Chapter 3~ Reluctance

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I wondered the house until Kody and Lumine got back from school.
"Oh hey Harper!" Lumine shouted cheerfully and walked over towards me.
Aiden walked in and hugged Kody tight.
"How was your day Kody?"
"Fine. Put me down."
Aiden set Kody down.
"Listen...Kody..." he started.
"No." Kody said.
"But you didn't let me finish..."
"I don't care, the answer is no."
"Well, Harper is going to be your new bodyguard!" Aiden said cheerfully.
"What?!" Lumine squeaked.
"Oh she's not replacing you, Lumine, you two will be working together!"
"Oh, okay." Lumine said, relieved.
"NO." Kody said.
"At least give her a chance~"
"Come one Kody!"
"But Kody~" Aiden whined. "It wouldn't hurt to have another body guard. Besides, you three could become friends!"
"Ugh." Kody mumbled and stormed upstairs.
"He'll warm up to you!" Aiden chided.
"Yes, cause he defiantly looks like the warm and fuzzy type." I murmured.
"Come on!" Lumine said.
"Let's go see if we can find him."

Lumine and I walked upstairs to find Kody. Lumine knocked on Kody's door.
"KO~dy!" He shouted.
"What?!" Kody snapped.
"It's Lumine! Let me in."
"I'm busy, leave me alone."
Lumine sighed. "Fine then."
Lumine sighed and took me to his room.
"Sorry about that," he muttered.
"Kody can take some getting used to, but until then, we should get to know each other!" He smiled. "So, how did you end up here? Did you live anywhere before Solfer?"
"Uh, actually I did, but I'm not sure where, exactly." He nodded. "Yeah,me too. How long have you lived in Solfer?"
To long... I thought.
"About 8 years."
"I've lived here for less than a year, about 7 months now." He stated.
"Why'd you move here?"
"Uh..." I hesitated.
"F-financial p-problems." I stuttered.
"Huh. What about your family, where are they?"
"I-uh..." I gulped. "Uhm, what about yours? Did one of your parents have the same cool eye-thingy as you do?"
"Huh?" He asked. "Oh, you mean the difference in eye color? I don't know, I was adopted..."
"Don't be." He smiled. "They were...nice."
"That's good." I smiled.
"You avoided my question about your family.." he noted.
"O-oh d-did I?" I asked.
He gave me a sideways glance.
I could smell something good coming from downstairs.
"Oh, looks like it's about dinner time... we'd better go eat!" I said and rushed down the stairs.

~Time skip brought to you by an adorable sneezing Lumine~

After dinner, Aiden called me to his office.
"Harper, I got the school to let you go, but not as a student, you'll have to wait with Lumine."
"That's fine."
"And~" he hummed.
"Here are the colored contact lenses, they aren't prescription though, so you'll still have to wear the glasses along with the contacts, but it shouldn't be to much of a bother."
"T-thank you, this is the nicest thing that's happened to me in... awhile." I mumbled.
"Well, you should get some sleep, school starts first thing in the morning!" He said cheerily.
I walked back to my room in a dazed state. Paranoia flickered at the edges of my mind.
Aiden figured out I was a witch so easily, what if someone else figures out? I'm so doomed. What if Kody knows to? I've never been to school,
What if they can tell? What if contact lenses don't work? Someone might find out and try to sell me! I don't wanna be used... I don't wanna.... what if....
These continued tirelessly as I laid down, until finally, I managed sleep, then I heard someone calling my name...

A/N: thx for reading! I'll hopefully be able to come out with another chapter tomorrow!
Until then, good bye!
P.S: sorry this ones so short :/

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