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"I have nothing to do with you anymore."

Jimin says, shoving past the woman. He's harshly pulled backwards into the alley once again and he hisses before turning to the woman.

She parts her lips to speak, her face now set in a serious stance.

"Stop being so cowardly. Are you really this afraid of being in my presence now?"

Jimin scoffs, his lips pulling up into a crooked smile.

"Excuse me? I remember the last time we were here, it was a different situation altogether with you begging at my feet."

She twists her lip to the side, walking forward until she's right in front of him.

"I'm not the same person I was back then."

Jimin laughs, his eyes pushing up into crescents as he sucks onto his cigarrete.

"I see no difference, Nari."

With his words, the smoke playfully creeps out of his lips and nostrils, engulfing the pair in a hazy cloud of grey.

A small smile plays on her face as she tilts her head to side. She bounces on her feet a little, leaning her head forward so her lips are centimeters away from his.

"I see no difference in you either, Jimin."

He parts his lips to speak, but is cut off when her fingers grab hold of his collar through the smoke, jerking him forward. He freezes, his eyes staring right into the icy blue eyes of Nari, her breath fanning his lips gently.

"I'll get straight to the point. Train me, and fix this match. I need it."

Jimin furrows his eyebrows, his fingers slowly squeezing onto her wrists, tearing them away from his collar as he steps back.

"No. What do you think I am? I have other priorit-"

"I'll show the council your bribe documents otherwise, and you know what happens after that."

She snaps, and Jimin's lip seal shut. His gaze lowers to the ground, his hands clenching into fists as numerous emotions tumble inside of him.

"Nari, you're not fighting this match. Why are you-"

"Who said I'm not?"

Jimin's gaze snaps up to hers, his eyes shrouded in confusion.


He's suddenly slammed against the hard brick wall, as Nari's fists are clinging onto his collar once again. The primal fury he one saw in her eyes years ago was now re-surfacing with sparks of unrelenting fire as she gritted out.

"I'm not here to fucking negotiate. I'm fighting her, and you are making sure I win this, or you will face the consequences. Meet me in my apartment at 11 p.m tonight with your decision."

Roughly letting go of him, she tugs her black hoodie over her head and striding out with her head hung low and her hands shoved deep into her pockets.

Jimin lets out a wavering breath as he runs a hand through his hair, his mind spinning with the thoughts running through his brain.

God fucking damn it.

What the fuck am I supposed to do?

I can't do that to Y/N. I can't. But... I can't go to jail either.

I'd never be allowed to box again, and I'd be on the streets with no income.

But... this is what Y/N has been training for ever since she went down.

I did it to her once. I... I should be able to do it again.

But I love her.

Letting out a blood curling scream of frustration, Jimin falls to his knees, his hands harshly gripping the roots of his hair as burning tears threaten to well in his eyes.

F-Fine... I'll do it.


You furrows your eyebrows as you're seated down at the dining table. Bora stomps in with a contorted face before roughly placing down a bowl of cereal in front of you and her.

"Where's Jimin?"

Bora snorts, digging her spoon into the colorful loops and shoving it into her mouth.

"The motherfucker dropped the cereal box outside and said he had to train."


You nibble on your lower lip for a second, your mind beginning to drift into thought before you divert your attention to your breakfast.

"I have to go train now."

I have to see Taehyung now.


Bora shrugs before slurping up the remaining milk in her bowl and walking off, slamming the door shut.

You grab your bag and hoodie, before swinging the front door open and making your way to Taehyung's apartment. Skipping up the steps, your heart races due to the last encounter you had with him.

The two of you had always been leaving each other on a sour note, and it was beginning to relentlessly play on your mind everyday.

Your fist raises to knock on his door but halts when you pick up voices inside.

"Do you think she'll get him to bribe this one too?"

You furrow your eyebrows.

"There's a high chance she might, but it won't be easy."

Your eyes widen at the latter voice, a rage of emotions hitting you like a truck.


Your fingers wrap around the door knob, swinging the door open as you stand in the doorway, staring at the two men that gape back at you with wide eyes on the couch.

Taehyung stands up immediately, flustered by your sudden appearance.

"Y-Y/N. How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough."

You shove past him, staring down at Jungkook who fidgets with his fingers.

"What are you doing here?"

He stands up abruptly, before grabbing his coat and rushing out the door.


You follow him out the doorway, before you're jerked backwards when Taehyung's fingers clasp onto your wrist. He shakes his head, and you pull your hand away.

With your chest heaving, your finger points to where Jungkook left, as you release a wavering sigh.

"Why was he here? W-What bribes were you talking about?"

His jaw tightens as he stares at you, exuding nothing but deafening silence and a twitching eye.

"It's nothing. Just something that was on the news."


I know you long enough to know your left eye twitches when you lie.

Holding your realizations inside you, you run a hand through your hair.

"I-I was wanting to hang out with you after my training."

Taehyung's eyes widen as his face heats up and he rubs the back of his neck with an awkward smile.

"And please, no fights. No conversations about us. I just want you to be yourself."

Taehyung's smile falters, as he nods hesitantly.


As you leave his apartment, your breath is caught in your throat as you walk down the road.

Jungkook was at Taehyung's place this entire time?

What bribes were they talking about?

No way... could it be something to do with the upcoming matches?

Tightening your fists, you speed up your steps as you near the institution.

I have to let Jimin know about this.


Hurrying into the gym, your head darts around the room as you approach one of the men lifting weights.

You poke him, and he places the weights back in its place with a grunt before looking up at you.

"Where's Jimin?"

He shrugs.

"I don't know. He hasn't come in at all today."

You frown in confusion.

"But he said he was coming in to train h-"

"Look, I said he didn't come in today! Can you leave already?"

Slowly retreating to your corner, you nibble on your lower lip as you slip on your black gloves.

Something fishy is going on, and I just hope you're spotless in it, Jimin.

I can only hope.

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