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As Taehyung holds your hand, guiding you up the driveway to the house, an empty feeling begins to encompass you.

With your head drooped and aching from your hangover, Taehyung notices your quiet demeanor before pushing your hair aside and placing his fingers under your chin, tilting your head upwards to him.

You stare into his deep brown almond eyes that glinted under the dim light hung outside the door. As his thumb caresses your cheek, a feeling of warmth spikes through your body, sending shivers down your spine.

"You're going to do amazing tomorrow, you understand me?"
His soft, mellow baritone echoes through your senses as his eyes travel the features on your face, lingering on your lips.

You nod mindlessly. With him so close in the silence of the night and nothing but his Burberry scent, your eyes flutter shut when he leans forward, attaching his lips to yours.

His soft lips moved against yours effortlessly, and it took you a bang from inside the house to pull you out of your trance.

Jerking backwards, you pull yourself out of his embrace immediately, leaving him with a frown etched onto his face and swollen pink lips.

Your heart races inside you as your mind spins from what just happened.


"T-Thank you for today. You're the best friend I could ever ask for."
You manage to splutter out as his gaze drops to his shaking fists.

"Best friend."
He mutters, but it fails to reach your ears.
You enquire as he snaps his eyes back up to you, shaking his head sullenly.

Your hands awkwardly reach out to the door handle, pushing it open.

You're about to close it, but his large hands stop it, pushing it back open.

He pulls you forward, planting his lips against your forehead as your hands rest against his chest. Your lips tremble as you wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Just know... that you don't need him in your life to be happy."
He whispers and you nod against his chest, a stray tear sliding down your cheek before the pad of his thumb wipes it away.

"Goodnight... I love you."
He chimes, a loving crimson swirling in his eyes despite the 101st rejection he received a few seconds ago.

You smile, softly waving back at him as he expectantly waits for your reply.
"Goodnight. I... I hope you sleep well."

His smile falters as he waves back, before walking away down the driveway.

You sigh, closing the door shut.

"What was that all about?"
Bora's voice echoes through the hallway, as you catch her figure leaning against the archway to the kitchen.

You reply, your voice low and effortless.

"Where's Jimin? He hasn't been taking my calls and neither has he even seen my messages yet."
She demands, clearly annoyed.

You scoff, shaking your head as you take off your jacket, hanging it up on the pegs near the tall clock in the hallway.
"I couldn't care less about him."

Her eyes widen, taken back by your snarky response. Her angry demeanor seemed to dissipate as she scurries towards you.
"What do you mean? Did he do something again?"

You nonchalantly stare at her as she looks at you, her hands folded.

"Yeah, and I'm never forgiving him for this. We're done."
You turn away from her, treading up the stairs.

"That's what they all say."
Her sentence halts you in your ascension, as you slowly turn around.

She sighs, her hands falling helplessly by her sides.
"I have to say, I didn't like you one bit. I just didn't want Jimin getting hurt and from your career, I thought you were one of those bitches to use him for his skills and drag him down."

"What's your point?"

"My point is, Jimin loves you more than you will ever know, you can't leave him when he's down and out, Y/N."

You scrunch your face in annoyance at her words, tilting your head.
"What? He's the one that's betrayed me! He's the one that's left me when I need him the most! Do you even know what he fucking did?"

Bora goes silent as anger begins to boil inside you.
"Your fucking sister was in on him the entire time, and I actually thought he lov-"
"Wait, did you say my sister?"
"Yeah, let me finish-"

"She's doing it again."
Bora bluntly states, running a frustrated hand through her hair before her fist collides with the wall in anger.

"What do you mean?"
You ask, confusion setting into you.
"Y/N. She's threatening him, and holding his past with her against him."

You furrow your eyebrows.
"What past?"
She stares at you blankly before abruptly turning around and walking into the kitchen, whipping her hand out behind her and motioning for you to follow her.

You follow her in silence, the wheels in your head beginning to turn about what Bora had just said.

She's... threatening him?

Does that mean he didn't do this out of his own free will?

So he wasn't using me at all?

All those things I said...

Bora's voice snaps you out of your thoughts as you halt yourself in your footsteps when you look down to see shattered porcelain on the floor with your foot an inch away from pointy shards.

"Nevermind that! Sit down."
You sit down, as she begins to explain.

"In his younger years, you could say, Jimin was... a little carefree. He used to bribe a lot of matches so they would turn out in his favour, and also because he desperately needed the money at that time."

"When Nari first showed up, she wanted him to do the same and so he did. But... it just happened to be..."

"My match."
You finish her sentence as a wave of revelation suddenly hits you and you sit back in your chair, the breath sweeping out of your lungs instantly.

Bora nods, folding her hands.
"Jimin actually looked up to her a lot, until I told him how she really was and he realized she didn't really love him. She was just using him to get what she wanted; money."

You run a hand through your hair in frustration as you lean forward against the table, holding your head in your hands.

"She has all the documents of his bribes, Y/N. I'm sure she's using it against him to win this match."

"Did you know that she tripped one of the fighters on her team and caused him to sprain his ankle? With that, she's volunteered to take his place, and I'm pretty sure you know why."

You look up to her, your mind beginning to comprehend everything.
"Because she wants me out once and for all."

Bora leans forward, banging her fist against the table.
"Exactly, and that's why you need to knock her out tomorrow. Do not depend on the points, everything's rigged. You automatically win the fight when you knock her out, so there's no way they can try any tricks."

You stand up immediately, the chair behind you scraping backwards abruptly.
"I-I need to find Jimin."
"Y/N, it's past 11-"
"I don't care! I said the most horrible things to him when I didn't even know about what was happening!"
You yell, sniffing when tears run down your face.

Bora sighs, sinking into her seat.
"Check the gym."
With that, you grab your jacket and swing the door open, slamming it shut.

Your eyes catch his empty garage, hissing under your teeth. You had hoped his bike would've been there, but he had evidently beat you to it.

Pulling your hair into a ponytail, you take off in a sprint down the street, nothing but the dim yellow lamp lights guiding your way.

Goddamn it, Jimin.

Why'd you have to go and fuck yourself up?

If you had just told me, I wouldn't have said any of that shit to you.

I love you so fucking much, you dickhead.

Your heart races uncontrollably inside you as your heavy breaths release in clouds before you due to the icy cold temperature at that time.

Grateful that you hadn't encountered any thugs along the way, your mind spins when you slow to a stop outside the institution and your chest heaves and falls from the burning sensation travelling down your throat.

Pushing the door open, you see one of the accountants approaching you with her bag in hand and ready to leave.

Holding her by the shoulders, she startles as you speak to her.
"Is Jimin here?"
She stares at you with wide eyes, before shaking her head.
"Um, I don't know. I think I saw him here a while ago with his girlfriend. I really have to go now, goodbye!"

With that, she scurries away from you, leaving you standing helplessly in the dark entrance hall of the institute.


Has he given up on me already?

Oh god, please don't be true...

Gripping the roots of your hair, your breathing starts to become ragged as you run up the stairs to the gym room.

You call out, bursting through the doors to be met with the same dark silence. Tears gush down your cheeks as your bag drops to the ground.

It's all my fault.
He probably hates me now for not giving him a chance to explain himself.

Walking over to the punching bags, the anger and sorrow boiling inside you finally reaches its breaking point when your bare knuckles collide with the leather of the bag, the sound of them coinciding echoing through the room.

Letting out cries and grunts of frustration with every punch that you throw relentlessly, you slowly slump down to the ground, staring at your trembling bruised, swollen red fingers and knuckles.

I'm sorry.

I guess I'm not Titanium after all.

I just want to see you for one last time before tomorrow, because I don't know if I can do it.

I don't know if I can beat her, seeing you in her corner.

Wiping your tears, you slightly wince as your knuckles sting a little.


Your breath halts, seizing in your throat when a nostalgic, familiar voice echoes through the room. Your back straightens immediately, as a fluttery sensation spikes through your body like active electricity.

The person's voice was from behind you, and you stared ahead of you with wide eyes into the darkness.

Footsteps are heard approaching you from behind before you see a pair of black sketchers in your sight before you.

Not willing to look up, you squeeze your eyes shut, a stray tear running down your cheek as your heart pounds against your ribcage.

Shivers travel down your spine when soft fingers are placed under your chin, tilting your head upwards.

His vanilla scent filled your senses as your eyes slowly opened, meeting the chocolate orbs of the man you longed to see, peeking out from behind his tufts of faded silver hair.

Lunging forward, you wrap your arms around him, laying your head against his shoulder as tears poured down your face.

His strong arms wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly as you felt his soft lips tracing your neck.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I'm sorry."
You whisper into his ears as he pulls away, his eyes swirling with a green glint of guilt and regret.

Your hands flail around as you begin to speak between your sobs, pouring out everything your mind had been struggling to hold together.

"I'm sorry, I didn't give you a chance to tell me anything, and I know I said terrible things but I don't want to break up with you! I know you probably hate me after everything I said and now that you've moved on, I can't help but want-"

Your halted when his finger presses against your lips, his face overcome in a sullen emotion as he gazes into your eyes.

His lips glint in the moonlight pouring in from the window as he sweeps his tongue over his lower lip.
"I don't hate you, Y/N and I haven't moved on. Who told you that?"

You couldn't care less about his question as your heart ached inside you, missing the time when he called you 'baby' and not by your name.

"I missed you."
You state, your lips trembling as Jimin's eyes soften before his hand snaps out, grabbing you from behind your neck and pulling you forward.

Smashing his lips against yours, you grip onto the collar of his shirt tightly, tilting your head as the kiss deepens, your tongues swirling against one another in hunger.

You had almost forgotten what his lips felt like, what he felt like as your arms travel each others bodies, aching after being deprived of each others touch.

Pulling away as the two of you gasp for oxygen, you hold onto him, never wanting to let go.

"Don't ever fucking do this again."
You say, as he lays on the ground beneath you with his bicep tucked under his head and your legs straddling his waist.

"I'm sorry, she's holding legal documents against me and as much as I didn't want to, I had no choice, baby."
He says softly, his voice thick with emotion as your heart flutters when the name you hadn't heard in so long leaves his lips.

Slowly leaning down, you softly press your lips against his before pulling away.
"I know. Bora told me everything, and I have the solution. Knocking her out is the only key to your safety, and that's what I'm going to do."

He chuckles, his fingers reaching up to play with your hair.
"My knight in titanium armour."

"How did you know I was here?"
You ask, and he smiles a little.
"I was on the rooftop, and I managed to hear something like an angry child down here."

Slapping your hand against his arm, you frown as a small smile spreads across your face. Feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders, you let out a deep exhale, your eyes fluttering shut as your head leaned against his chest.

"I missed you. More than you'd ever know."
He whispers, his voice wavering as he struggles to hold his emotions together.

You hold onto him tightly, gently caressing his hand as you clasp your lip between your teeth.

"I fucking hate myself more than anything for what I've done too. You deserve someone that can protect you, and treat you better."

With that, you lift your head up immediately, staring at him.
"Don't you dare say that, Jimin."

He brings his arm over his eyes and your heart breaks at the sight before you when little drops slide out from under his arm and down his cheeks.

Cupping his cheeks, you press your lips against the tears that flowed down his face, moving his hand away and pressing your forehead against his.

You stare into his red rimmed, teary eyes as his arms wrap around you comfortingly.

"I don't want anybody but you and I refuse to imagine a fucking future without you! We can make it out of this, I just have to make the right moves tomorrow, Jimin. Please don't say things like that."

Leaning into your neck, he plants his lips against your skin before nodding gently. You run your fingers through his hair, your heart skipping multiple beats as his tongue runs along your skin, before he sucks and kisses your neck.

Don't leave me ever again, Park Jimin.

We'll make it through to the other side together.

You are mine and I am yours.

Forever and always.

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