Anti-Drone League

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(A/N: These guys are the main antagonists to the Interstellar Manufacuring Corporation. Expect to see chapters where the IMC and the ADL battle it out on multiple worlds. They will appear in my version of Season 2 of Murder Drones. I know the series end after episode 8, but I didn't feel satisfied, so I'm gonna be making my own version of Season 2 where that are human survivors who survived from the Absolute Solver Apocalypse. However, like all Apocalypse scenarios, there are good humans and then there's the bad ones. In this case, the Anti-Drone League will be a challenge to the IMC.)


History: As the name implies, they're an organized, militant group of people who have a fierce vendetta and hatred against Artificial Intelligence (AI). Their origins began after the Absolute Solver/Cyn destroyed Earth and all the other human colonies when they tried to stop the virus. However, while Absolute Solver/Cyn claims all humans are now dead, this is in fact false as there are a handful of human survivors hiding amongst the stars and away from the eldritch monstrosity. However, given how awful humanity has treated Worker Drones and how an improperly disposed AI had started this whole apocalypse, it soon led to a radicalized and violent hatred against Synthetic AIs. Knowing that Worker Drones were the cause of the problems, this soon led to the formation of a violent and extremist group of humans called the Anti-Drone League.

While their main objective is to stop the Absolute Solver/Cyn, they are also to find and destroy any Worker Drones they come across. Viewing them as abominations and given their hatred for Synthetic AI, the ADL are infamous for their cruelty, violence and brutality against the AI drones. However, they're also known for fighting and killing other human surviving groups. Mainly those who treat Worker Drones as both equals and allies. Even going so far as to start families with them. Both disgusted and revolted by the sight had led the ADL to deem these human groups as 'traitors' to their own race and massacred those people. Though they killed all the worker drones, any human survivors they found were taken and forced to go through indoctrination as they brainwashed them to join their army. Those that resisted the brainwashing were killed or sometimes tortured for information on locations of other human survivor groups. That gave them the mentality of 'You're either with us or you're against us'.

Their organization also included individuals who are killers, criminals, and mercenaries on their side in order to bolster their numbers. Basically, anyone they could find or get their hands on. They also raided and took resources wherever they can, either through abandoned/destroyed colonies or human survivor groups who refuse to join their cause, growing in strength with each attack. Soon their actions put them in confrontation against the IMC as when they witness them have AI and treat them as equals, this outrages the ADL. Despite the IMC's attempts for peace, the ADL declares war against the megacorporation, soon leading to all-out war between the two factions.

Symbol/Flag/Battle Flag:


-"Rise and Resist Against the Machines!"

-"You're either with us or you're against us!"

Leader: Jason Copper

Nationality: American

Bio: A former special forces Captain that worked as Head Secuity of JCJenson, Jason was off planet abord a space station when he witnessed the destruction of the planet Earth. This horrified him, especially when he learns his family was on the planet and they were all killed. In response, he began an evacuation of whatever human survivors were in the Sol System and fled the eldritch monstrosity. Years passed and instead of solving the Absolute Solver problem, it just got worse. This made Jason both disillusioned and angry at the loss of human life, along with a fierce, racial hatred against the Worker Drones knowing full well they're responsible for the mess they're all in. When JCJenson failed at contained the spread, Jason took over the surviving military forces and began the formation of a radical and violent militant group called the Anti-Drone League.

As the name implies, Jason created the group to do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of the human while at the same time working on way to stop the Absolute Solver from killing them all. While the intentions of this group seemed noble, it was anything but. Under his leadership, Jason wanted the total extermination of ALL Worker Drones, blaming them for humanities near extinction and held them responsible for the deaths of his family. Being racist and prejudice against the Worker Drones, Jason would descend into madness, willing to recruit surviving killers and mercenaries to his side while also committing war crimes against other human survivor groups who refused to join his side. When the ADL found other human survivor groups. Jason was furious when he saw some of them had worker drones who they not only saw as friends but also started families with them. Disgusted and angered at such a sight, Jason orders the killings of both worker drones and humans. If there are human survivors, he orders them to be taken and then be brainwashed to serve the ADL.

In present day, Jason is at the height of his power as the ADL made significant progress at fighting the Absolute Solver and retaking several planets that could be considered useful... at least those that weren't completely destroyed. However, everything changed when the ADL encountered the IMC. Though the IMC tries to negotiate, Jason orders his forces to attack them due to these newcomers using AI, thus sparking a war between two militant factions.

========== (Sub-Leaders) ==========

Name: Merilin Sidewinder

Nationality: German

Bio: Working as the ADL's military intelligence chief, she's known for having both eyes and ears everywhere. Among other things, she's distrustful of her subordinates, hates being out in the open, and likes using doubles to pull public face for her. Thanks to their scientists and their experimentations, Merilin has other female humans that may or may not be her running the show in her place. Though she lacks an army and personal guards, everything points to her being the hardest to deal with. Known for being shrewd and extremely clever, she's able to anticipate the moves of the IMC and report back to her leader. This intern makes her a high valued target for the IMC that needs to be eliminated.

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Name: Liang Jing

Nationality: Chinese

Bio: The General of the ALD's Space Navy, he's responsible for giving the tactical assessments and battle plans for all space warfare. Known for using tactics in hit-and-run operations, he prefers guerilla style warfare to wear out his enemies before going in for the kill. However, he is also skilled in a straight up naval fight. Yet he will be challenged when fight against the IMC.

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Name: Ivan Sechenov

Nationality: Russian

Bio: The General of ground operation and infantry deployment, he's a ruthless and brutal man who expects his soldiers to achieve victory. Like his leader, Ivan has a vendetta and hatred against AI, especially when it comes to Worker Drones. While he does order his soldiers to kill all of them, sometimes he allows for some Worker Drones to be captured if only to be tortured sadistically to death. When it comes to training his troops, he makes sure they're working overtime in order to make them lean and tough when they go into combat. Hence making them obedient and fanatical loyalists to the ADL. When it comes to fighting against the IMC, he's actually overjoyed as it means he now finally has a proper challenged to fight.

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