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Emily sat in the bar, watching soldiers who were in town for the big Memorial Day parade, and thought about the unexpected call she'd gotten from Jackson last night. It had been one month, twenty-six days without a word from him. They hadn't run into each other nor had she laid eyes on him since her April Fool's Day revenge prank.

Since then, she'd written two BDSM short stories, delving into the sub being shared and sharing her Dom, four chapters of her erotica book, was helping her parents with rentals and renovations and even managed to move into one of their small houses. Greg had called a few times, wanting her to take him back. Imagine it not working out with a bimbo young enough to be his daughter, she mused spitefully, as a couple of military men burst into laughter that made her smile and give a silent toast to them for risking their lives for their country.

As the weeks went by, Emily became less confident and it irked her. Jacks couldn't find time to even check on me...not until last night. I guess he meant it when he said he wasn't in love with me...I had been so sure. Her ego was bruised and the only thing that kept it from being destroyed was her writing and her ex, kissing her ass. And the last thing she'd thought was that she'd end up staying here in Salida, but for some reason, she couldn't make herself leave. Oh, be honest, Em! There's no way you were going to leave with the idea of being Jackson Clayborn's sub...his sex slave, the promises of fulfilling my every fantasy. Like hell you were going anywhere!

She was looking at her cell when a squeal turned her attention to the front door. There, with arms spread wide, stood the most beautiful woman Emily had ever seen. Her curly mocha hair was windblown and tousled like a siren of old. Her golden, almond-shaped eyes crinkled at the corners from the contagious smile across her caramel-colored face, and standing behind her was Jackson Clayborn.

Emily's stomach flipped then did a nosedive. It had never entered her mind that the bastard would already be with another woman. How dare he? she raged inwardly as the woman ran across the room into the outstretched arms of the soldiers and Jackson started walking to her table. She looked up at him accusingly.

He stopped then asked, "What, Emily? Is that your evil eye? If so, stop it. We don't believe in in love, so don't get bent out of shape because I walked in with another woman. Keep your ego in check."

His words felt like a slap and she could feel her face getting hot. "Of course, you're absolutely correct. It was just kind of a shock. Do you plan on sitting?"

"Is it safe?"

She nodded.

"I've seen you angry, Em. I wouldn't want to piss you off with a gun in your hand."

He's baiting me...trying to get a response. She gave him her sly grin. "Jacks, don't you think you're being a little dramatic? We're just friends...with possible benefits. Sex and love are two completely different things. And I promise to never have a gun around you." She hesitated, seeing a flicker in his eyes and knew she'd hit the mark. "So, why did you want to see me?"

He sat and gave a snide grin, his shoulder grazing hers. "Well, we're still talking sex...possible benefits. Are you still interested in being my sub? I've noticed in your writing lately, you use the term sex slave quite often."

She blanched. He's been reading my stories. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Have you been reading them?"

"Your BDSM?"


"Does that surprise you?"



"Because you've made no attempt to contact me...not even to see how I'm doing."

"I know how you're doing. It's a small town, people talk. Buck gets an earful constantly. There are all sorts of speculations about us."

"Are you mad or not attracted to me anymore?" she had to ask. He'd always been her backup. No matter what had gone on with another man, he'd always been there as her friend, eager to be her lover. He'd always boosted her ego, but now he was the one making it crumble.

Jackson shrugged. "Em, I've been busy but I've made sure you're okay. Plus, I wanted to see what you'd do if I wasn't in the picture. I had to know if you'd go back to that creep or if you'd stay in town on your own."

"You knew he'd contacted me?"

"Your dad ran into Buck and told him."

"He did not?" she asked, positive he did.

"Sure did, but let's cut to the chase. Are you still interested in being my sub?"

Emily wanted to tell him no, laugh in his face. But she'd been praying to hear from him and was so horny, she thought she would burst. Don't be an idiot, she warned herself and whispered, "Yes."

He smiled making her relax a bit. "I want to know something. Your stories about sharing, are they something you're really into? Have you done it before?"

"No, but I've always wanted to, especially with more than one man at a time."

"What about a woman, Em? I've thought about having you and another woman at the same time for years. It's like my go to fantasy. How do you feel about it? Would you do that for me? You said you'd do anything I wanted."

She could feel herself getting aroused and shifted in her chair feeling the dampness between her legs. "Jacks, I'm wet. This is turning me on."

"So, would you?"

"I think so."

"Have you ever kissed a woman?"


"Did you like it?"


"Did you do anything else?"

She shrugged. "I was a little past tipsy and fooled around a bit, but I wasn't really attracted to her and just didn't want to go there."

He pointed at the women he'd walked in with. "Could you go there with her?"

Her stomach knotted and her breath caught. "She's beautiful but—"

"Yes or no," he interrupted.

"Is she a girlfriend or something?" Emily was feeling sick as a jealous twinge crept up her spine.

"She's a friend."

"Like I'm a friend?"

"Not in the same way."

"Have you been with her?"

"Yes, but never alone. Look, Em, it's not your place to question. If you don't want to then don't."

He was right and being truthful, giving her the opportunity to discuss it and agree or disagree. Don't be a ridiculous child. You can't possibly feel jealous. You're not in love with him and you know he's had other women, other subs. Grow up and handle this. She glanced at the other woman then back at Jackson. "What's her name?"

"Carmen Renee Broussard Tupelo. We met in New Orleans at Tulane. We were in law school together."

That bit if information shocked her. "You're an attorney?"

"I don't talk about it and I'm not in private practice. I use it for my own personal dealings with oil and gas issues. Carmen is an attorney for the military but will be leaving her position soon."

It took a moment to process. "She's got a rather long name. Is she married?"

"She was."

"That's all you're going to tell me?"

"That's all you need to know."

Emily was intrigued. "May I meet her?"

Silently, Jackson left the table, went to the group of soldiers, greeted them then whispered in Carmen's ear. She turned and looked across the room at the redhead and that contagious smile lit her face. Emily returned it, feeling a warmth filling her as the woman came towards her, held out her hand and said, "It's good to finally meet you. We have a lot to talk about."

Confused, Emily took her hand and nodded, curious what she'd meant by her greeting. Before she could ask, Jackson was back, making introductions as they sat and made small talk. She was starting to feel comfortable, when three of the men in uniform joined them with war stories and cordial bantering as shots of tequila started being slammed back with gusto. All Emily could do was enjoy the moment and sip on the shots being handed to her.

After an hour, Jackson stood up. "Gentlemen, it's time I take these lovely ladies home. We've got an early day tomorrow. Don't forget the parade starts at nine. Cliff is waiting outside with the van if any of you want to go back to the bunkhouse. I'll see you in the morning."


All three got out of the Jeep at Emily's cottage and walked to the porch. She unlocked the door, turned to say goodbye but Jackson leaned down and gave her a familiar kiss that resonated all the way down to her womb.

Pulling away, he asked. "Can you do this? Can you make this one fantasy real?"

Emily glanced at Carmen whose eyes were lit with what could only be described as amused lust and couldn't keep from grinning. Looking back into Jackson's probing eyes, she answered, "Yes, I think I can."

"Good! Be at the parade tomorrow in front of the dispensary. You'll see Cliff. Pack a bag and plan on spending the night. We're having a picnic and after party at the house. I want you to get to know the soldiers. I served with some of them years ago. I also want you to familiarize yourself with the playroom. Once we reach an agreement, it'll be known as your room, as well as the suite across the hall from it. Are you ready for all of this?"

It was a lot to take in and all she could do was dip her head. Jackson smiled then took a few steps back as Carmen gave her a hug and before she knew it, Emily was being drawn towards the full lips, her mouth opening to the woman's passionate kiss, and she felt a knot grow in the pit of her stomach as a soft moan escaped her.

"Jesus...okay, ladies, enough!" Jackson ordered as they pulled away and stared at him inquisitively. "Look, I think we might all be getting turned on here, but this isn't the time. Tomorrow night. Carmen, let's go. Now!"

They burst into laughter as Carmen glanced back at Emily, shrugged and mouthed Men then followed him to the Jeep.

Memorial Day

Emily had followed Jackson's instructions. She'd enjoyed the parade, though it had been unseasonably hot outside and was glad to be in his home, replete with a bunkhouse and two small guest cottages. As promised, she was now left to get to know the playroom...her room. The four-poster bed dominated one wall and looked normal except for the restraints, of varying kinds, attached to each post. In another corner hooks hung from rafters with arrays of chains and cuffs dangling from them.

She opened a closet to find a variety of props from riding crops, to collars, clit and nipple clamps, dildos, vibrators, ropes and erotic clothing all in her size. The heady smell of leather assaulted her and the sight of all the playthings made her vagina clench in an uncontrollable, spontaneous orgasm. Spent, Emily, went to the bed, plopped on her back and was asleep in seconds.

Hours later, she was awakened by the sound of a single bugle playing Taps. She looked at her watch and with a screech ran from the room, slamming the door behind her and to her suite across the hall to freshen up. When she entered the living room, she was surprised to see food spread out everywhere, along with ice chests full of beer and wine, bottles of every liquor imaginable and plastic cups and plates.

Jackson came around the corner with a hotdog in his hand and gave her a peck on the check. "Hope you're rested," he said with a smirk then whispered, "You're going to need it."

She blushed and looked around, but no one was paying any attention. "I thought we were having a picnic."

"Too blasted hot out, so this is it."

"Oh, I'm so glad. That heat almost did me in earlier today."

"I thought of that. No way was I going to take a chance on you getting burned. I want you one hundred percent touchable."

She grinned and looked around at all the food. "Then you better feed me. I'm famished!"


Three hours later, everyone was into their cups and the talk was outrageous, the laughter bawdy and some of the military women had paired up with soldiers and were sitting alone together in obscure corners, while others were tired and began heading to the bunkhouse or loading up in the van for Cliff to drive them back into town.

Emily found herself on the couch next to Jackson who kept pouring himself and a younger man, he called Baker, glasses of scotch...neat, no ice. He was getting drunk and she suggested, a couple of times, that they retire to one of the rooms but he kept telling her he wasn't ready. Eventually, she got up and wandered about the house to find Carmen on the back porch, gazing up at the moon.

"How goes it?" she asked, opening the French door and stepping out to join her.

Carmen sighed. "I was just about to come find you to tell you goodnight."

"We're pretty much the only ones left standing. Jackson and Baker are shitfaced. I don't even know if they can stand up."

"Walk with me to the guesthouse, Em. Please, we need to talk."

She felt a little odd but said, "Sure."

Once inside, Carmen put her arms up and brought Emily's head down to hers in a passionate kiss then as quickly pulled away. "You're not ready," she stated.

Emily was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"Sit!" She did and Carmen explained. "When I met Jackson in law school, we became good friends quickly and found out we both were interested in learning all we could about BDSM and all things sexual. He told me about you, Em. He wanted to perfect it as an art, because he knew about your fantasies and that someday you all would be together, and there is nothing on this earth that he wants more than to please you."

"But I—"

Carmen held up a hand, stopping her. "Don't say anything. Just let me talk. His best friend was a gorgeous black man by the name of Rafe Tupelo and the three of us started experimenting in everything erotic, including me having both of them at once. After a few months, we couldn't deny it. Rafe and I were in love. But it didn't stop us. We loved and trusted each other so much that we kept the sharing going. Jackson brought in another woman. The experiments continued. Later Rafe and I ended up getting married.

"You and Jackson need to figure things out. If you don't think that man is in love with you, you're the craziest damn bitch I've ever known. And you...I felt the hesitation when we kissed. You were thinking about Jackson, and I will bet anything you couldn't go through with the three of us without getting jealous on some level, because you all don't have the trust and love thing going on yet.

"Let him make love to you, Emily. Start there! It's the only way for someone like you. Get in touch with your feelings because, baby girl, you've got them for that man, no matter how hard you try to fight it and him."

She hung her head and knew it was true...she wasn't ready. "Carmen, what happened with you and Rafe?"

"He was killed in Afghanistan two years ago today. He would want me to keep being sexual. That's what all this is about. It broke Jackson's heart when he died. The parade, tonight...all of this is in honor of my husband. Baker was with Rafe when he took his last breath. That's why they're so drunk together."

Emily's heart swelled with a sense of pride for this man that had been her friend for so long. "I feel..."

"Don't even try. Let it sink in. Now let's go get those men to bed."


The following morning, Emily woke up in Jackson's bed to the sound of his moaning. She rolled over and stared into bloodshot eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, my head," and again the moan.

"Have a little too much to drink last night?"

He winced. "Why didn't you stop me?"

"I tried, but you kept telling me you were fine," she answered, climbing out of bed and slipping her shorts and tank on.

"Where are you going?" Jackson asked, raising up on his elbows.

"I need to get home. I've got a lot to think about."

"I lost you last night. Where did you go?"

"With Carmen to her guest house."


For some reason, Emily felt ornery. "Sex."

He flopped back on the pillow, put his hands over his face and groaned, "I missed it?"

"Yep, guess you did," she giggled.

He sat up halfway and stared at her. "Really?"

"Naw, would we have that kind of fun without you?"

"You did, didn't you, without me?"

She looked at him and something swelled in her heart. He looked like such a lost little boy. "I'll call you later, Jacks. Thanks for a wonderful time." She turned and walked towards the door.

"Em, did we... did anything?"

Yeah, you did, she thought as she opened the door and walked out, closing it softly behind her. You gave a fallen soldier, your best friend, the most amazing honor and made me dangerously close to being in love with you. A smile touched her lips. What a wonderful tribute to Rafe and to me.

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