Terrible Two

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My body groans into action savouring the feeling of the bed. It's been so long, so unbelievably long since I've slept. I haven't needed to, but it feels so great. "I see you're awake." An all to familiar voice chuckles. The crimson eyed man stands beside my bed, he doesn't look a day older. "My name is Joe Krakveek. I created the serum that turned you into this monster." The same sword lies across his back, the same from five years ago. "I know who you are Y/N, my father sent me to give you this." Unsheathing the sword he lies it beside my bed, then he hands me a letter. "Don't read it until you've found the other. There's another that I gave the serum by the name of Kitty Brynd you must find her and read this together. This Titan problem is only going to get worse, so unbelievably worse."

"Joe. We have to go!" A girl who looks very similar to Joe steps into the room.

"Kara, I'm explaining everything to him." She grabs him by his throat.

"Don't let your feelings get in the way. Father ordered us to deliver this then leave. The girl....Kitty. If you're going to find her I'd check underground fighting rings. We've been told it's where she likes to hang." The Kara girl makes a gesture with her hand and a black portal opens. "Goodbye and Good Luck." She throws her brother through then joins him. Someone knocks on the door and my eyes dart to them as they open t slowly. It creaks ever so slightly before I can see their face. I recognise it as the female from the group. Her black hair is short and her eyes dark like the void. A red scarf is wrapped around her neck. "H-how are you?" She asks, sitting up I lean my back against the headboard.

"Thank you for bringing me back." I bow my head slightly, she blushes a faded pink.

"You should be thanking my brother. Bringing you back was his idea." She avoids eye contact with me. Against my body's orders I clamber out of bed, leaving behind the soft sheets. "Where are you going?" She looks at me seeing my obvious pain. I grit my teeth through it. "I need to find someone called Kitty Brynd." The sword lies with a scabard beside the bed. Picking it up I sling it across my back. "Do you know where I can find any underground fighting groups?" I ask heading over to the door.

"If you head south through town you will find it." She seems disappointed but I decide not to ask, this Kitty girl needs to answer my questions or I'm going to go insane.

Pushing my through the noisy crowd I reach the ring. Standing inside it is the girl I assume to be Kitty. "Who dares to face off against the unstoppable Kitty?!" The announcer yells, I guess it is her then. Perhaps the easiest way to get her to speak is to beat her, then I won't have to wait for her to finish fighting other people. Stepping up the burly announcer holds my hand up, Kitty sees the sword ans smirks. "You gonna be using that love?" She laughs brushing away her short ginger hair, exposing blue eyes.

"If I can I will." I state blankly, she wipes her mouth with a dirty hand wrapped in cloth and covered in blood. She nods a smile still on her face, sweat beading down her pale skin. "Doug. Hand me the dagger." The announcer who's name must be doug throws it to her, she catches it by the hilt and holds it, aiming the blade towards the floor she growls. "Anything goes. Three. Two. One."

Doug finishes commentating on the longest three seconds of my life. Kitty dashes towards me and I block her dagger with my sword. "So, you seem to respectable to be at this establishment. What brings you here young fellow?" She chuckles with a thick accent. I heard that once there were many accents around the world. Before the Titans appeared. Pushing her back I kick her in the stomach and she flips backwards retreating to her own corner. With the speed of a falcon she throws the knife into my shoulder then kicks me to the floor. Pulling the knife from my shoulder she licks the blade. "Huh, you're one of us chappy. Doug. I forfeit the match." She declares dropping the blade, the crowd boos and Kitty bows before me. "I'll tell you what you want to know." She smirks looking up at me.

"The man who gave you your Titan abilities is known as Joe Krakveek, son of Zenith Krakveek an interdimensional man of mystery." Kitty takes a swig from her mug, gulping down half a pint of ale. "Joe gave you your abilities but Kara Krakveek gave me mine, I suspect they were delivered at the same time. But I was never banished for my ability as it was never discovered. So love what is it that makes you different from the rest?" She drinks the rest of the ale and places the mug beside the other eleven.

"In Titan form I have four arms." I say proudly, it truly is unique.

"Really. Wow." She chuckles sarcastically. "I can sprout blades from any part of my body. I also get a sweet pair of tits in Titan form." She smirks downing another pint of ale. Why is her ability so call, I mean I've got four arms but they're not blades. "I was told we had to read this note together." I hand her the letter and she frantically rips it open. We both read the note inside together:

Dear Experiments Alpha and Beta,

This is Zenith Krakveek, or rather a letter written by me. I am writing to inform you about your purpose in your world. You're to defeat the Titan's once and for all. That is all, sorry for the short note but to be honest I can't think of anything else to write. Oh, and there are other Experiments named Charlie and Bravo, not an actual name Charlie but rather the, fuck it you get the idea.

Love Zenith.

P.S. Next time you see the female Titan kill her.

"That's weird." Kitty states the obvious.

Author's Notes- For once I have nothing to say. Zenith Out...

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