Nathaniel Fordham Bio

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(A/N: This OC character belongs to JuanDeleon662. Thank him for this. I also got inspiration and help from Wattpad Author JoeHerrerea. This character is the main rival and enemy to Kyle W. Hammond.)


Name: Nathaniel Fordham


Military Rank: General

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Nationality: British-American


Inferno 1

Drone Killer

The Dominator and the Destroyer

Famous Quotes:

(disgust) "Disgusting. To think a human would even think of having a relationship with a drone. Much less a drone like you." (To Uzi)

(hateful glare) "It's your fault! You murdered my parents, and I will not stop until I destroy you both with my own hands!!!" (To N and V) 

(glares) "We both share the same story. We lost our parents when we were children and had out innocence ripped away. But the difference is that you were able to find peace... I on the other hand wanted REVENGE, GENOCIDE, DESTRUCTION on all those responsible for ruining my life!" (To Kyle)

(glares) "You are all traitors! Traitors to your own species! And I will not stop until I murder every last one of you!" (To IMC and Apex Squad)

Affiliation/Allegiance: Anti-Drone League


Background: An Earth born citizen; Nathaniel grew to have a normal, regular childhood. He had a loving family and a great childhood. However, all of that was taken away due to the existence of the Absolute Solver. Nathaniel witnessed the deaths of his parents as he watched two disassembly drones feast on their bodies (both SD-N and SD-V), traumatizing him for life. After escaping the planet and taking refuge in a space station, he grew up among other orphans who also lost their parents and families to the AS and the Disassembly Drones. Then things got worse when JCJenson began experimenting with the Absolute Solver, resulting in the other human colonies to be attacked and destroyed, further leading humanity to near extinction.

Just as all hope seemed lost for him, Nathaniel saw the creation of the Anti-Drone League, led by Jason Copper who launched a military coup against JCJenson for failing the human race. After giving a speech about how the Worker Drones and AI in general were the true enemies to humanity, Nathaniel joined their ranks and would eventually rise to the top as being one of the top soldiers of the Anti-Drone League, becoming a loyal member to their cause. As the years pass and the more time he spends with the ADL, his hatred for all drones continued to grow. Still remembering his parent's deaths at the hands of the Disassembly Drones and knowing that Worker Drones are fully responsible for the near extinction of humanity, Nathaniel was indiscriminate on any drones he killed, including those who begged for mercy.

Eventually he would also come across other human survivor groups and when he saw some of them interacting and being friendly with Worker Drones, this infuriated him greatly, especially when he saw some humans and worker drones in love relationships. When Jason Copper order the elimination and execution of humans who are benevolent with Worker Drones, Nathaniel wastes no time in murdering those he deems traitors to the human race. Without mercy or remorse, he reveled in the violence and murder spree, wanting to show what happens to those who betray their own kind.

As the war against the Absolute Solver continued, Nathaniel and the ADL face an unexpected third party called the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) who joined in on the war. after learning that the IMC uses AI and are friendly with Worker Drones, the ADL declares war against them, resulting in a three-way battle royal between three different factions. As for Nathaniel himself, he faces his deadliest challenge yet when he confronts and fights against Kyle W. Hammond.

Personality: Nathaniel is described as a cold and uncompromising soldier. Mostly quiet and keeping to himself, he follows the orders of his superiors without question. When it comes to combat, he is ruthless and merciless, not giving his enemies a time to breath as he's always one on the offensive. However, he's easily angered when engaging drones, especially those who beg and plead for mercy. Still haven't forgotten the face his parents were murdered by Disassembly Drones; he's outraged that Worker Drones would have the audacity to beg for mercy when they never showed a shred of mercy to his own species.

When it comes to humans who actually side with Worker Drones and treat them as friends/family, he is both disgusted and enraged at seeing such a sight. Because of this, he also shows no mercy and brutally slaughters them without a shred of remorse. Not even children are spared from his wrath as he eliminates them with extreme prejudice when he sees them being friendly with Worker Drones. As such he enjoys having free reign to do whatever he wants when dealing with human enemy fighters or civilians. The same goes of the IMC as he sees them as enemies to humanity and will do whatever it takes to permanently destroy them.

Main Rival/Main Enemy: Kyle W. Hammond

Bio: When Nathaniel met Kyle for the first time, he became a fierce and dangerous adversary to the Titan Pilot. Though not a superhuman like him, Nathaniel was able to keep up thanks to his wits, skills, and combat experience. As such, he sees him as the biggest and most dangerous obstacle to the ADL's goals of destroying the Absolute Solver and all AIs in general. The two would encounter and engage in several blows against each other, leading to a fierce rivalry between the two mecha pilots. Despite the challenge, fighting Kyle actually gave Nathaniel a challenge as he finally has someone who can make him go all out in combat.


Drone Genocide




Kyle W. Hammond

Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC)

Uzi Doorman

Worker or Disassembly Drones

N and V

Absolute Solver

Battle Armor:



(A/N: Ignore the helmet.)

Booster Pack



Twilight v.4

HS4000 (2x)

Shoulder Mounted ANVIL Rocket Launcher

Plasma Knife

Plasma Katana

Mecha: Striker

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