole from her?"

The others all stared daggers at him, wondering how it was possible that Piranha still didn't get it.

"NO'' they all screamed

"Actually I did but that's not the point"

Then snake glared at wolf, then the bubble burst.

"You know if I didn't know better wolf, I say you were starting to go soft for princess"

"No!" The tiny toons were shocked.

"What?" They all muttered over how a bad guy could go soft for a child.

"Can that really happen?" Fifi asked.

"I heard rumors that a bad guy can go good by a child but I didn't think it was true" Hampton asked.

"Oh please if that was true then Montana max would've have too, but that's never gonna happen" plucky says.

"But it's true we saw what Mr. Wolf can be" Buster says, then Babs agrees.

Wolf looked surprised and tries to dodge the question.
"What, no I-l have no idea what your talking about"
Then snake snapped.

"OH SAVE IT, don't think I don't know what's going on between you and princess, I seen the way you act around princess, you broke the #1 of kidnapping never get close to the captive, I overheard earlier what you said about princess" Snake glared at Wolf. "And I heard what the pig said to you last night, about cutting us loose for some baby."

"What" webs asked.

"He's not the only one" shark added as everyone turns their attention to him.

"Then night before the gala, we saved the baby from hitting the floor and she loved us and my Mohawk wagged" Piranha says.

"Told ya"

"And so did my fin"

"See" buster points out.

"We then fell in love with her"

"What?" Webs blurted.

"Look I been thinking" wolf says.

"Yeah" snake questioned.

"Well-maybe... don't know maybe we should go good" wolf says nervously, snake and webs were shocked then snake shocked face turns to a glare.

"Ok wolf what is going" snake demanded an answer.

"Look I think we shouldn't, maybe we should...keep the baby"

"WHAT" snake and webs asked.

"Look wolf piranha and I have been thinking about this and we want to keep the baby" shark added.

"Whoa guys we can't just keep the baby, we don't know anything about raising kids" webs says.

"Yeah well we can try" shark talks back.

"Look we just can't have her, she has a family" as webs argues with piranha and shark, snake confronts wolf.

Webs spoke again, "guys what makes you think that we could have a life with a baby"

"I don't it could work" shark says.

"You know ever since that night, you been acting different But I never thought you'd actually do it," Snake said accusingly then princess started babbling.

"I would never-" Wolf argued. "I was just trying to find us a better life!"

Snake frowned. "Our life was perfect. Until you decided to ruin it, we should have never went after those toons no you and had to made it go personal! And you!" Snake glares at the tiny toons who backed up getting terrified.

"You should have never messed with us"

"Hey you started it" Babs says.

"Back off, It's all her fault that you decided to sabotage our plans, her fault you completely changed, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for her, I should've ate the baby when I had the chance and now thanks to her you going to ditched us" as snaked continued, wolf started to feel threatened by the accusations snake was putting on princess.

"I didn't!" Wolf promised as they were led to a holding cell in the prison.

"we were doing just fine until that miserable brat came into our lives and turned wolf into a soft traitor"

"snake keep her out of this, it isn't her fault"

"Your right it's not her fault, that you sabotage our plans, it's yours, and I'm starting to worry that your getting to close with that baby"

"Hey princess loves us, she isn't afraid of us, she sees like we're her own family and...l love her as if she was my own daughter"

Snake face dropped then webs joins in.

"It's true I mean don't you guys ever wonder if you could have a better life for each other, better then being criminals" Buster says.

"Look we can't keep her, this isn't a life for a baby to live with a group of criminals not to mention she has a dad who would be worried about her"

"If Thomas really loves his daughter then how come she seemed scared of him and you heard him, he hates princess she doesn't deserve this snake, Look maybe marmalade was right, there could be a better life for us, more then being villains" he then adjusted his hands over to princess, C'mon, you guys felt it at the gala- the clapping, the cheering- we were more than just scary villains, They loved us!"

"Oh yeah?" Snake said. "If they love us then how come we're in prison for a crime we didn't commit?"

Wolf looked down, snake had him there. "You know what? I'll give Marmalade this. At least he sees the world for what it is--a place where some people are scary.. and some people are just scared"

"oh yeah, Well maybe, I'm tired of being scary!" Wolf said. "I'm tired of being an outcast. Maybe I don't want to be-"

"What?" Snake said, cutting him off."A Bad Guy?"
The others spun around to stare at wolf, Surely that's not what he was saying. or was it?

"Uh guys-" Buster tries to pull through fight apart.

"Go on wolf Say it," snake demanded. When wolf said nothing.

"Yeah, that's what I thought and us, your lifelong friends- we're just holding you back."

Wolf heaved a sigh, "yeah, maybe you are!"

The instant he said it, wolf knew he'd gone too far even tiny toons gasped.

Snake leaped at wolf, who snarled and flashed his fangs and claws at his friend.

"Take it back!" Snake ordered. " Take it back! Apologize!"

The tiny toons tried to pull them apart, A prison guard stepped toward them, holding up a weapon as they growled,

"Hey hey hey! Prison is no place for fighting"
Suddenly, a guard fell from the ceiling, in between them With a moan, he pointed upward as two guards approached him.

"Tell that to him."

"Huh?" Wolf and snake said, looking up.

Just then, a mysterious, masked, ninja-like figure leaped out of the shadows on an upper ledge and jumped into the Bad Guys' cell.

As soon as the rest of the guards spotted the intruder, they charged.

But the stranger had no trouble fighting the guards off with some incredible martial arts skills.

Then the looney tunes mentors: bugs, daffy, Lola, Pepe, porky and wile the coyote came falling down.

"Bugs? What are you going here?" Buster asked.

"Come on kids we weren't gonna let you spend your spring break in prison now will ya" bugs says.

"Yeah that's no way to put that in your essay" Lola added.

"But we aren't the only ones" daffy says.

As soon as the guards had been knocked aside, all rendered unconscious, the mysterious stranger then turned to the Bad Guys, "Wait, wait, wait," Wolf said.

"Hold on, wait a second".

the stranger unmasked herself. It was Governor Diane Foxington!

"No way" the toons were shocked but not looney tunes.

"But..." Piranha said, mind totally blown by what
had just happened.

"How do you know how to do all that kick-kick, punch-punch stuff?"

"Wait a sec.." Wolf said, stepping toward her. He'd seen those moves before.

But if Diane could fight like that, that meant: "You're the Crimson Paw.

The queen of cons, Acrobatic Swiss Army knife. Stole the Zumpango Diamond twice-once for profit, second time just for fun! Never identified, never caught."

Diane grinned, putting her hands on her hips.

"Guess I'm still the best bad guy the world has ever seen." Just then, she noticed a tiny rip in her uniform.

She shrugged. "At least I used to be."

"What are you doing here" wolf asked as his sadness came back.

"We're here you break you guys out, princess needs you-"


Then suddenly there was a loud alarm and a sea of armed guards came racing down the corridor.

"Can we please get out of here, this place is not good for me" porky says.

It was obviously time for them leave, All of them. As the Bad Guys screamed in terror, Diane let out a crazed battle cry and whipped out a few insane martial arts moves, hurtling toward the guards so the Bad Guys could run away.

A few minutes later, they were all racing away from the prison on a motorboat, guards left useless there.

"So The governor told us what happened so we're help to break you free and save that child" bugs says.

Diane brushed the debris off her Crimson Paw suit as they sped away.

"Nope, I'm still the best. It's just like riding a stolen bicycle."

Wolf said, "Why did you save us, any way?"

Diane told them, "After the gala, I knew something wasn't right. So, we did some investigating, and knew something was up when I saw a distraught look in princess's eye, she needs you guys, Thomas stole the meteorite"

"We know," Wolf said, cutting her off. "It's some kind of cosmic-mega-super-antenna-thingy."

"Right!" Diane nodded. "If conducted through an array of ionized crystals, it will generate a massive psychokinetic field the size of a city!" Wolf just frowned.

"take us back you saw what happened, everyone just sees us as villains"

Then Buster cuts in, " but wolf she needs you, we saw what happened and you're right there is a better life for you out there then being villains, look l know we aren't on hold terms with each other but that doesn't mean we shouldn't help one another"

"princess is in danger and we need to save her" says babs.

"DON'T YOU GET IT" he yells then she sighs sadly.

"She doesn't need me, she's better off with someone else" Diane watches them then she smirks.

"I figured you night get cold feet, so I brought someone to knock some sense into you" they all looked to see that she was pulling out professor Marmalade.

"Professor Marmalade?" Wolf questioned.

"Yes hello wolf"

"How long has he been under there" plucky asked daffy.

"What are you doing here" Marmalade then frowns with a worried look.

"Wolf princess is in danger and she needs your help, you have to save her"

"No profesor, she doesn't need me, she needs someone that doesn't have a bad reputation, she deserves someone better" as wolf was giving up on her, Marmalade was baffled, he makes a angry and irritated face.

"He then jumps over to wolf, grabs his shirt and slaps his face really hard.

"OW" wolf winced painfully and he grabs his face, everyone was shocked by this.

"What was that for" wolf asked.

"That's for giving up, Look I didn't come all this way just to see you give up on princess just because you think you're not good enough for her, she needs you, I see what you two become, she loves you, you are her real more of a real father to her then her real dad and if you can't see how much princess needs you then maybe you are a bad guy"

Wolf thinks about it, he thinks about what Marmalade says when he sees him crossing his arms and looking at him, then he looks at his Ivy and freckles to see them nodding at him, he then gets serious.

"Let's go save princess" wolf says in a serious tone.

When their escape boat pulled up to shore, Diane hopped out and told the Bad Guys what they already knew all-too-well. "Thomas needs to be stopped. But I can't do it alone You know his mansion better than-
Wolf grabbed Diane's paw.

"We're with you all the way right kids"bugs says turning to the kids.


"You bet ya"

"Do we have to" plucky groaned.

"You can count on us." Wolf turned to her friends.

"Right, guys?"

"What do you mean us? There is no us. We're through, Wolf. Done. Finito!" Snake snapped.

"Because of that little tiff back there?" Wolf asked.

"C'mon, that's what we do. You serve, I volley. That's our little dance."

"Not this time." Snake spat. Then she skulked off, waiting for the others to follow.

Wolf glanced at Shark, Piranha, and webs, None of them moved.

How were they supposed to pick sides? They were a team, a unit, partners.

They were in this together... it just took a child to break up the team.

"Piranha?" Wolf asked.

Piranha turned his back on Diane and wandered over to join snake, "webs?"

"Sorry wolfie" snake said, heading over to webs side.

Shark glanced at wolf for a while before clenching his jaw and turning away.

Wolf could hear him sobbing quietly as he moved to stand by snake.

They'd all picked sides, and they hadn't picked wolf to save princess the child they love.

Then plucky, hamptom and furball with daffy joins in.

"Hey where are you guys going" buster asked,

"No way I'm going to fight Montana max you know what he is capable of" plucky says.

"Daffy?" Bugs scold him.

"What it's better safe with bad guys then battling against a super villain to which we have no chance against" daffy says.

"He's got a point" Hampton says as furball follows.

"Hey," wolf tried one last time. "Guys! Guys.

Snake spun around to give wolf one last piece of his mind.

"You want to know why I hate birthdays? Do ya wolf? When you grow up a snake, nobody shows up to your party. Birthdays are a constant reminder that out there I'm just a scary, good-for-nothing monster. Yeah" he glared at wolf.

"But nothing hurts the most then having the one guy...HE ONE GUY, thought I could trust stab me in the back."

He gestured for the rest of the Bad Guys to follow him.
"C'mon, guys. It's obvious wolf doesn't need us"

Wolf stood beside Diane, then Buster pulls on his arm, "come on doc let's go" Buster says.

watching as his best friends in the whole world walked away leaving him all alone with no idea what he was going to do next.

while the other team which is buster, babs, fifi and calamity with bugs, lola and pepe will go with diane and wolf

Back at Thomas's mansion, very bad things were afoot.
He was experimenting on two little innocent Guinea pigs into large mutant muscular henchmen, and although they were few muscular they still had small heads.

thomas and montana max plan their big heist which is to steal all the charity money with the power of the meteorite

Thomas watched on as Montana max lower the meteorite into a large device that looked like a battery compartment but really it was a small battery shaped container that he was going to put princess in.

But that won't happen until later.
As soon as the meteorite was in place, Montana max powered up the device, and the meteorite
began to emit a toxic pink glow.

"Nothing says evil like a toxic pink glow" Thomas says.

Montana max was huffing and puffing, "With all due respect, Your Rottenness, couldn't we just wait for a real storm?" Max groans.

"Save your breath, Maximus. Faster" He places the a ring in the contraption.

"Yes, O mighty Evil One" max panting as he ran.

Mac runs faster.

"Now, this is what a true bad guy looks like," Thomas chuckled.

After harnessing the meteorite's electric pulse into a strange helmet, he grabs princess from her prison caged.

The he strapped the helmet on princess, He flipped a switch on the helmet, and the helmet lit up-using the power of the meteorite.

"That's it? That's the whole thing we've been waitin' for?" But Max loses his footing and is sucked into the gears.


"What do you say we have some fun?" Thomas said, cackling.

Max goes flying past and slams into the wall upside down.

"Swell" max coughs. "Are you sure it's even safe for her" max asked.

"bah, it's perfectly fine I do this to her all the time, Hehehehehehe!" Princess whimpered at her mad evil father.

Behind them, there was a giant cage holding an innocent guinea pig.

Max holds princess Thomas to them and forces princess to ignite her special power.

"Now do it" He puts princess down but she turns around, still scared by her dad.

"No" she babbles upset, and in a matter of seconds he gets angry.

"This is the moment i been training you for all these years, do it now" But when she still didn't listen, he becomes irritated, and pulls out a remote.

"I been waiting my whole life for this moment AND I WON'T LET YOU RUINED IT" he yells then he presses a red button that sent a signal on a small collar princess was wearing.

It was an obeisance collar then when charged up to 1 million volts of electricity, it can ignite her power or force her to use her power.

"Wow this was not what I was expecting for my internship job" max was shocked

Then Thomas hands him a glop of cash, "you aren't being paid to question me"

"Then again a job is a job" max went back to being greedy.

When the collar shocked her, she screamed in fear and pain as a white light surround her and her eyes began to turn pink then brain waves began to emit from her to the helmet.

The guinea pig looked at her and the Guinea pig's eyes began to turn red, when princess made an adorable cute face.

Thomas raised his arms, and the guinea pig stood up.
Thomas beamed His mind-control helmet was working!

He just forced princess to hypnotized the rodent to obey Thomas every command, He cranked up the power, and a few minutes later, princess was screaming in pain as she made a much cuter face, her eyes grew cuter, her power was growing stronger
Although she had the power to hypnotized people with her cuteness, cute-nosis if you will it was he who had the power of controlling hundreds of guinea pigs, with a remote.

He has a remote that once someone has falling for princess hypnotic cuteness, he can control them with his remote.

he'd released across the city, using the power of the meteorite.

Under their his mind-control powered helmet, the Guinea pigs formed into groups, which merged into bigger groups, until there were full armies marching through the city.

On Thomas's command, they began to
dive into manholes, crawl through sewer lines, and infiltrate the whole of Los Angeles.

Once he had all the Guinea pigs in his control, he won't be needing princess until later.

"Hahahahahaha" he chuckles like the evil villain he is, it scared princess was she was crying.

"SHUT UP" he yelled at her which caused her to fear him even more and cried even louder.

"Get her out of my site" he told Max

He took the helmet off of her and took her back to her room.

"Congratulations max, you seem to not have failed me after all"

"Thank you sir"

Meanwhile, across town, Snake, Webs, Shark, and Piranha returned to their lair, only to find that the place had been completely emptied in their absence.

Diane had cleared the place out, removing every single stolen item they'd worked so hard to
aquire over the past few years.

"All our stuff!" Piranha wailed.

"Wha-_" Snake said, not getting it at first.

"Where is everything? It's ALL gone!"
Shark raced to open a closet door on the far side of the room, horrified to find it empty.

"My disguise closet.!"

"Where's my things?" Tarantula said, her breath coming quicker and quicker with each look around the room.

"Well so much for hiding" plucky says.

"There goes plan a" daffy says.

"Ugh, wolf gave away all our loot?!" Snake asked.

He couldn't believe their friend would turn on them like this. he'd gone all out to ruin them.

"Years of work! We stole that stuff, fair and square!" Snake hissed

Piranha suddenly lost it and went totally nuts. "Now I understand what it feels like to have things stolen from you! I.Don't. Like. It!" Shark wandered over to him pal, trying to comfort him.

At first, Piranha was surprised by the unexpected gesture--but after a second, he realized he kind of liked the feeling of someone taking care of him.

The only thing still left in their secret lair were
the photo memories pinned to the outside of the fridge with magnets.

He angrily pulled open the fridge to see if there was anything left inside -and found one last, lonely push pop.

He eyed it, deciding that the only thing that might cool the sting of his friend's betrayal was a nice, cold push pop. But before he could pop it in his mouth, Shark wailed from across the room.

"We have no food! No money we can use to buy food! No food we can sell for money!"

Without a second thought, Snake handed Shark the final push pop to try to console him.

"Alright, okay," Snake said hastily, "Here, here. Take this. Now stop crying, buddy."

Shark grabbed the pop and began to slurp it happily, until webs suddenly realized what had just happened.

Both Shark and Tarantula stared at Snake, totally dumbfounded.

"Uh.." Webs said slowly. "Snake? What did you just do?"

"What?" Snake snapped. "My friend was sad, so I cheered him up.

"You-Shark said, still sobbing a few leftover tears.

"you did a good thing. For me?"

Snake froze. "Don't be ridiculous," he spat out.

"I just put your needs before my own."

Webs nodded. "Yeah, you're being good."

"I'm not!" Snake insisted. "I was simply making a sacrifice so Shark could be happy."

Tarantula held up one hand. "That is the actual definition of being good." Then suddenly webs made a realization, "maybe wolf was right," webs said.

"Maybe we could be more than just scary villains?"
But Just then, she noticed her own tummy, Shark's fin, Piranha's mohawk, and snake's own tail wiggling from side to side.

Plucky and daffy looked at each other.

"Oh, wow. Is this wagging? We're... we're WAGGING!" Webs said.

"I'm feeling," Piranha said joyfully.

"tingly all over! I got a tingle!" Shark jumped in joy.
Then snake glanced at his own tummy.

"No! NO! NO! We will always be BAD GUYS!" He slammed the fridge door shut, and all the Bad Guys' family photos fell to the floor.

Snake immediately stormed out. Then back with lackadaisy at the bar, rocky was sulking, drinking his sorrows down the golden dolphin next to him but he was feeling depressed, he was alone as he starred at his reflection in the golden dolphin, everyone around him was feeling guilty.

"Well you all got a choice, you can sit here feeling sorry for yourself can do the right thing" plucky says.

Diane had dropped professor marmalade off, because she didn't wanted to risk his reputation.

Hey? Diane said softly to Wolf as they pulled into the drive Way of her house.

Shed noticed Wolf had been lost deep in bought for nearly the whole drive, "You okay?"

"No," Wolf grumped. "I'm not okay! I am very un-okay. I just left the only friends I've ever had"

"It's alright wolf" Buster grab his shoulders.

"What am I doing?"

"Saving a little girl" Babs says.

"I know this can't be easy. To leave everything behind"

"Do you?" Wolf snapped back.

"Yeah I was the best thief in the world," she reminded him. Fast, fearless, inventive. I just had one thing left to steal"

"The Golden Dolphin.. Wolf nodded. "'So you Went after it."

"I was wondering what happened to the crimson paw" bugs says.

"I didn't just go after it. I had it. And a clear escape route." Diane thought back to that night, how she'd had every thing she thought she'd ever wanted in the palm of her hand-but then the guilt set in.

"But All I saw in the end was the tricky fox they always told me I was. It changed everything"

Wolf was shocked. This was not the legendary story he thought he knew.

"So now," she went on, "instead of hurting people, I'm helping them. I'm still me, I'm just me on the right side," She looked at Wolf seriously.

"Still it is such an honor to meet you, I'm surprised out of any one, the governor would be the crimson paw" Lola says.

She pushed a switch, and a whole bunch of amazing gadgets were lowered from the ceiling.

"Whoa. "Wolf mused, "Holy moly."

"This is so cool" Buster says as he and Babs and the others went to check out the hi tech stuff.

"Wow, wow, WOW, man you have all the cool stuff"  calamity says surprising everyone.

"Nice place you got here doc" bugs munch on a carrot.

Smiling, Diane said, "Ah, it's good to be home!"

"Are you kidding me Laser-sighted zipline!" Wolf exclaimed as he pawed through all the stuff, the XM2400 Radar Jammer? No way!"

"I actually prefer the earlier model," Diane said, shrugging.

"Agree to disagree," Wolf replied. He reached down and grabbed a tube of lipstick.

He began to playfully twirl it around in his hand, but then it revealed to be a flamethrower, wolf screamed.
Micro adhesive climbing mesh!

"Yeah That's a flamethrower," she warned.

"Also, not your color." Princess would've laughed at that.

Wolf nervously set it back down alongside all the other gadgets.

Diane perched in front of a high-tech computer console and began to type.

"Alright Thomas..." she muttered to herself.

"What are you up to, you greedy cheapskate? We need eyes on the city; Let's see if we can't hack into the government surveillance satellite."

"But you're the governor" bugs pointed out, "Couldn't you just ask?"

"Yeah," Diane said, shrugging. "But the paperwork."

"Oh" everyone muttered.

She Clicked a few buttons, activating her supercomputer.

On-screen, a picture of a satellite in space flashed to life.

While Wolf watched, the satellite changed directions and pointed where Diane was directing it to go right over the city of Los Angeles, "I am definitely picking up suspicious activity here," she said.

While Diane scanned the city via satellite, trying to figure out where to zoom in, Wolf picked up a Good Samaritan newsletter.

Inside, there was a map of all the charities that were set to receive funds after Marmalade's charity fundraiser event.

Diane drew Wolfs attention to her computer screen.
"Those are guinea pig heat signatures," she told him, pointing.

She hit a button, and moments later, even more red dots appeared on-screen. She roomed out to see more of the city, and there were even more red dots.

She hit a button, and moments later, even more red dots appeared on-screen. She roomed out to see more of the city, and there were even more red dots.

"Thomas seems to be controlling them," she said.

"But how?" Babs asked.

"And to do what?" Asked Buster.

"There are no obvious targets?" Bugs says.

"What are you up to Monty" Babs muttered.

Wolf nodded. "That's because they're moving targets," he told her. He set the newsletter map over the top of the map of the city on Diane's monitor.


"Are you sure"

The red dots were all heading toward the schools that were waiting to get their delivery of charity money!
"Marmalade's charity fundraiser, he's going to steal the money"

"It's the greatest heist the world's ever seen"

"Of course Monty would get in on it" Buster says.

"But why he's already rich enough already" bugs says.

"It's all part of his revenge plan and I just know how he's controlling them"

"Revenge plan?" Pepe asked.

"One billion dollars inside trucks, on their way to his house," he said aloud.

Thomas was using his army of guinea pigs to try to stop those trucks and steal the money!

"We need to cut off his communication with his guinea pig army," Diane said.

Wolf grinned. "Hey, if there's no signal.

Diane smiled back. "there's no heist.

"We have to steal the meteorite" they both said.

"That was very cute" wolf says.

"Alright Put on your big girl pants, We're gearing up."
They both hastily grabbed the tools and gadgets they would need to stop Thomas's evil plot.

But when Wolf saw Diane reaching for a grappling hook, Wolf winced.

"I wouldn't take that," he cautioned. "Those things will rip your pants right off."

Diane laughed. "Try wearing clean underwear. Just in case, the toons chuckled.

As soon as they were set to go, Diane opened a set of garage doors.

Wolf peeked inside and spotted the Bad Guys mobile hanging out, right in the middle of Diane's parking pad.

"Wha-You stole my car?" He nodded appreciatively, then hopped in and revved the engine. "Respect."

"Now come on" wolf says, "we got a princess to rescue, come on you guys" he turns to bugs snd buster.

"On it" buster says.

As he settled into the driver's seat, Wolf thought to himself: "Don't worry princess I'm coming"

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