Battle Recovery

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In the apartment, April was practicing her swordsman skills with a wooden katana sword while Casey laid on the couch with the newspaper in his hands.

"Witnesses say there are holes in the floors as if something or someone had just blasted straight down through them leaving authorities scratching their heads." The news anchorman reported.

That made April stop practicing and turned to face the TV. Casey was reading an article about the Nightwatcher and Night Star.

"Well, at least some people care about justice these days." Casey said with a sigh.

"Hey, Casey."

Casey lowered the newspaper down and looked outside to see Raph and Ella standing on the fire escape.

"Raph? Ella?" Casey said.

"Meet us on the roof, okay?" Ella said.

"What is it?" Casey asked as he sat up.

"The roof." Raph said with a blank look. "You know what the roof is, don't you?"

"Pushy sidekick." Casey muttered.

Casey got up from the couch and looked back at April before following the mutant turtle and the mystic kunoichi on the fire escape.

"We've gotten this image in from an amateur cameraman and I do stress amateur." The news reporter continued.

"Casey, come look at this." April said.

April turned around to realize Casey was gone. She walked towards the window and looked out up to the sky.

"Be safe." April whispered softly.


Outside, Casey climbed onto the rooftop to meet Raph and Ella with his mask and his wooden bat.

"What's this all about, guys?" Casey asked.

"We got bigger things to worry about than criminals." Raph replied as he looked around the rooftop.

"Like that?" Casey wondered.

Just then, a giant bat-like creature flew above the trio and screeched loudly that made them jump suddenly.

"Like what." Ella answered.

"Whoa!" Casey exclaimed.

"Come on." Raph said.

Raph, Ella, and Casey immediately ran across rooftops to catch up with the bat-like monster until they stopped running and looked around for the creature on a building rooftop when it left out of their sight.

"I think we lost it." Casey said as he dropped his shoulders in disappointment.

"It's gotta be around here somewhere." Raph said as he knelt down and looked toward the city ground level.

"I don't think so." Ella said as she knelt down with Raph. "That creature doesn't resemble any mystical creatures I know."

Then suddenly, the bat monster flew up right in front of the startling trio out of nowhere. Ella, Raph, and Casey then saw a long rope tying around the monster's tail as it dragged the bat monster down to the ground. The bat monster grabbed onto the ledge of the building, but the ledge got ripped off that made the creature hit on top of the abandoned car below that made it moan in pain.

"What's going on, Raph?" Casey asked.

"Did I mention I ran into a monster last night?" Raph questioned with an innocent smile.

"Same with me and my sisters." Ella said with a raised eyebrow.

"No, you and your girlfriend kind of failed to tell me about that one, buddy." Casey replied with an aggravating face.

Raph, Ella, and Casey looked down to see a group of Foot and Shadow Ninjas walking towards the fallen beast.

"You two do know I only have a wooden bat, don't you?" Casey questioned.

One Foot Ninja and one Shadow Ninja threw a bunch of chains at the bat monster as they wrapped it up to prevent it from escaping, no matter how much it tried to resist the chains.

"The Foot? The Shadow? I thought they were history." Casey said, looking between Raph and Ella.

Then, four familiar stone generals walked down the alleyway.

"And now we got walking statues? You guys got a plan for those?" Casey asked.

"Yeah. Hey, those are a first for us too." Raph said, looking at Casey and then looked down with a shrug. "And who knows? These guys might be friendly."

Just then, the hulking stone warrior picked a large dumpster and crushed the bat monster with it.

"Yeah, friendly." Ella said with a sarcastic chuckle.

Then, a large truck picked up the dumpster that revealed the bat creature in complete agony.

"Wait a second. Those statues look..." Casey said as he knelt down on the rooftop ledge.

Unexpectedly, Casey's kneeling caused a chuck of loose broken concrete from the roof to fall off. He barely missed catching the chuck, causing it to hit the crushed car. The four statues heard a thud before loading the bat monster into the truck. They turned around and looked at the car before looking up at Raph, Ella, and Casey.

"Witnesses." Gato growled, pointing his finger up at Raph, Ella, and Casey.

"Oh, boy." Ella groaned.

The Foot Ninjas and the Shadow Ninjas began shooting tranquilizer darts at Raph, Ella, and Casey.

"Watch out!" Raph exclaimed.

Raph blocked Ella and Casey from being shot, but one tranquilizer dart went straight into his right arm that made him almost collapse.

"Raph." Ella gasped in worry.

"I don't feel so good." Raph murmured tiredly.

Casey pulled the tranquilizer dart out of Raphael's arm and inspected it for a second. He and Ella looked over the edge to see one shortest stone general started climbing up towards them with wide eyes.

"That can't be good." Ella mumbled.

Raph stood up on his own and stared at the statue in shock. He then threw a smoke bomb down on the rooftop ledge and made his getaway from the smoke with Ella.

"That's just rude." Casey coughed.

Ella rolled her eyes and grabbed Casey's wrist as she dragged him to follow Raph.

"Hey, wait up." Casey yelled.

Ella looked back up at Gato and unknowingly hissed dangerously with cold, glowing dark red eyes. Casey looked spooked when he saw Ella's eyes.

"Ella, what are you...?" Casey asked.

Ella pushed Casey forward in front of her and turned around to face the stone warrior with a glare. She dashed forward to unleash a series of rapid dark red energized punches to Gato, who was dodging the punches with extreme speed. Gato swiftly threw a deadly obsidian disk at Ella's back, causing the red mystic kunoichi to yell in pain. Ella charged her magical energies and performed a powerful one-inch dark red punch that knocked the stone warrior away. She then became too fatigued to continue her fight, but Casey was able to grab her before she almost collapsed herself to the ground.

"Ella? Ella?" Casey said as he was shaking an unconscious Ella gently.

"Hmm, what happened?" Ella asked as she slowly opened her eyes. "And where's Raph?"

"Raph?" Casey called out.

"Come here." Raph murmured.

Raph dragged his friend and his girlfriend into his hiding spot, causing Casey's mask to fall off his head.

"What's that on your back?" Raph asked Ella with concern.

"Asked the statue." Ella replied. "It even hurts when I tried to take it out myself."

"What, you never heard of smoke pellets?" Raph asked Casey.

"Warn me next time. I got allergies." Casey complained.

"Will you two shut up already?" Ella hissed. "Not only we got chased by the Foot and the Shadow, but we got four living statues after us."

"You should talk. You went insane on that statue with those freakingly dark eyes." Casey said.

"What? What are you talking about?" Ella asked.

Raph, Ella, and Casey quietly hid in a storage shed on the rooftop as they heard the statue warrior stomping on the hockey mask outside.

"Come on. That's the second mask this week." Casey groaned.

The statue warrior heard Casey's voice and looked around for the team are hiding. The team are leaning against the door inside the shed.

"They'll never find us in here." Raph said with heavy breaths.

Raph was starting to faint, but Casey and Ella were able to catch him just as he was about to fall down.

"Stay with me, now. We'll be out of here soon." Casey said comfortingly.

Then suddenly, a loud banging on the metal door pushed the team away from it. Casey, Ella, and Raph rushed to the door as they tried pushing against it to keep the statue warrior from getting inside the shed. But the statue warrior's claws started to tear the metal door open.

"No." Raph said as his brown eyes looked straight into the statue warrior's glowing red eyes.

"And I thought Girl Scouts were pushy." Casey joked. "Some people just can't take a hint."

"Seriously? Shut up, Casey!" Ella screamed.

The entire shed started to shake constantly around Casey, Ella, and Raph as they continued keeping the statue warrior from them.

"This is the police. You on the roof, put your hands behind your..." A police officer spoke from outside on a helicopter. "What is that? Tommy, you see this?"

The statue warrior surveyed the helicopter and then ran away, causing Raph and Ella to fall to the ground as they were knocked out cold.

"Yeah, you better run." Casey called out as he pointed his finger at the fleeing statue from the dent in the door. "I gotta hand it to you, Raph. You sure know how to show a lady a good time."

Casey turned around to see Raph and Ella collapse unconscious on the ground.

"Raph? Ella?" Casey said. "Oh, no. I gotta get you two someplace safe."


Back in the Crete Fortress, the mystic family smiled happily as they sat around the dining table after finishing dinner.

"Mmmm. That was the best meal I've ever made in my life." Ellie said as she rubbed her stomach.

Ellie released a large belch that made her mother and her older sisters back their disgusting faces away.

"Now, who wants dessert?" Ellie asked.

"Yes, please." Saldana, Donna, and Lee replied with smiles.

Ellie sped straight into the kitchen and brought over a huge amount of cupcakes and small cakes to the dining table.

Suddenly, Donna's cell phone rang and she took it out to answer it.

"Hello, this is Donatella speaking." Donna greeted.

"You need to get over here right now." April said in a panic. "Ella's in great pain."

April's voice made Saldana, Lee, and Ellie look over at Donna with worry faces.

"April, take deep breaths and calm down. What happened to Ella?" Donna asked.

"I don't know. She and Raph were unconscious." April explained.

"We're on our way." Donna said with a nod.


The Lotus Ninjas arrived on the fire escape and entered inside the apartment through the window one by one. Raph laid on the floor as his head rested on a pillow. Ella laid on the couch with a pillow resting below her head. April knelt on the ground between the mutant turtle and the mystic kunoichi. Casey sat backwards on a dining room chair to keep an eye on his best friends. April and Casey looked up at the mystic team with smiles on their faces, but Lee suddenly felt three familiar auras coming behind the window and turned around to watch three mutant turtles climbing in the apartment.

"Hello, Leo." Lee smiled.

Lee hugged Leo and planted a kiss on his cheek, making the blue masked turtle blush with a small smile.

"Leo. Lee. You two came back." April said as she got up with a wide smile.

"Leo. Lee." Casey said with a greeting smile.

"Sorry the reunion isn't under better circumstances." Leo said.

"Nice pad, kids." Mikey said as he looked around the apartment. He then looked at Raph and Ella with slumping shoulders. "Oh, hey, Raph and Ella."

"Mikey." Ellie said as she elbowed Mikey's right arm. She then looked at Ella and Raph with a worry face. "Let's hope they'll gonna be fine."

Donnie knelt down to examine Raph while Donna walked over to examine Ella.

"Well, his vital signs seem to be okay." Donnie said as he put his two fingers on Raph's neck. He opened Raph's left eye forcibly, making his older brother look up at him. "Pupil dilation is normal."

"Same thing with Ella." Donna said as she poured purple energy from her palms that worked its way up around Ella. "Her vital and pupil dilation are normal as well."

Donna then looked at Ella's back and saw a broken obsidian disk embedded in her older sister's back with wide eyes.

"Whoa." Donna gasped.

Leo and Lee narrowed their eyes while Mikey and Ellie widened their eyes wide at the sight of an obsidian disk on Ella's back.

"Whoa." Leo, Lee, Mikey, and Ellie breathed.

Purple energy engulfed the broken obsidian disk and Donna carefully pulled it out from Ella's back.

"It's some sort of stone." Donna said as she looked closer at the broken disk. "Definitely obsidian."

Leo walked over to kneel down by Raph's head as Lee walked over to stand above Ella's face.

"Well, is he gonna be all right?" Leo asked as he placed his head on Raph's shoulder with worry eyes.

Raph slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Leo, who was touching his arm.

"You're still here? Go back to your jungle." Raph mumbled as he shoved Leo's hand off his arm and hid his face in the pillow.

"Well, at least his personality's still intact." Leo remarked with a smirk.

"Ella, are you alright?" Lee asked with a worry face.

Ella opened her eyes and looked up at her older sister with a smirk.

"I'm fine." Ella replied. "I've been worse things than this."

"Don't worry. Ellie and I will heal you up in no time." Lee smiled.

Donna telekinetically rotated the broken obsidian disk around with her magic.

"And there's an engraving on it. Looks South American. That's your department, April." Donna said.

April went over to examine the weapon carefully. Casey then leaned forward in front of April on his chair.

"Would it help if I told you that those statues you collected for Winters were shooting these things at me, Ella, and Raph?" Casey asked as he held the tranquilizer dart in his hand.

"The legend of Yoatl. It can't be." April said as she shook her head in disbelief. "It was just a myth. A scary story the locals told kids around a campfire."

"Whoa, what are you talking about?" Leo asked.

"They say 3000 years ago, some great warrior actually found a portal to another dimension." April explained. "And when the portal opened, the energy from it gave the warrior eternal life. But it also turned his generals to stone. What if this warrior just kept living forever? He would spend the rest of his days in regret spending all of his riches and all of his power to find a way to revive his stone generals. Maybe, just maybe, he's built a new empire."

As April finished the story, Donnie sat on the dining room table to examine the dart. Raph went into the kitchen. Ellie and Mikey sat on the couch armrests. Leo and Lee stood behind the couch. Donna and Ella sat on the couch on either side of April.

"But, hey, like I said, it's just a myth." April said.

"If you ask me, guys, this has Winters' name written all over it." Donnie said as he looked through the magnifying glass.

"How do you figure that, Donnie?" Leo wondered as he looked over at Donnie.

"Yeah." Mikey, Casey, Donna, Ella, and Lee said in agreement.

"Because this has Winters' name written all over it." Donnie replied with a smile as he looked at the team with the dart up in his pilers.

"Now I know who to thank for this shot in the arm." Raph said as he walked over to the team and held his arm before sitting down on a chair. "So where do we find this guy and his stone jokers?"

"We're not going until we get Splinter's blessing." Leo said sternly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're gonna stand here and quote a rule book to me that you ain't been following a year?" Raph demanded angrily as he got up from the chair and pointed his finger at Leo.

"If you got something you wanna get off your shell, now's the time." Leo argued. "But I'm not gonna stand here and debate Splinter's orders with you."

Raph stood his position and stared at Leo with a dangerous glare on his face.

"Fine, then. I quit." Raph said in a soft yet stern tone.

Raph walked out to move the curtain aside and opened the window to exit the apartment.

"Hey, Raph. Don't do it, man." Casey said as he touched Raph's shoulder. "Sometimes just taking a breather is the best thing to do."

"Whatever." Raph muttered with a sigh.

Raph exited the apartment and climbed up to the fire escape.

"Ella?" Lee said as she looked over at Ella.

"Yeah, I'm on it." Ella said.

Ella exited the apartment and headed out to look for her mutant boyfriend.

"Casey, when you were with Ella and Raph earlier, have you seen my sister started acting strange and not herself today?" Lee questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah." Casey replied. "She fought that stone freak like she was an untamed animal. I mean, her eyes went dark."

"I know something's wrong with her and I'm going to find out what." Lee said.


Back at Winters Corp, Winters was sitting on a high-backed chair parked in front of an oversized blazing fireplace. He looked at the portrait of himself in a suit of armor above the fireplace and lifted his glass of wine in a toast.

"To picking up the pieces." Winters said to himself. He glanced sideways to notice that one of the stone generals was standing in the doorway. "What is it?"

"Two creatures remain, my lord." General Aguila reported.

"Well, by all means, then, let's finish it." Winters ordered. "And you will finally be free of your stone prison."

"But if the curse is broken, we will no longer be immortal." General Aguila pointed out.

"Brother, do not question my command." Winters said as he glanced at his stone brother.

General Aguila growled silently.

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