★ 001; Atlanta is gone ★

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As the wind whips around her, Gabbie sprints, firing her gun in all directions. Meanwhile, Glenn and the others are fleeing the city. Gabbie catches up and jumps into Shane's car with a smile, gasping for breath.

"Drive," she urges, and Shane nods, speeding off after the rest into the unknown. Gabbie glances back at the figures approaching them, feeling a surge of dread in her stomach at the sight.

"Get down gab" Shane says keeping his eyes on the road his other hand is on her back hoping to stop her from falling backwards,

"Gab! Sit down I won't ask you again," Shane shouts voice firm his lips forming into a thin line she finally sits down smiling as she takes a drink of water they had in a bag,

"I am sat down, keep talking like that and you gonna be" Gabbie says before the car comes to a stop making Gabbie frown as she bangs he head against the seat,

"I'm gonna be what?" Shane says as he turns his head to the side,

"Me and you, and these off" Gabbie points to his shirt and smiles at his reaction,

"You know I'm down anytime," Shane says smiling before stepping out frowning as he follows everyone to the edge of the hill where you can see the city, a helicopter flying into the hospital sending an orange light out as people scream at the sight,

"Oh my, Carl come here," Gabbie says as she picks up the poor boy who's crying while Shane hugs Lori who is also crying,

"Hey I need your help," Gabbie says as she sits next to the boy on the grass a blanket covering them both a flashlight in her hand while he's holding a book,

"With?" Carl says his tons tired,

"To bully Shane," Gabbie says smiling at the boy who's nodding,

"There chocolate involved" Gabbie adds making the boy run to Lori and Shane,

"He's helping me bully you" Gabbie says as she ruffles carls hair sending a frown onto Shane's face before smiling,

"Carl, do you mind helping me chase Gabbie?" Shane says looking at Gabbie smiling,

"Now that's not fair Shane, you know I hate running" Gabbie whines

"Maybe tomorrow, we're heading to bed," Lori says as she picks up Carl frowning and walking away from Gabbie and Shane,

Tw is here,

"Guess where now alone," Shane says a smirk appearing on his face while Gabbie smirks at him, their lips are connected instantly Gabbie slowly moves her way onto his lap keeping their lips connected as her hands go to his hair knocking off his blue baseball hat,

His hands are on her thighs as he stands up slowly moving them to the edge of the hill, their spot, his kisses lean down towards her neck making her arch her back at the feeling, "Hurry up.." Gabbie whines before shutting up as she leans her head back at the feeling, her eyes are glistening with the fire from the city, sending a small frown onto her face quickly disappearing as she gets turned around face getting pushed into the ground, Gabbie leans her head up smiling as her eyes connect with Shane's who's all sweating,

TW ENDED,(felt so wired writing that-)

Gabbie smiles as Shane puts her shorts back onto her sending a shiver through her body at the touch of his finger on her thighs, Shane helps her up slowly walking to the car where a blanket and pillows are all seated up,

"Gab" Shane says as he looks down at her

"Yes," Gabbie says as she keeps looking up at the sky where she can see the stars shining,

"Will you marry me" Shane hesitated, chewing his bottom lip in between his teeth,

"What did you just say" Gabbie says her voice trailing off as she sits up frowning.

"I said will you marry me Gabbie" Shane says loudly making Gabbie stand up and climb out of the car breathing heavily,

"But I thought we were ready, we have Been together since we both finished university, that like 5 years," Shane says making Gabbie smile as she finally spins around and climbs back into the car with a frown

"Don't you think it's too early?" Gabbie says wishing this could be over

"No, we have been talking about this and beginning a family," Shane says as he tilts his head upward smiling "I'm sorry my love, I'm just not ready for this step yet"

"Right because you're never ready for anything," Shane says as he presses his tongue against his cheek fingers on the steering wheel,

"And what so that supposed to mean? You have seen the city, what if they don't sort it out I'm not gonna be raising our kids in this shit hole" Gabbie shouts making shame groan as he steps out of the car pulling her away from the car where everyone is watching everything unfold,

"When Jimmie asked you out, you said you weren't ready, when I asked you out, you said the same thing gab," Shane says making Gabbie frown,

"Because we were only 16 and 17, what do you expect me to choose at that age, I had my father to worry about, and you know why" Gabbie says as she looks around tears threatening to fall from her chestnut eyes,

"I'm sorry, alright?" Shane says as he pulls into a hug frowning as he feels something wet on his shirt, "I just thought we were ready, for this stuff, anytime anyone brought up the question you always said yes, and I just thought" Shane added in chewing his bottom lip,

The world has gone silent as they hug, leaves falling onto them, while the chilly breeze is attacking them hoping to make them sick, as they just hug in silence, they hate when they have an augment, it is always Shane getting kicked to the curb or Gabbie moving with her mother,

Gabbie walks out of the tent frowning as she looks around seeing everyone talking or laughing Shane is cleaning his gun while Lori cuts carls hair carefully,

"Lori, Carl" Gabbie says as she sits next to him Lori looks at them not even smiling at all,

"Gabbie, can you teach me how to be a doctor?" Carl shouts as he looks up at Gabbie who's nodding "As long as it's fine with your mum, I can see what I can do,"

"So here, you hold the body part down," Gabbie says as she holds his arm down, "then you get the bandage and hold it down and warp it around till the cut is all coved" Gabbie adds one smiling

"Now you wanna practice on my arm?" Gabbie says as she holds her arm out smiling as Carl does what she did,

"Well done, hey that's better than what I could do" Gabbie says as she holds up her arm where the bandage is falling off as it wasn't tightened enough,

"Gab you're coming with us to the city, You're a good shot and we need medical stuff and you're a doctor right?" Glenn says out of breath

"Sure, are we going now?" Gabbie replied as she stood up,

"Yep, the sooner we get there, the sooner we can get out" Glenn shouts as he walks away almost falling due to a rock, "love you, I'll be back soon" Gabbie says as she presses a quick kiss into Shane's head before walking off, the smile never leaving her face,

The city comes in few bodies littered everywhere making Gabbie frown as the car comes to a stop and everyone gets out slowly, shutting the doors, gun held up high ready to shoot,

"Go now" Glenn whispers making everyone run quickly into a small store, the windows have blood hand prints on them, sending a shiver up everyone's spine as they slowly make their way to the door Glenn peaking his head out before slowly walking out a finger to his lip telling everyone to be quiet,

Gabbie bites her lip as she walks slowly past the rotting bodies, her gun up, ready to shoot, thanking Shane for giving her ammo before she left,

"In here now" Glenn whispers as everyone walks into an alleyway there is a ladder hanging down ready to be used, "follow me"

"You sure this is safe?" Gabbie says as she slowly climbs up following Glenn's lead, "I'm sure and it will be the fall that kills us"

Gabbie looks down seeing rotten people trying to grab at them sending panic through her body before a hand snaps her back into reality as Glenn helps her up, everyone else is on the platform another ladder waiting to be climbed,

"You all go up I'll meet you there" Glenn says as he adjusts his hat and shakes his head letting all the swear drip down at the rotten people

"So you're marrying Shane?" Glenn says as he looks at Gabbie who's nodding, Glenn and Gabbie have been friends since college as his twin sister went there, and he also lost his bag so Gabbie had to help him find it,

"If he hurts you I swear I'll throw a pizza at his face" Glenn chuckles

"Yeah? That would be a waste of pizza" Gabbie replied smiling "It will be a rotten one"

"I remember when we put neon hair dye in her shampoo, and she killed us" Gabbie says chuckling at the memory,

"Yeah, I remember that" Glenn replied as he spun around ready to climb the ladder,

"Lady's first" Gabbie says smiling

"Do you want a rotten pizza thrown at your face?" Glenn says smiling at the reaction Gabbie gave,

Gabbie looks around the infirmity a yellow list is in her hand a bag hanging from her right arm as she scans the shelves for the medication she needs, her gun is hanging from her jeans shorts, and her black Nike shoes have glass at the bottom making her wince every time she walks,

"Got everything gab?" Glenn says through the broken metal door at the back,

"Yep, let's go I wanna get out of here giving me chills," Gabbie says smiling before grabbing a kit and slipping it into her bag with the pills smiling,

"You don't like Kit Kats?" Glenn says as they walk side by Side through the door,

"For Carl," Gabbie says smiling

"Right, are you and Shane gonna have kids? Because if you do I wanna be the godfather" Glenn says happiness showing in his voice,

"Who said we're having kids?" Gabbie whines as she climbs up the ladder Glenn following,

"And we're stuck well done Asshole" Merle says as everyone watches in panic at the doors. Revealing multiple rotten people banging onto the window that's keeping them at bay, gun shots fly through the street making everyone run up the stairs Gabbie gets handed Dale binoculars,

"What do you see" Andrea shouts as Gabbie looks through the binoculars,

"Just a horse getting eaten and rotten people clawing at a tank" Gabbie says frowning at the horse,

"Hello? Anyone?" A man's voice comes through a radio that's on the roof, making everyone hurry to it, ignoring Merel who shouting random things

"I can see you" Glenn says through the radio looking up at Gabbie who's near the edge looking at the tank that's almost rocking due to the rotten hands,

"Stay there tank boy you surrounded," Glenn says frowning as he walks to Gabbie he holds the radio up so she can hear him,

"Hello, this is Doctor Evermore, are you hurt or anything" Gabbie says through the radio waiting for a reply,

"Gab?" The man says making Gabbie's face go pale

"Rick, you're alive?" Gabbie shouts through the radio getting a chuckle from the other side,

"Hell yeah, now use your stupid brain to help me out here" Rick says making Gabbie smile as she grabs her gun ready to shoot and fight,

"No it's a death mission" Glenn says as he looks at the tank,

"I don't care, that's my best friend In there" Gabbie shouts

"Fine, I'll go with you but I'm making no promises," Glenn says as he grabs his hat and walks away Gabbie follows him, her hair flying around as they fly down the stairs,

Welcome to the first chapter
of 'tis dam season!

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