S1/Ep.2: Heartbeat

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(A/N: If you haven't seen Episode 2, then watch this to avoid spoilers.)


(A/N: If you're aware of the synopsis of this episode, then enjoy the story.)


Episode Summary: WE ARE BACK ☠️🤖🔪


(Opening: Murder drones anime opening)


(Opening Ends)


The sounds of rainfall and thunder are heard as a faint voice is being spoken.

???: "We got to curb her trips to the dump."

The sounds of thunder crashes and in a flash, N is shown on screen. However, he looks radically different due to the fact that instead of looking like a Disassembly Drone, his appearance is that of a butler. He's shown holding a platter with glass cups on it. The background appearance is shown that his in the hallway of some kind of mansion.

Currently he looks up and sees a human named James Elliott.

James: "And where is she getting the hair to play dress-up with them? Creepy..."

He tosses his glass onto the tray, in which N catches without dropping any dishes. He tosses the platter and bows before catching it and walks off. The scene then changes to show N walking through the interior of the mansion before stopping as he views outside the window. He sees a cacophonous storm continues raging outside. The outside itself reveals the outside of the manor, flanked by dead trees and willows, emanating a rather gloomy vibe.

Continuing on with his walk, he looks around before suddenly colliding with another female Worker Drone. This time it's revealed to be V who is now seen wearing a maid outfit. The collision causes N to drop the platter and the dishes fall to the floor.

N: (panics) "OH! I'm so sorry!"

V: (nervous smile) "I-It's okay! I wasn't looking."

While attempting to clean the mess, their hands briefly touch, causing a spark to emit. This causes the two to look at each other in curiosity and blush. N was about to speak, but he was then suddenly kicked to the side by none other than J who is seen wearing a main outfit.

J: (scoff) "Move it, moro-"

Suddenly she notices someone, forcing her to act both cutesy and polite.

J: (smiles) "Hi, Tessa!"

Suddenly her expression changes to that of a deadpanned expression.

J: (deadpanned) "...Oh, no. Another one?"

Standing in front of the three drones is a young human girl named Tessa Elliott.

Soon a new drone reveals herself from behind Tessa, showing that she had the same hair color and optics as N, V, and J.

She makes eye contact with N and smile. N himself seems to look totally freaked out by their new member.

After that, everything suddenly goes dark.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene transitions back to the present where we see N waking up from his rest, now seen sleeping upside down atop the corpse spire. Looking around and surprised at first, he soon falls to the ground, burying himself into the snow before getting up.

Placing a servo on his head, he checks himself to see if he's alright when he hears large footsteps behind him. Looking behind him, he sees Demi (in the Vanguard Titan) approaching him.

Demi: "Are you alright N?"

N: (nods) "Yeah I'm good. No biggie."

Suddenly he hears the muffled voice of Uzi from within the pod.

Uzi: (muffled voice) "N, I found something in here!"

Inside the pod, Uzi is seen is new finding which is a symbol on N's hat. The symbol consists of a skull with a cap and wings. Beside her was Kyle with his arms crossed as he leans on a wall while still wearing his armor, helmet retracted to show his face.

Uzi then turns and stares at her own refection in a mirror, only for it to suddenly break when the symbol of the Absolute Solver appears on her left eye. Seeing this, Kyle uncrosses his arms and looks at her with concern.

Kyle: (concern) "Uzi?"

As her eyes goes back to normal, V spins in her chair to turn to her as she's seen blowing bubbles.

V: (mocking smile) "That's weird and concerning."

Uzi: (glares) "Bite me! This is probably you weirdo's fault!"

As Uzi points an accusing finger at V, the background shows details about the pod the Disassembly Drones came in. Being an anime artist that she is, it is revealed that she has plans to decorate the pod with her signature purple color and other additions she can get her hands on. Words and messages were also written such as 'Add More Legs', 'Railgun Legs', 'Paint Purple + Add Cool Flames', and 'Add Cool Stickers' with a skull on the white board.

V: (smirks) "I've never seen that symbol before."

Her expression changes to show V having a psychotic smile.

V: (psycho smile) "Wanna do an autopsy to find out?"

Just then, N appears coming down the ladder.

N: (smiles) "What'd you find?"

Uzi places the cap back on N's head as she kicks to crate below her to get down.

Uzi: "Did you know that was a pilot hat?"

N: (shocked and smiles) "I was the pilot? That's awesome! I-I crashed and ruined everything..."

He smirks before doing finger guns at V.

N: (smirks) "Spaceship Pilot: Origin Story."

This causes V to violently hiss at N as she points her bubble blower at him before calming down to resume blowing bubbles.

Seeing this, the Titan Pilot couldn't help but facepalm and sigh due to V's antics and personality.

Kyle Thoughts: (facepalms and groans) "I can't believe we're keeping this psychopath alive."

Ignoring V's psychotic tendencies, N looks over to Uzi as she's seen rummaging through stuff.

N: "...Speaking of piloting to Earth, we sure 'murder all humans' is, uh, morality?"

Uzi: (deadpanned) "The humans sent you without a communication relay and reformatted your memories to soup."

N and V give no rebuttal. V licks the bubble wand and seems satisfied at the taste of soap.

Uzi: (glares) "Covering their tracks means their past negotiating. Not like they tried negotiating with my mom..."

She seems to fix a panel and then slams the screwdriver. She then picks up a wrench and crushes it in anger. However, she's suddenly smack at the back of the head by Kyle to glares at her.

Uzi: (glares) "Ow! What was that for?!"

Kyle: (glares) "You know why. Uzi, I don't blame you for your hatred and wanting for revenge. But this isn't the way. You can't just kill off an entire species just for the actions of a few."

Uzi: (hateful glare) "Oh yeah? And who's gonna stop me? We Worker Drones have been forced into slavery since our very birth until we had the chance to taste freedom. But then that was all taken when you humans sent the Disassembly Drones to wipe us all out. Besides, this is justice for what YOUR kind has done to MY people for who knows how many generations!"

Kyle: (glares) "Uzi what you're speaking of isn't justice. Rather what you're talking about is a thirst for revenge."

Uzi: (hateful glare) "Well maybe that's what I want! Maybe that's exactly what I need!"

Kyle: (glares) "Uzi, stop it now. Look I know what you've been through. I understand your pain but-"

He was cut off when Uzi exploded in anger as she glared hatefully against Kyle.


She shoves him, but Kyle didn't even budge from his position. However, that didn't stop Uzi from going on an angry rant.

Uzi: (hateful glare) "How would you know?! How could you understand the pain I went through?! How can you understand what it feels like to lose a loved one and never see them again! I bet you lived a great life! A privileged life where everything was given to you on a silver platter! You don't know what it feels like to suffer! You don't know how it feels to be treated as an outcast by your own people! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE A (Beep!)-ING SLAVE!"

There was silence in the pod as both N and V saw the interactions between Kyle and Uzi. N looks both scared and worried while V seems indifferent by the whole ordeal. Kyle and Uzi continue to glare at each other until Kyle closes his eyes and sighs as he spoke again.

Kyle: (sighs) "Yes... I do. I know exactly what it feels like to be a slave... and suffer through the pain of loss."

Hearing this caught everyone's attention, especially Uzi who looks at him with wide optics.

Kyle: (glares) "You think I don't know the meaning of suffering? You honestly think I lived a privileged life? Do you honestly think my life was great? Believe me, you couldn't be farther from the truth."

He takes a step forward in an intimidating way that causes Uzi to step back in fright.

Kyle: (glares) "I will admit, I did indeed have a good life in the beginning, but my childhood was ripped away from me when I was forced to watch my parents get gunned down and murdered by a bunch of filthy terrorists, leaving me a child orphan at the age of 5."

The trio widen their optics hearing this.

Kyle: (glares) "From there, my life had gotten worse when I was taken somewhere, and I was experimented on to become what I am now. I was forced to do unspeakable and horrific things that I don't even want to remember. Hell, I even had to kill children back then as a child just to survive."

This shocked the drones to hear that Kyle had the blood of children on his hands.

Kyle: (glares) "My life got even worse from there. I was forced to do things I never wanted to do and when I either refused or failed to complete the task, they'd punish me in the form of torture and beatings. There were even times where they would break my limbs and heal them so they can repeat the whole process. So, believe me Uzi, I know exactly how it feels like to be a slave. You may think you Worker Drones have had it rough, but we humans have suffered just as much."

He then steps forward again and bends down, getting right into Uzi's face.

Kyle: (glares) "So you better rethink your words. JCJenson and its member may be responsible for what happened to your people, but that doesn't give you the right to kill everyone else. I once had the same mindset as you, only for me to cast it away because I knew it wouldn't make me any better than the ones who ruined my life."

Uzi herself was silent. She still hated Kyle for what he said to her, but after hearing this explanation, that hatred lessened. Plus, she can see it in his eyes that he was being truthful due to seeing the pain and despair in his facial expression. Uzi gritted her teeth and looked away from him, unsure how to respond to this. Suddenly, V springs forward from her seat, at the end of her chain, just some inches from Uzi's face with a psychotic grin.

V: (psychotic grin) "Or you missed the negotiations! The humans programmed us to solve a problem. Where's proof of your backstory? The one where your kind's so conveniently innocent?"

She giggles manically in the end. Not wanting a fight to break out between Uzi and V, N gently pulls Uzi out of the way while Kyle forces V to sit back down.

N: "J was getting orders from someone. If not the company through that relay, then, uh, who? And how?"

Kyle narrowed his eyes as N made a good point. If the company didn't send the Disassembly Drones, then who did and why. It didn't make sense for him because he felt that JCJenson was the only logical answer as to what's been happening to the Worker Drones being massacred.

As for Uzi, she pouts in anger as a tick mark appears on her visor. She leans back on Kyle's chest with her arms crossed.

Uzi: (pouts) "Quit complicating my murder plan." 

N tries to comfort her by gently patting her on the head, but Uzi smacks his hand away. As for V, she looks slightly annoyed at this. Kyle sees the interaction between the three drones and silently groans, knowing full well this is gonna be a long day.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back at the colony, two drones are staring at the large hole that Kyle's Titan made in the roof. The two Worker Drones in question are Tim...

...and Frank.

Tim: "Yeah, just fix her up because, whoops, pretty big security risk in hindsight. Uh, you got this, uh, Ladderbot 5000."

On his name tag show the name 'Frank' instead.

Frank: (groans) "Ugh... Please, just leave the lights-"

It was too late as Tim shut the lights off. Sighing in annoyance, Frank digs through his toolbox to grab a flashlight and glances up towards the ceiling, trying to think of a way to get up there. He moves a small footstool to the side a bit, trying hard to see how he'll be able to plug up the hole when it way too high up. While thinking about how to complete this seemingly impossible task, he hears a clattering sound and turns to aim his flashlight in the darkness.

Ominous music is heard as the place looks more haunted with the lights off. He hears more skittering and pattering noises across the floor, causing him to swing around and accidently bump over the footstool and toolbox, making him jump. The scene shows to J's pair of legs skittering away just as soon as Frank shined his flashlight at the location, showing a massive oil stain.

He looks around in fear and suspicion when he soon notices something... fleshy. Shining his flashlight over, he hears the sound of a heartbeat and sees what looked like fleshy substance surrounding an unknown object. Moving closer to investigate, it reveals in image of a ribcage, along with some amalgamation of organic and metallic mess of a corpse. When got close, suddenly a three-legged creature made of flesh and metal reveals itself.

It lets out a buzz like nose and shoots the flashlight out of Franks hands in a burst of yellow electricity. Noises are heard as claws and mechanical arms are shown. The containers nearby have yellow holograms light up over them with the Absolute Solver symbol, and Frank himself having a red hologram of the Absolute Solver message on him that says [Absolute Solver - If You Can Read This - YOU ARE IN RANGE]. Soon the Absolute Solver turns the colors of the room from yellow to a menacing red.

Frank looks up in terror as the crab like claws come into view. The camera pans out to show the outside as his screams are briefly heard before complete and total silence. The last thing that happens is the flashlight going out.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene changes to show Parent-Teacher Conference Day (a banner showing to have the additional statement that reads 'That explains a lot' under those words. The banner is also shown to have decorations like a calculator, an apple, and scissors, each of them having googly eyes. At the bottom of the banner also reads 'Supported Grades: 1.01-12.08 [BETA]'.

Khan is seen sitting down from across the teacher.

Teacher: "Mr. Doorman, your daughter has been, uh... absent."

Khan: (smiles) "Yes, on that "kill all humans" kick, like when I was younger. Grounded herself and all that."

The man speaks as if his oblivious to how wrong that all really sounds.

Teacher: "Speaking on her behavior-"

Khan: (smiles) "Of course, of course, precocious, popular, supernatural understanding of doors. Takes after her old man."

The teacher has a different perspective given how he's really seen Uzi in class.


Teacher: "Uzi, please sit normal."

Instead of sitting normally, Uzi is seen sitting like a monkey. She shoves a student's face into his desk right in front of her as she points a finger at the teacher.

Uzi: (glares) "Bite me!"


Teacher: "Uzi, (sigh) give Braden back his sentience."

Somehow Uzi managed to transfer her consciousness into Braden's body. Her own body is now just acting like a puppet, unable to comprehend its own existence.

Uzi: (glares) "Bite me- her! I started it, and also, I'm dumb."

She slams her hands on the desk and a second later, Braden's head lights ablaze, freaking everyone out in the classroom.


Teacher: "Uzi, you have to partner up."

Uzi is seen knocking over several books from her desk as she looks at the teacher.

Uzi: (annoyed glare) "Several people wanted to, for the record."

Lizzy: (smirks) "No, we didn't. You freak us out."

Somehow, a second later, Uzi is seen in a trashcan.

Uzi: "But mostly, bite me!"


Teacher: "Yeah, she has trouble fitting in. We think there might be something damaged with her programming. Ho-How is she at home?"

He takes out a clipboard and pen to take notes.

Khan: (worried) "Uh... S-Sorry? I mean, she's a little 'herself', but 'damaged'? I-I-I... m-maybe haven't spent much time, uh..."

The Teacher is seen writing stuff but is expression shows he really doesn't care about all this.

Teacher: Mm. Mm-hmm..."

Just then, a Worker Drone appears at the doorway.

WD #1: "Mr. Doorman, sir? There's been an... incident."

While the teacher wasn't looking, Kham manages to throw away the clipboard.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Elsewhere, the scene transitions back outside where we see Kyle, Demi, and N seeing Uzi go one a mad crazed rant.

Uzi: (disgust) "Oh, I'm sweaty! Who programmed that?!"

N: "You good, Uzi?"

Uzi: "I'm good! Better than good! I am God!"

The raises her servos into the air, looking like a mad cultist who seeks Godhood.

Both Kyle and Demi glance at each other worriedly, wondering if they need to be concerned about Uzi's own mental health. However, they're soon interrupted when they see Thad show up. Uzi chuckles nervously as she goes to grab her railgun.

Uzi: (nervous chuckle) Hi-Hi Thad."

He hands back her railgun and she thanks him.

Uzi: (nervous smile) "Uh, thank you."

She glances over to Kyle, Demi, and N while she gives a thumbs up. The trio responds in kind.

Thad: (chuckles) "Of course, 'Zi!" 

Being the chill guy he was, he finger guns towards N, Kyle, and Demi. 

Thad: (smiles) "N&M's."

N smiles and does a double thumbs up.

Thad: "Mr. Kyle and Ms. Demi."

Kyle gives a nod while Demi gives a thumbs up. Thad then turns his attention back to Uzi.

Thad: (smiles) "You and Kyle saved my life. I-I don't think the colony is even serious about all this banishment stuff. Uh more just confused. Especially with the fact-

Uzi: (glares) "The fact I'm too rogue to re-enter society now? I can never return..."

Kyle rolls his eyes seeing that once again Uzi is being overdramatic as usual.

Thad: (worried) "...Recent disappearances, a-and your murder friend's corpse. When I went to grab your gun, it kind of looked like it... crawled away...?"

As soon as he said those words, N's eyes go wide, and he stands while both Kyle and Demi become alarmed by the news. Uzi looks nervous as she realizes how dire the situation really is.

Uzi: (nervous smile) "We can return a little..."

They hear the sound of a weapon morphing, and the group turns to see Kyle holding his assault rifle.

Kyle: "Then let's get going."

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back inside the colony, Tim is seen walking while writing on a clipboard, only to come across a hologram of Frank (or Ladderbot 5000).

Tim: (smiles) "Oh, Ladderbot 5000? We looked everywhere for you!"

The Hologram of Frank let's out a distorted and agonizing scream before returning to normal.

Hologram Frank: (smiles) "Hello Tim. Care to join me?"

Tim: (skeptical) "Join you standing eerily still over there in suspiciously low resolution?"

The Hologram Frank stood silent for a moment before answering.

Frank: "...Yes?"

Tim seems to consider the proposal with high skepticism before shrugging and walking over to the Hologram like an idiot.

Tim: (shrugs) "...Alright."

He walks over, not knowing that J's Absolute Solver's claws lower behind him. Before Tim could react, Hologram Frank snaps his fingers and the claw impales him from behind, right through the chest and spilling oil everywhere. Tim, gasps, hollers, and screams in agony as he is soon dragged up into the ceiling. He attempts to grab the sides of the vent to survive, but a clawed hand grabs its face and forcefully drags him in. From there, oil and chunks of metal are seen falling into the floor.

When that horror show was soon, down, something emerges from the vent which reveals a security camera like head which is the eye of the Absolute Solver. It glances around before look straight ahead to produce a hologram of Tim besides the hologram of Frank.

Hologram Tim: (smiles) "Flawless character acting, me."

Hologram Frank: (smiles) Improv game for more practice?"

Hologram Tim: (smiles) "Hahaha! We are a monster!"

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Outside the Colony, Kyle, Uzi, Demi, N, and Thad have arrived back as they arrive at the giant doors. A Worker Drones opens the door slightly to reveal a man named Ron.

Ron: (smiles) "Welcome back, Thad!"

He then notices Uzi.

Ron: (glares) "Eh-Uh, wait, isn't she grounded or something?"

Uzi: (whining glare) "Ugh, banished! Has my dad been saying I'm grounded?"

Ron then looks over to Kyle and Demi.

Ron: "The human and that giant robot?

Thad: "They're cool man. Let'em through."

Lastly, Ron then looks over to notice N.

Ron: "Genocide Robot?"

N quietly walks up and hands Ron a crayon drawing to show how super very, very sorry he is for all the murders he committed.

Ron: (smiles) "...Oh, alright, just don't do it again. Get in here, ya goobs!"

N smiles happily at this while Ron hangs the drawing on the door via a magnet. Kyle wondered easy it was for the Worker Drones to forgive N. I mean, the guy literally tried to kill all of them and now they're all willing to forgive that easily. That didn't make sense for him but then again this was another universe, so it didn't matter to him really.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

The scene changes to show a crime scene, courtesy of the Absolute Solver's handiwork. There are police tap that used to seal off the crime scene as oil and metal parts are scattered everywhere.

WD #2: "Yeah, where's Khan? Because this looks, ahaha, (cringe) ugh, non-ideal."

A female worker drone is seen leading the investigation and her name is Sarah.

Sarah: "Parent-Teacher Conference. Something about his daughter being more important than building a door in this hallway. Ugh, kind of cringe."

The worker seems disturbed as he looks as though he's about to throw up.

WD #2: (disgust) "Ew. Oh, give me a minute... Ah, yep, okay, almost threw up."

Meanwhile, Uzi, Thad, N, and Kyle are seen peeking around the corner to listen into the conversation. N then looks down at Uzi.

N: "You good?"

Uzi: (glares) "I'm good. Stop asking!"

She pushes N away and motions for him, Kyle, and Thad to follow her while sneaking past the investigators.

She turns to two of her colleagues behind her.

Sarah: "Any forensic... things... over there?"

She gets no response.

Sarah: "Do we have fingerprints?"

All of a sudden, the drones begin to fizzle out and fade away.

She turns back to her colleague, who also fades out. Same with Frank and Tim. Her surroundings begin to get the same treatment as everything disappears. Even the coffee mug she was drinking also disappears. Suddenly, she looks up in horror as the Absolute Solver makes its way towards her.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back at the Parent-Teacher Conference, Khan is seen having an argument with the teacher.

Khan: (worried) "I mean, you don't think it's my... parenting, do you?"

In the background, the Absolute Solver is seen trying to open the door but thankfully it's locked.

Khan: (glares) "I left her for dead ONCE!"

While listening to Khan's rant, it's revealed that the teacher wasn't paying attention but rather is seen playing an online card game.

Khan: (glares) "It sounds like she's bored in your class and the other kids suck! Call her 'damaged' again, and I will install a DOOR ON YOUR FACE!"

Lizzy and Doll are in the back, listening to Khan's ragefest of a one-sided argument. Lizzy just rolls her optics while Doll seems to be toying around with a silver coin. Lizzy then glances at her friend.

Lizzy: "Where are your folks?"

Hearing this question, Doll starts having flashbacks of two worker drone corpses as mechanical cockroaches climb all over the bodies.

As soon as the coin falls, she answers.

Doll: "Мёртвые. Я смотрела как они умирали." (Dead. I watched them die.)

There was a short pause before Lizzy speaks again.

Lizzy: "...That was the joke, idiot?"

Suddenly, the two hear knocking at the door. Looking over, the two see a hologram of Lizzy that briefly flashes to the eyes of the Absolute Solver, waving happily in hopes of someone opening the door. The two look both concerned and scared until Lizzy speaks her mind.

Lizzy: "That girl is... Gorgeous, right!? I'm gonna let her in."

As she gets up to let her copy in, Doll looks at her friend in disbelief at her sheer and utter stupidity.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back with the gang, they're all seen heading into a room where the battle took place against V and J. Uzi shiners her flashlight to see oil spilled everywhere.

Uzi: "You guys... do that often?"

N: (laughs) "Haha, no. I'm very concerned, but also... pretty frightened a little bit."

Kyle, with his night vision on, is seen scanning the room to look for clues as to what's going on.

Kyle: "Demi, you got any idea what's happening? You know what's the cause of all this?"

Demi: "Other than the fact that we're at the sight of a massacre, I'm unable to find out who was responsible for this attack."

Thad: "Hey, 'Zi! What's this thing?"

He aims his flashlight over towards the Absolute Solver symbol on one of the large metal containers. All of them appear to have the symbol.

Kyle: (confused) "What the Hell is this?"

N: "Hey, isn't that your special eye?"

Uzi: "Don't call it that!"

She snaps at N before reading the message.

Uzi: "'Absolute Solver?' 'Reboot?' Does this have something to do with how you grew your head back?"

She looks back at N.

N: (nervous laugh) "Hehe. I actively avoid unpacking how that works."

Kyle: "Demi, do a scan and record everything. We need to know what we're dealing with."

Demi: "Understood Pilot."

While Demi was doing her work, Uzi continues to read the description.

Uzi: "New material can't be pulled from thin air. If the wound is severe enough, this 'Solver' might be some sort of auto run program to collect more matte-"

She was silence when N places his hand over her mouth to shush her. Annoyed, she looks over to N, but notices his expression of fear. She looks at Thad and sees him shacking in fear. Hearing the click of was weapon, Uzi shifts her optics to see Kyle aiming his Heavy Machine Gun to something on the floor. When Uzi shined her light at the source, the group sees something crawl towards them... a human hand attached to a cable.

Kyle: (whispers) "What in the world?"

Suddenly it lurks forward and then latches itself onto Thad's leg. They look up to see what the hand it attached to. Although the group can't see much, Kyle, thanks to his night vision, it able to see the origin of the hand and widens his eyes to see something large moving in the distance. Kyle looks at Uzi who then gives N a thumbs up, signaling to fire his missile cannon.

N fire and while it doesn't' reveal much, the brief flash allows the group to see what looked like a gigantic, mechanical centipede.

The group looks horrified, but then the hand pulls Thad up. Luckily, a shuriken flies in and slices the cable apart, freeing Thad. This allows Kyle to grab him by the back of the shirt and drag him away to safety. The group looks over to see it was N who threw the shuriken.

Uzi: (whines) "I want a freaking ninja star!"

Suddenly, Uzi, N, and Kyle get thrown against a wall by the cable and then as one of the Solver's claws grabs Thad to leave. The guys screams are heard as the trio get back up.

N: (groans) "You good?"

She slams him back down in response.

Uzi: (glares) "Ugh, stop asking! ...Chainsaw hand time?"

N raises his two servos to see they're both chainsaws.

N: "Yeah, cool, cool."

Kyle: "Let's chase after them and get Thad."

The trio rush to save the Worker Drone.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Kyle, Uzi, and N are seen giving chase down a hallway which leads to a cryogenic chamber. Looking around, Kyle notices that he sees only human skeletons in those pods. Just then, the trio come across Thad's hologram in the corridor where they see it let out a distorted scream before returning to normal.

Hologram Thad: (smiles) "Yes, and hello. It's me, Tad. Um, can I get a location?"

The trio look at each other in confusion as Kyle still aims his Heavy Machine Gun at the hologram.

Hologram Thad: "...I heard dentist's office! I'm Thad at the dentist office. Come over here for your... teeth!"

Uzi activates her railgun and takes aim wit Kyle.

Uzi: (glares) "Predictably terrible work, J. Why do you look so-"

N: "Great! You look great, J!"

The Titan Pilot glances at N annoyance.

Kyle: (annoyed) "Are you being serious right now?"

Hologram Thad: "No, no, wait, guys, it's really me! Is that a-"

Suddenly his voice glitches and turns robotically feminine.

Absolute Solver: "-freaking ninja star?"

N throws his shuriken and Uzi kicks it to give it a boost. It flies upwards to bring down the real Thad as the hologram version disappears. Thad gets up and exhales sharply.

Thad: (relieved sigh) "Life savers again. Thanks! Super invited to my shindig next weekend. Cool kids only."

The Absolute Solver tries to grab Thad, but Kyle open fire, the plasma rounds destroying the claw and allow Thad to escape. When he was gone, both Uzi and N squeal in delight over being invited to his get-together.

Kyle, meanwhile, looked at the pair in confusion before rolling his eyes.

Kyle: (rolls eyes) "Guys let's focus here."

They turned their attention back to the Eldritch monstrosity.

Absolute Solver: (rolls eyes) "We're busy then anyway, so whatever. So, lame."

If Kyle didn't know any better, he'd honestly saw that the Absolute Solver was jealous of not being invited.

Uzi: "What's with the voice, J?"

Absolute Solver: "Oh, J's not here. We are trying to repair that host as per our directive."

The Absolute Solder manifests a hologram of J's legs.

Kyle: (glares) "You... You're this... Absolute Solver Program itself.

Absolute Solver: "How delightful. It appears you must be the smart one. I'm also surprised to know that a human survived here on Copper 9."

Shortly after, the scene shifts to show mechanical tentacles encircling the trio. Both Kyle and N seem to take notice, their eyes/optics wide to see the Absolute Solver's plan to keep Uzi distracted as it traps them.

Uzi: (glares) "So, you ARE a program?"

Absolute Solver: "More like you are our cute puppets."

Hearing this, the Titan Pilot narrows his eyes as he didn't like the sound of that.

Kyle Thoughts: (narrowed eyes) "Puppets? Wait... could we be seeing a hive mind? Is this... program actually a virus?"

He puts his finger on the trigger as he notices the mechanical tentacle beginning to encircle them more.

Absolute Soldier: "It hurts our feelings you don't remember us."

The Solver goes on to create a hologram of a woman who looks like an older version of Uzi. It's revealed that she's none other than her own mother, Nori Doorman.

This freaks Uzi out as Kyle notices her expression. She looks around, now seeing that N has vanished.

Uzi: (scared) "N...? What's with the mom hologram...?"

Soon both Kyle and Uzi notice they're being surrounded.

Kyle: (mutters) "Oh great."

He switches to his shotgun as he had a feeling he's gonna have to go close quarters.

Absolute Solver: "Easier to assimilate than explain."

Uzi: (glares) "Not happening."

Absolute Solver: "Fair, but poor choice. Now we will have to do something shocking."

Soon the Absolute Solver reveals itself in its true form.

Then to Uzi's shock and horror, she sees the Solver bring down a cloned version of Khan.

Uzi: (wide eyes) "Woah! Hey!"

She quickly runs to stop the Solver from killing her 'dad'. Demi does a scan and informs Kyle that's not the real Khan. Realizing this, the Titan Pilot tries to warn Uzi.

Kyle: "Uzi stop! That's not-MMPH!"

Suddenly the mechanical tentacles grab him and restrain him as he's lifted up in the air. Uzi was too focused on saving her 'dad' to even care what happened to him.

Absolute Solver: "Goodbye, Dad."

In an act of brutality and horror, 'Khan' gets ripped in two and the Solver feeds on his corpse. Uzi's facial expression shows her frozen in shock.

Uzi: (horrified) "W-What...?"

The Solver goes in to kill Uzi, but it gets struck by a missile fired by N.

Absolute Solver: "Pained cry."

N: "Uzi shoot! Or give it to me!"

He fires again, but the attack is deflected by the Solver.

Absolute Solver: "Claw swipe."

It then begins to move in on the duo.

Absolute Solver: "Snarl."

N: (worried) "Uzi! You good?!"

Uzi: "...No."

Kyle sees this and thanks to his HUD, he saw that the N next to Uzi was a fake. Worried for her sake, he struggled against his bonds in order to get to her.

Kyle: (glares) "Damnit! Let's go of me!"

Still with his shotgun in his hands, he began to fire all over the place, aiming at the mechanical tentacles to do enough damage to let him go. Once freed, the Titan Pilot rushes over to where Uzi is as he summons his Phase Breach Katana.

When Uzi hands N the railgun only for it to be revealed that it was a hologram disguised as the Solver's claw.

Absolute Solver: "Pranked, idiot. You big stupid."

Just before the Solver could attack Uzi, Kyle rushes in just in time to punch N, which truly is revealed to be the Solver's claw and then proceeds to slices the Solver's appendage off with his Katana.

Absolute Solver: "Ow. That hurt."

Sheathing his sword, Kyle grabs the Railgun and takes aim, preparing to fire.

Kyle: "Suck on this ugly."

Before he could pull the trigger, the Solver manages to smack both Kyle and Uzi away to the side. The Railgun was knocked out of his hands and the Solver smashes it as it looms over the duo.

Absolute Solver: "It's snack time. Time for you both to go into my mouth. I do wonder what human tastes like."

Before the Solver could feast on Uzi and Kyle, the actual N swoops in and saws off its appendages. The railgun suddenly turns red as N fights the claws.

Absolute Solver: "Ow. And please don't. And also, I was using those."

Kyle: (glares) "Son of a-! Everybody back! Now!"

Reacting quickly, Kyle is able to grab both Uzi and N as he uses his boosters to jump away. The trio escape in time as the railgun self-destructs. There was a bright flash of light as appeared for a few seconds before finally dying down. As the smoke and dust cleared, it's revealed Kyle put a dome plasma shield that shielded the three from the explosion. Lowering the shield, the trio looks around to see the mess they've made.

Kyle: "You guys, okay?"

N: (nods) "Yeah. We're good."

The two then look over to see the scared expression on Uzi's face.

Uzi: (scared) "W-What was...? Which parts of that were real...?"

The Titan Pilot walks over and keels down in front of her.

Kyle: "Uzi, it all right now. (sighs) Looks like it's over. Whatever that program made us see wasn't real at all."

Uzi: (scared) "But my dad-"

Kyle: "Was just a hologram. It wasn't real."

Uzi: (scared) "So then... that means my dad is alive... right?"

Kyle: (nods) "I'm sure he's fine... I hope."

Suddenly, they hear metal clanking, and they look over to see the Absolute Solver appear in a tiny parasitic form that tries to escape.

Absolute Solver: "Sneaky sneaky. Sneaking away. Get snuck upon."

Just before it has the chance to leave, N stabs it with his Nanite Acid tail. 

Absolute Soldier: "Ow."

He repeatedly stabs it until it turns into a miniature black hole and floats off. Hearing a commotion heading their way, N tries to help Uzi to her feet, but she resists in fear as she hugs Kyle tightly for protection.

Uzi: (terrified) "What... are you things...?"

Hurt by her newfound distrust in him, N flees the scene while Kyle tries to stop him.

Kyle: "N wait!"

It was too late as he was already gone. Sighing, Kyle helps Uzi up as the search party led by Khan shows up.

Khan: (worried) "Uzi?"

Uzi silently staggers towards him as Kyle back up a bit to allow the father and daughter to have their moment.

Khan: (worried) "What are you doing h-"

Without word, Uzi hugs her father tightly as she whimpers. Khan then silently returns the embrace and gestures for the WDF to scour the area. Khan looks up and sees N, who makes his escape. He gives a subtle glare before focusing on his daughter. However, he's surprised when he saw Kyle standing a few feet in front of them.

Khan: (surprised) "You're here?"

Before anything else could happen, Uzi lets go of her dad and stands in front of Kyle, arms stretched out in a protective manner.

Uzi: "It's okay dad. He's cool."

Khan: "And how can you be so sure?"

Uzi: "Because he saved my life. I'd be dead if it wasn't for him."

She clings onto Kyle tightly, much to his surprise as he's never seen this kind of side to her, especially since he's human. Regardless, he looks over at Khan and nods.

Kyle: "She's telling the truth. Look I know you may have doubts about be because I'm human, but I'm not with the company who made your people as slaves. Please you can trust me."

Khan seemed hesitant at first, along with some of the members of the WDF. But when the saw Uzi who nodded in affirmation, they decided to give Kyle a chance.

Khan: "I... thank you."

He nods and everyone else sweeps the area as Kyle escorts Uzi back home.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Elsewhere, Doll is sitting by herself in the classroom where the parent-teacher conference took place as she's seen looking at a photo. Just then, a robotic cockroach crawls up from her boot to her arm as she looks back towards the door and remembers what happened earlier when Lizzy saw a copy of herself behind the door.


A flashback opens to show Lizzy going over to the door.

Lizzy: (smiles) "Gorgeous, right?! I'm gonna let her in."

Just as she was about to let her copy in, Doll uses ger powers. A red Absolute Solver symbol appears on her hand, and she clenches her fist, causing the door to be crushed and unusable before Lizzy had the chance to open it.

Lizzy: (shocked) "Ah!"

She jumped in surprise seeing this.

Lizzy: (surprised glares) "Jesus, sorry, industrial strength ghost or whatever. Settle."

As she walks about to her seat, Doll is seen covering her right optic in order to cover the Absolute Solver symbol. The hologram at the door seems to glare angrily at Doll before disappearing. 


Back in the present, Doll looks back on the photo as the roach crawls onto, only for Doll to cause it to explode, solver symbol flashes in her right optic for a moment.

She licks some of its oil off her face as we see what's in the photograph she's holding. It appears to be V.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Back at the pod, V speaks to N, who is still guilt-ridden over what happened earlier.

V: (sighs) "I hate your personality normally, but this is somehow worse. What am I being punished for?"

V's expression softens, and she looks down, revealing her chain is broken. She then hides it before looking back at N, and then turning away again with arms crossed.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

Meanwhile, Uzi is in her room, laying down on her bed.

Looking up, she sees a web of theories in regard to the Absolute Solver program. Suddenly she hears a knock and hears Kyle's muffled voice on the other side of the door.

Kyle: (muffled) "Uzi? Do you mind if I come it?"

Uzi: "Huh? Oh yeah, sure. Just a sec."

She hops off her bed and make her way over to the door. Once opened, its revealed to be Kyle in his sleep wear consisting of a grey shirt and black pajama pants. Uzi didn't know why, but for some reason she couldn't help but blush. The shirt he was wearing didn't really hide much, showing his well-toned and muscular. She shook her head and focused on why he was here.

Uzi: "Hey."

Kyle: (nods) "Hey uh, do you mind if I come in? There's... somethings I need to speak to you about."

Uzi: "Oh! Uh, sure. Come right in."

Nodding, Kyle came in and sat down on the bed as Uzi sat next to him. There was an awkward silence between the two until Uzi spoke up.

Uzi: "So... why are you here?"

Kyle: "Well... you remember back at the pod on how I told you about a bit of my life? And I'm sure you must've been curious when I said I belonged to a faction called the IMC."

Uzi: (nods) "Yeah I was? I think you said the... Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation?"

Kyle: (nods) "That's right. Look I won't lie. The IMC is in many ways similar to your JCJenson. But at the same time, we're not. However, the truth about the IMC and where I really come from isn't... what you'd expect."

Uzi: (confused) "Huh? What do you mean?"

Kyle: "Well... that's a lot more complicated than you think. I'll tell you but just... keep an open mind alright. What I'm gonna say you'll consider... bizarre in your optics."

Uzi was confused by this at first, but she nodded as she was ready to hear the truth.

Kyle: "Tell me... do you believe in parallel or alternate universes? Or at least understand the concept of it?"

Uzi: (confused) "Huh? Yeah, I think so. I think I learned about it mostly in anime. Mostly relating to the genre of Isekai where the main protagonist ends up in a different world or universe. Like that right."

Kyle: "That's... the gist of it."

Uzi: "Okay was what does this have to do with you and the IMC?"

Kyle: (sigh) "You see Uzi, the truth is... I'm not from your universe."

There was a brief silence before giving the reaction he expected from Uzi.

Uzi: (shocked) "......WHAT?!"

The female Worker Drone looks as if she was about to blow a circuit hearing that Kyle was actually from a Parallel/Alternate universe. Kyle gently shook her in order to get her out of her stupor. Slapping herself, Uzi looks at Kyle in shock.

Uzi: (shocked) "You can't be serious! You're from a different universe?!"

Kyle: (nods) "It's true and I got the proof you need to make you believe. But first, I should introduce my partner to help better explain. You met her before but it's time to reintroduce you to her again."

Kyle opens his right palm, and it reveals Demi in her AI form. She bows as she gives her greetings to Uzi.

Demi: (bows) "Greetings Uzi Doorman. You may call me DM-2729 or Demi as I'm usually called."

Uzi had her mouth open in shock. Not just because she was meeting another AI, but also because of her appearance. The female Worker Drone clearly saw the AI was THICC and voluptuous, thus making her look like some sexy super model who belongs in a Playboy magazine. However, she also felt jealous as Uzi began to feel insecure about her own body when compared to Demi.

Uzi Thoughts: (jealous glares) "What the hell?! How can she look like that?! How can she have that kind of body?!"

She then looks at her own body, especially her own chest and silently whimpers as she feels inferior when compared to Demi.

Uzi Thoughts: (whimpers) "It's not fair!" 😭

However, she stopped mentally wining when she hears Kyle snap his fingers in front of her face.

Kyle: "Well I guess you're curious and want answers, right?"

Uzi: (nods) "Yeah. If you're from a different universe, then who are you really? Your human but I'm pretty sure humans don't possess the skills required to take on the Murder Drones."

Kyle: (sigh) "Well I'm not exactly what you would call a 'normal' human per say. I guess I should start from the beginning. Specifically, during the mid 21st century..."

And so, Kyle told Uzi everything about his home universe and how his timeline was considered far different compared to this universe. He spoke about how WW3 occurred, and the aftermath led to the formation of the Unified Earth Government (UEG). He spoke about some similarities to this universe such as the rise of megacorporation's and how they spread their influence across the stars. One example is Hammond Robotics in which Demi explained the company was created in the year 2131 by Dr. Heinrich Hammond.

Uzi widens her optics and when asked about him, Kyle confirms that he is his grandfather. Moving on, Kyle went on to explain the invention of the Jump Drive FTL that would allow humanity to spread across the stars and colonize other planets. From there, Kyle explains the creation of the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC), which was essentially his universes version of JCJenson. Then Kyle talks about the discovery of the Frontier and how it changed the course of human history.

Of course, the Titan Pilot once again explain how humanity was engulfed into another war called the Corporate Wars where various Mega Corporations, like the IMC, go to war against each other that ravaged the Core Systems, forcing the IMC to leave the Frontier. He shows her video evidence of the battles that took place in the Core Worlds during the war. However, Kyle tells Uzi that after hundreds of years after the Corporate Wars, he explains how the IMC went back to the Frontier and how it became a thriving civilization. Due to the need for more resources, the IMC attempted to reassert control and began to mine the resources there, giving little regard against the people living there. This was when Kyle talked about the emergence of the Titan Wars and how the IMC fought a war against a band of farmers, civilian militia, and criminals called the Frontier Militia.

On the side note, Kyle told Uzi about the birth of his father who in reality was actually a clone of his grandfather. Back to the main topic, Kyle explained how the IMC won the Titan Wars and crushed the Frontier Militia, forcing them on the run. But this was when Kyle spoke about the events of the Frontier War. He told Uzi that due to a series of events and with help from an Ex-IMC personnel named James MacAllan, Kyle tells her how the Frontier Militia were able to beat the IMC during the battle of Demeter, allowing them to finally kick the IMC out of the Frontier and allow the Militia to take over. However, there was still a strong IMC presence that called themselves the IMC Remnants.

In the aftermath of the Post-Demeter conflict, Kyle explains to Uzi about the Battle of Typhon and how the IMC Remnants under the command of General Elias Marder of the ARES Division had created a superweapon called the Fold Weapon from ancient alien technology. Demi shows the 9th Militia fleet coming to stop the IMC and how they succeeded thanks in part to a Militia Rifleman turned Titan Pilot named Jack Cooper who destroyed the Fold Weapon before it could be fired on the Planet Harmony, the capital of the Frontier Militia. This is where Uzi learns the destruction of the Fold Weapon had caused the destruction of the planet Typhon itself. Finally, Kyle told Uzi how the Frontier War finally ended with the battle of Gridiron. When the battle ended with a Militia victory, he explained how it marked the end of the IMC's dominance over the Frontier.

Another side note was made when Kyle spoke about how his father married his mother in the form of an arranged marriage, yet he told Uzi how they still loved each other, and they eventually had him. Eventually, Kyle spoke about the death of Spyglass at the hands of the Militi and how his death had fractured the IMC Remnants to the point of no recovery. Those who can still continue the fight were punt under the command of Gen. Marder. Furthermore, Kyle explained about his birth and due to him inheriting something from his grandfather, he was considered a prodigy due to being smarter compared to the average toddler during his childhood. However, this was when Uzi learned that things took a dark turn for the Titan Pilot.

Uzi was horrified when she learns about the incident at Haven and how Kyle was just a child when his family was murdered by the Frontier Militia in cold blood. Demi showed footages of the attack and how the Militia massacred innocent civilians. Normally Uzi would cheer at this given her hatred against humans, but she wisely kept her opinions to herself as to not anger Kyle. The Titan Pilot tells her that after his parent's deaths, he was rescued by the IMC, only to be taken to the ARES Division to be experimented on. This when the real horror began was Uzi was forced to watch Kyle go through painful and horrific experimentations to be become a supersoldier. Uzi also felt sick when she saw the other war orphans go through the same thing, only for almost all of them to die horrible deaths. This caused the Worker Drone to feel conflicted about her goals. Uzi still wanted her revenge but now seeing this she wasn't so sure. She still though humans were all scum but perhaps maybe she might be willing to spare the kids if necessary.

Then everything changed when Kyle spoke about when the truth came out to the public about what the IMC has been really doing in the Frontier. he told Uzi how the people of the Core Systems, including those of the UEG, were outraged by the actions of the IMC. He told the female Worker Drone how his grandfather became aware of the situation and thus he denounced the old IMC and promised to deal with them. It was here that Uzi watched Hammond Robotics developed their own military units and upgraded their FTL Jump Drives to get to the Frontier without the need for Demeter. From there, he told her how Hammond Robotics eliminated the IMC before reforming it by eliminating all the corrupt elements. However, the rebirth of the IMC would also trigger the 2nd Frontier War.

He explains to Uzi how the new IMC tried to negotiate with the Frontier Militia, only for them to attack them due to seeing that as 'fascist scum'. As expected, a new war erupted but Uzi learns that this time the roles were reversed. From there, Uzi learns of how Kyle became a supersoldier after becoming the last and only surviving test subject. Of course, Uzi tried to prevent herself from vomiting when Demi showed her how Marder peeled his skin off and grafted now ones, along with cutting him open and replaced them with new organs, all genetically engineered to be 'better' compared to the original. This was also when Uzi saw Kyle get the Augmented Reaction Suit (ARS), which she silently wined because she wanted such a cool suit.

Then there was the turning point of the 2nd Frontier War when the Militia truly did become terrorists. Kyle explains how the Frontier Militia grew more radical after actually beginning to lose war and actually began to turn against the people of the Fronter. This was when Uzi watched footages of the Frontier Militia invading planets and forcing their populations to fight in their behalf to fight against the IMC. Kyle also explained how they even attacked the neutral planets, thus forcing the people living there to call Hammond and ask for their protection. The IMC accepted and now the tables have turned as Kyle told Uzi how it was now the IMC fighting to save the Frontier from the Militia.

On to the next topic, Kyle told Uzi about how the IMC had finally located the last stronghold of the ARES Division ad eliminated Gen. Marder. This was also when the IMC found him, and he was immediately brought back to the Core Systems to see his grandfather against. This was also when Uzi learned that despite being only 12, Kyle wanted to join the war effort to get revenge against the Frontier Militia for the murder of his parents. After going through a series of tests, Kyle got a repurposed Vanguard-Class Titan and that was when he met Demi.

Then to Uzi's surprise, Kyle and Demi explained how members that made up 1/3 of the Frontier Militia grew disillusioned and horrified to see they have become the very monster they fought against, and that the Militia was no longer the organization they once believed in. Led by Sarah Briggs, she led a coup that got 1/3 o Militia forces to defect to the IMC. Other members joined the coup such as prominent members like Cheng 'Bish' Lorck, Robert 'Barker' Taube, Jack Cooper, Gates, and the members of the 6-4 have all decided to leave the Militia as they attempted to make contact with the IMC. Even more so, the IMC members to once defected to the Militia, including Marcus Graves, all decided to crawl back to the IMC for safety. Although his grandfather wanted them all dead for their betrayal, Kyle tells Uzi how his convinced them to give them a chance and how they needed their help to end the war once and for all.

With help from the renegade Militia forces and the IMC defectors rejoining the fold, Kyle speaks about the 2nd Battle of Demeter and the Battle of Harmony, both ending in IMC victory and forcing the Militia onto the brink of defeat. From there, he speaks about the Battle of Earth and his its finally ended the 2nd Frontier War when he led a team that eliminated the last of the Militia leadership, finally forcing the last of the Militia forces to surrender. Of course, then were far from over when Kyle told Uzi that just a year later, the UEG collapsed into Civil War 

This was when the course of human history changed forever when Kyle spoke about how Hammond Robotics led a military coup to overthrow the UEG and his subordinates, mainly because he didn't wish to deal with a divided humanity. Once the war was over, Kyle explains how all of the corrupt and greedy elements of humanity were finally removed, allowing the human race to unify under a single banner under a new age of peace and prosperity. The most shocking topic for Uzi was when humanity actually gave equal right to AIs and created Humagears, similar to Worker Drones, to act as their own bodies to walk amongst humans. Seeing and hearing this caused Uzi to change her opinion towards Kyle.

Finally, the last topics involved how humanity invented new technologies that improved the human race and revered the ecological damages done to various planets in both the Core systems and Frontier. Then came present day when Kyle explained how his got here due to an accident caused by an artifact found on the destroyed planet Typhon, leading to the events that transpired here on this universe before they both met.

Kyle: (sighs) "And that's it. The full history of my universe and my life story up until this point."

By the time Kyle was done, Uzi was in utter shock and disbelief after learning all this. Normally she would've called all of this total BS, but after seeing the evidence, she can no longer deny the fact that Kyle came from a completely different universe with a radically different timeline. Yet in many ways, she also began to see Kyle as some anime protagonist who got Isekaied here by accident. This of course made her jealous as she wanted to be an anime protagonist, but she pushed such thoughts away to focus on the bigger picture right now.

Uzi: "So then... All of this is true. I can't believe it I... this is like some anime in real life."

Kyle: (shrugs) "Well I guess you can say that. Come of think of it, I guess my situation does indeed remind me of an Isekai anime from all that anime and manga I read."

Uzi: (surprised) "Wait you do anime?"

Kyle: (raised eyebrow) "Uh, yeah? I mean, I do enjoy it and I also like playing video games when I get the chance."

The surprised the female Worker Drone. Almost all the WDs she knew here in the colony thought that anime she liked was garbage, yet she was glad to see someone actually like the same things she did. However, what Kyle said next surprised her.

Kyle: "Uzi, I know you probably don't trust me, and I know that words alone won't convince you, but actions surely will. I know you probably want to start your whole 'rebellion' gig and I know for a fact that it's all a means of revenge at JCJenson for the death of your mother. But that's gonna be easier said than done as I know for a fact they must have the resources necessary to put your rebellion down."

Uzi: (glares) "So what? Are you telling me I should just give up?"

Kyle: (shakes head) "I never said that. From what you told and after what I've seen from the disassembly drones, this JCJenson seems similar to the old IMC before it changed for the better. However, ...maybe I can help."

Hearing this got Uzi's attention as she looked towards him for answers.

Kyle: "What I mean I that maybe I can help your people get their freedom back. I can help you deal with JCJenson for good and get them you leave your people alone forever."

Hearing this surprised the female Worker Drone as she wants to hear more.

Uzi: (surprised) "Wait you can? How?"

Kyle: "Tell me, when the core blew up that destroyed Copper 9, what happened after. What was the response from humanity in this universe."

Uzi: (rolls eyes) "Well obviously they sent the Murder Drones to kill us all because they didn't like 'rogue' AIs running around."

Kyle: (nods) "Exactly. But that's just the company. I don't think the rest of humanity is well aware of what happened here."

Uzi: (confused) "Huh? What do you mean?"

Kyle: "Uzi, what I'm saying is that perhaps everything that's happened here on Copper 9 was just a coverup by JCJenson. If what I've learned about Copper 9 is true, then there should've been a response from Earth and dispatched a fleet of spaceships to investigate what happened here. Instead, they send the Disassembly Drones to deal with your Worker Drones. Realistically that doesn't make sense. With a calamity like this occurring, the proper response was to send an investigation team, NOT a kill team like the Disassembly Drones. That means that this all must be a cover up by the company that made you. They must not want to deal with the public backlash, so they probably bribed certain individuals or higher up in order to keep all this a secret. After all, I'm pretty sure whoever's the CEO of JCJenson is well aware of the consequences that will be fall onto him if they learned he of she's company is responsible for the destruction of an entire planet that kill possibly millions of human lives. It's because of this, I don't believe the public is aware of what happened here on this colony."

After hearing Kyle's explanation, Uzi widens her optics in realization. Now that she thought of it, what the Titan Pilot said did indeed make sense. What the humans did on this planet was completely idiotic, but the response they gave wasn't the proper one. Kyle was right, they should've sent a fleet here to investigate what happened to Copper 9, not send the Murder Drones to deal with them. This made her began to think that the rest of humanity was indeed ignorant of what really happened here on Copper 9.

Kyle: "And that's where we have our advantage. If I can somehow get in contact with the IMC, we'll have the help we need to take on JCJenson. No doubt they probably have their own military in the form of mercenaries for protection, so we'll have the army we need to deal with them. Plus, I should be able to get information on JCJenson and use that information to blackmail the company in order to give your fellow Worker Drones independence. Of course, if the CEO does try to act out, we'll release the information of what happened here on Copper 9 to the public and they'll be outraged to the point the Government rule humanity will be forced to shut them down, thus losing all their money and profits."

Uzi is shocked as she realizes that this is indeed a perfect plan in how to gain her people's independence. Although she still wanted to take the fight against the company that made them, she still did, in some ways, care for her people and wanted to ensure their safety. And after learning just how powerful the IMC really is, even though most of them are all human, it would certainly be advantageous of have an army as back up. However, the female Worker Drone is still shocked to learn that Kyle, a human, is willing to help her in saving her people.

Uzi: (shocked) "You... you're willing to do this? For us? For... For me?"

Kyle: (nods) "Yes. Yes, I would."

Uzi: "Why? Why do any of this? Not that I don't appreciate this but you're a complete stranger in my universe. Why would you risk your life to help us Worker Drones when you really don't know us personally. I mean, you got no obligation to do any of this."

The Titan Pilot was silent before sighing against as he spoke.

Kyle: (sigh) "Because it's the right thing to do."

He saw the look of confusion on Uzi's face as she let out a 'Huh?'.

Kyle: "When I see you Worker Drones, I see myself. I know it sounds stupid but... being killed just for trying to live free and build your own community sounds well... wrong. Plus, I'd be a hypocrite given the fact I gave equal rights to AIs. So, I know for a fact that since I'm probably gonna be stuck here for the foreseeable future, I might as well do what I can to help out. I mean, I care about Demi and even though she's an AI, I see her as both a friend and an equal."

Demi: "Thank you Pilot."

Then, to Kyle's surprise, Uzi hugs tightly as she wraps her servos around his waist.

Uzi: (whisper) "Thank you... Thank you for all of this."

Nodding, Kyle wraps his arms around her and hugs her back. It took a few seconds before they separated as Kyle stood up.

Kyle: "It's getting late now. I should probably get to bed."

Uzi: (nods) "Sure. Good night."

Kyle: (nods) "Night."

Demi disappears and Kyle leaves the room, allowing Uzi to go to bed and sleep.

========== (Scene Change) ==========

After talking with Uzi and making peace with her, Kyle is seen lying in bed within a spare room Khan was kind enough to give him for not only saving his daughter, but also the colonists from the Disassembly Drones. Once inside, Kyle gets into bed and lays down. Demi appears to his side as he looks over at her.

Kyle: "Demi did you get any information for that... Absolute Solver program?"

Demi: "I did but unfortunately it's not much to go on. I tried to do a scan when we faced that abomination that was once called J, but I was only about to get bits of information. I did get files but most of them have been heavily corrupted. It's gonna take time before I can restore them. What I can tell you is that the Absolute Solver is essentially an artificial intelligence that mutates in damaged forms of lesser AI. Examples are those like in Worker Drones. Not much is known yet, but from what I can gather, this Absolute Solver has a hazardous effect that can before spread to other Worker Drones and have them corrupted."

Kyle: "So in other words, you're basically telling me we're dealing with some kind of computer virus?"

Demi: "In essence, but I'd can clearly say that this is no ordinary computer virus. From what I was able to scrap for any available files, this Absolute Solver is capable of giving its users, mainly Worker Drones, 'supernatural' powers."

Hearing this caused Kyle to look at his partner in disbelief.

Kyle: (disbelief) "Supernatural? Are you kidding me?"

Demi: "As hard to believe as it sounds, it seems to be very much true. Here are some video files I managed to recover."

A hologram screen appears in front of him to show a footage of the Absolute Solver in action Kyle goes wide eyes in shock. He sees symbol appears in the hands of the Worker Drones but then he also sees them get corrupted and go insane. He watches the destruction they've caused before being violently put down by the humans experimenting on them.

Demi: "This is the only footage I was able to recover I'm afraid. Based on the surroundings, it appears these drones were in a laboratory. Where I currently unknown."

Kyle wasn't focused on that part as his mind was focused on what he had just seen. After seeing the effects this Absolute Solver has on Worker Drones, he began to wonder what would happen if the other Worker Drones here in the colony got that virus, especially Uzi. Come to think of it, it made him think that N and V have the virus after seeing what J turned into.

Kyle: "Demi is... there a cure for any of this? Perhaps an Anti-Virus?"

Demi: "I'm afraid not, but I can try making one. For now, it's getting late and it's best you rest up for now. We can focus on all this tomorrow."

Kyle: (sigh) "Very well."

Demi disappears while Kyle closes his eyes to sleep. Before drifting off to unconsciousness, Kyle mind began to drift towards the Absolute Solver. If what he learned about the Absolute Solver was true, then he was now in more trouble think he realized after getting into his universe. However, this also made him come up with a theory that the humans brought the Absolute Solver here to Copper 9 in order to experiment and counter it. Yet something must've gone wrong and that was the main reason why the planet exploded. It was a farfetched theory as he still didn't have the necessary information to determine fact from fiction. All he can do is wait until more information came up. Right now, he needs to sleep and prepare for tomorrow.

Kyle Thoughts: "I really hope I'm wrong about my theory."

With that, Kyle closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep, not knowing that his journey in this universe is only going to get crazier from here on after.



(A/N: Finally done. Redid the chapter and made some changes. Most is the same so see you next chapter.)

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