New York Sisters

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Back at New York City, Ellie's band crew headed for a silver limo parked in front. It had a futuristic design with a steel mesh outlook above the diamond shapes. The robotic crew opened the limo's doors and Ellie sat onto her seat in exhaustion. Ellie slowly reached into her belt and the robot driver drove southward until the limo reached into the alley, where it had slowly transformed itself into a cloaking futuristic jet. It flew off high in the sky through quick speed before the city citizens can spot it from below. The jet finally pulled up into the Crete Fortress garage. The driver pressed a blue button that opened a limo door.

After the garage door was shut, Ellie watched the driver and her crew powered down in their capsule position. She put on her roller skates and sped her way out of the garage before arriving at the entrance of the living room and skidded for a stop.

"Ladies! Ellie's home!" Ellie announced. She noticed that the whole living room is empty. "Anyone? Hello?" She tossed her skates down and sat on the couch with a heavy sigh. "Whatever. This place gets boring every day."

Ellie turned on the TV and the news channel came on. She rolled her eyes in boredom until the crime news caught her attention.

"Coming up, the vigilantes known as the Nightwatcher and the Night Star strike again." The anchorman reported.

Ellie bounced happily on the couch. She watched as two comments are interviewed by an unseen reporter. A male witness was stating that the crime fighting vigilantes are definitely aliens while a female witness was proclaiming that taking the law into one's own hands is a disgrace. Ellie used her mystical powers to conjure up her scrapbook in her hands. It was overflowing with every newspaper clippings on the city's latest vigilantes, but she's more of a fan to the Night Star than the Nightwatcher.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Ellie smiled. "Busting up crime syndicates and crushing the streets were the good times. But it was more fun doing it with the Turtles around."

"Ellie, those days are over for us." Donna said, walking into the living room with her working invention in one hand. She headed into the kitchen and took a seat at the table to work on her device. "We got to focus on our lives and move on just like the Turtles."

"Well, she's not the only one who miss all the action." Ella said with a yawn as she entered into the living room from the fortress entrance.

"Oh, look what we have here. Another vigilante fan." Donna said snarkily as she rolled her eyes and faced her hotheaded sister. "I've bet you think Night Star is a crime fighting heroine."

"At least, she doesn't let criminals out there running free through the city like the rest of us." Ella said, walking over to Donna and picked up a can of strawberry soda from the table.

"That's coming from a girl who workout for boredom while others are contributing around here in the fortress." Donna retorted as she watched Ella drinking strawberry soda and crushed the can with her bare hand.

"Wow, didn't expect you to figure that out yourself." Ella smirked. "We don't call you nerd for nothing."

"Also, we have noticed that your attitude has been a source of separation to this team." Donna countered. "If you think being brutal is the best way to accomplish things, then you're obviously wrong."

"Who died and make you leader? Lee is the leader of this team." Ella said. "But since she's not here."

Rafaela faked a rising fist at Donatella as if she was acting like she was going to punch her younger sister, who got up from the chair by the unexpected move.

"Rafaela." The wise feminine voice scolded. Her name was Saldana. She has long vibrant black hair and brown eyes. She wore a white qipao dress designed with embroidered golden flowers and white flats. She walked out of the shadows with her hands in her long sleeves. "That's enough."

"Looks like my point has been made." Ella grinned with a shrug as she pulled her fist down and walked away from her brainiac sister.

"That doesn't prove anything and you know it." Donna snapped.

"Whatever." Ella said as she rolled her eyes.

Donatella and Saldana watched as Rafaela exited the kitchen and headed to her bedroom.

"Why couldn't you send her away to another country and we all be happy?" Donna questioned as she pulled her futuristic high-tech goggle on her face.

"Donatella, you need to understand that our home has become like an empty shell. Each of you have strengths and weaknesses, but you must learn to be strong when they are weak." Saldana explained.

Donatella looked up at her mother and then looked down as she knew what Saldana was talking about.

"This family must keep on hope or all will be lost." Saldana continued.

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