The Moment of Truth

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Back in the Crete Fortress, Ella walked into the dojo with a look of guilt and regret just as Saldana was meditating in mid-air calmly. Her sadness and anger made Ella clench her hands with blazing red energy snap Saldana from her meditation.

"Rafaela? What is wrong?" Saldana asked as she levitated on her feet to the floor.

"Mother, I was out, and I did something...something..." Ella ranted.

Ella swung her right hand and fired a massive wave of red energy at the heavy weight that was sent flying across the dojo. Saldana was completely unfazed by that.

"Rafaela, kneel." Saldana said with a stern look.

As Ella took a deep breath, she walked forward and dropped her knees in front of Saldana.

"It's not good, mother." Ella said. "I did something really stupid big time."

"Explain." Saldana said gently.

"I finally understand why you chose Lee." Ella replied. "It's all because she's the better daughter than me.'

"Oh, Rafaela." Saldana said. "You always have an admirable heart to protect others, especially when you deeply bare the world's problems on your shoulders.

Just because you may not be my favorite student at times, it does not mean that you are my least favorite daughter. You are a strong and passionate mystic whose loyalty belongs to the team. Only when tempered

with compassion and humility, you will be a great leader equal to your sister."

"But, mother, I made things worse." Ella said with a guilt look. "They took Lee. She was taken by the stone enemies."

"Leona." Saldana said worriedly.

"Yes." Ella said with a nod. "I know you must be ashamed of me, mother."

Saldana looked grim at the thought of her eldest daughter being taking away by the new enemies. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down before opening her eyes.

"Well then, I believe your sisters may need a leader." Saldana said. "We must return to the surface to take back what is ours."

Ella looked up at Saldana with an astonished look on her face.

"Thank you, mother." Ella said.

Suddenly, Ellie bursted into the dojo.

"Hey, guys! Mikey just called me and he wants us to meet the others in the lair!" Ellie shouted frantically. She looked around to see Lee is nowhere in the dojo. "Where's Lee?"

Ella and Saldana shared a worried look, knowing that the red mystic kunoichi is gonna have to tell the others.


The Lotus Ninjas and Saldana gathered up with the Turtles, April, and Casey to think up a plan to rescue Leo and Lee inside the lair.

"Long have we been in hiding. Perhaps too long." Splinter said.

"Well, what do we do now?" Mikey asked.

"I'll tell you what we're gonna do." Raph replied determinedly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "We're gonna rescue our siblings and then we're gonna save New York City."

"Together." Ella added with a nod as she stood to her boyfriend's side.

Splinter and Saldana nodded in agreement with a smile.

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