Welcome Home, Leona

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On a dark night, a white airplane was coming into New York City. Lee was standing on the top of the plane for her flight. She looked at the illuminating city up ahead with a small smile and then sprang off the plane. In a few seconds, she unleashed a pair of blue bat wings made of magic energy from her back. She soared high up above and around the clouds with a playful smile.

Then, Lee dove down to land on top of the Crete Fortress. She made her magic wings vanish from her back and jumped down with a backflip to walk in the fortress entrance.


Inside the Crete Fortress, Lee stood in the hallway to stare two darkened bedrooms in front of her. Ellie was covered with various plush animals in her bed as she held onto a plush turtle animal in her arms in her bedroom while Donna was covered with a fashion magazine in her bed while snoring softly in an upside down fashion in her bedroom. Lee smiled affectionately as she watched her younger sisters sleeping peacefully. She then took a glance at Saldana's room and walked to the doors. As Lee opened the doors slightly, Saldana was mediating as she sensed her eldest daughter standing outside of the room.

"Come and kneel, my daughter." Saldana spoke.

Lee walked forward in front of Saldana and knelt down on her knees to the floor.

"I have returned home, mother." Lee said as she looked down to the floor in shame. "I'm sorry that I failed on my team. I was so caught up in my own world that I forgot about the family and friends I cared about."

Saldana stood up from the floor and slowly conjured a golden medal in her hand. The medal was in the shape of an eight-pointed gold star with an orange octagon in the center.

"But now you are much stronger since your journey, my daughter." Saldana said.

Lee looked up at her mother and got up on her feet as Saldana levitated forward in the air to place the medal around Lee's neck once she landed her feet on the floor in front of her daughter.

"Your strength is now needed here for your sisters." Saldana said sadly. "Your absence has been very difficult for them, but I do sense a strange embodiment within Rafaela after you both repaired your bond and I know she will never expose it on her own."

"I'm positive that the team will be back in shape again, mother." Lee said determinedly.

"Good." Saldana said with a nod. "Act as one to strengthen your battles."

Lee and Saldana hugged each other.

"I've missed you, Leona." Saldana said with a smile.

"I've missed you too, mother." Lee smiled back.

Saldana and Lee broke their hug.

"Rafaela, your sister is finally home." Saldana called.

Ella opened the door and walked in the dojo with a yawn. She wore a red night tank top and a pair of dark red shorts.

"Hey." Lee greeted.

"Hey, sis." Ella responded. She ran forward and hugged Lee. "Welcome back home, Lee."

"Trust me, it's good to be home." Lee smiled as she hugged back.

"Well, let me get the girls." Ella grinned.

Ella snapped her fingers to summon two portals that send the sleeping Donna and Ellie hard to the floor, making them groan in pain. Donna wore a purple t-shirt and a pair of dark purple shorts. Ellie wore an orange sweatshirt and dark orange sweatpants.

"Hey, girls, Lee's back." Ella said.

"Huh?" Donna mumbled as she shook her head and knocked the magazine off her face to look around and spotted Lee. "Lee!"

"Hey, Donna." Lee grinned as she hugged the purple mystic kunoichi.

"Lee? OMG! It's really you!" Ellie beamed happily as she looked up at Leona from the floor and hugged her oldest sister. "I miss you, sis!"

"Yeah, I miss you too, little sister." Lee giggled.

Ella, Donna, Ellie, and Lee hugged together tightly as Saldana watched the sisterly reunion with a happy smile.


The next night, the Lotus Ninjas stood on the rooftop of a building.

"Alright, Lee. I give up. Remind me what are we doing exactly?" Ella asked.

"I promise mother that I will get this team together again." Lee replied.

"Well, ever since you left, my natural speed and agility training has been hit to extreme big time." Ellie smiled.

"That's impressive, little sister." Lee said with a hardcore face as she turned around to face the illuminating city. "Especially when we are up against this Night Star and her vigilante drive. But her job will end."

"Hey, no offense, Lee." Ella said. "But Night Star was the only one who will able to fight crime while the rest of us did nothing after your departure."

"And she's so wicked cool, especially her untamed fighting style." Ellie grinned.

"Oh please. I'm with Lee in this one." Donna scoffed. "I mean, have you seen how armed and dangerous that girl acts...?"

The Lotus Ninjas suddenly heard a loud, unknown noise and rushed off to investigate the sound as they stood on the edge of the building. Another loud roar came from the warehouse.

"Looks like someone's cranky tonight." Ellie said.

"What do we do, Lee?" Ella asked.

"Looks we always do. We go and fight. Let's roll." Lee replied.

The Lotus Ninjas sprang off the building and landed on the rooftop of the warehouse as they started opening up the skylight window and their faces went bewilderment at what they saw.

"Oh my god." Ella muttered.

The Lotus Ninjas watched a whole army of the Shadow Clan fighting against a huge cycloptic muscular monster only to be easily beaten. The monster was a hybrid of the centaur and the cyclops. The monster flinged them away as if they are a bunch of pesky insects. The Lotus Ninjas gathered together around behind the tall crate.

"This is seriously sad." Ellie said with an amused smile. "The Shadow Clan are definitely getting their butts kicked."

"Can't say I agree with you on that." Donna said.

"So what? I'd rather enjoy the show." Ella smirked.

"Come on. We have to take this freak down." Lee said firmly.

The Lotus Ninjas jumped out from the crate and charged forward to attack the creature with their magic. Ellie, Ella, and Donna went to different direction as they fired several spheres of magical energy continuously at the monster from their hands.

Lee and Kage went up to help their team against the monster until they saw each other.

"I'll have a some fun with you instead." Kage said with a smile.

Kage began blasting rapid energy bolts of dark magic at Lee, who dodged each bolt effortlessly.

"I'm not trying to pick up a fight with you." Lee said as she blocked the bolts with blue magic shield on her hands. "We wanted to help you."

"Helping isn't my idea of fun, Leona." Kage smirked. He backflipped few feet away from Leona and turned to his Shadow Ninjas. "Team, retreat."

The Shadow Ninjas understood and sprang themselves up to the skylight, leaving the Lotus Ninjas to handle the monster.

"Kage, if Lady Shade is dead, then who are you working for?" Lee called.

"Worry too much about my business, Leona, and you'll lose your edge." Kage grinned.

Kage sprang himself up to the skylight and left out of sight.

"Hey, Lee! We can really use some help here!" Ella yelled to Lee.

Lee went back to help her sisters against the cycloptic monster. Ella cartwheeled herself through the air to hit the monster with red energy emanating from her boots multiple times. Ellie dashed forward to perform an orange backflipping wide-arced energy kick at the monster fifteen times. Donna moved forward to perform five spinning kicks from an upside down position and hit the monster with a flying upward drill kick with both purple energized legs. Lee leaped upwards to deliver blue energy covered kicks at the monster while spinning repeatedly. But the cycloptic monster hit the Lotus Ninjas all at once with one punch. The Lotus Ninjas were thrown against the wall. Donna, Ella, and Lee hit the wall on their backs while Ellie hit the wall on her face. As the four mystics slumped on the floor, Ella took deep breaths and then looked back up at the cycloptic monster with cold, glowing dark red eyes. Lee's eyes widened in shock when she saw Ella glaring dangerously at the cycloptic monster. Ella slowly channeled her magical energy around herself in the shape of a dark red giant dragon and then fired it forward that exploded the cycloptic monster on impact, but that left the red mystic kunoichi too fatigued to continue her fight as she collapsed herself to the ground just when her sisters came to help her on her feet. The cycloptic monster was proved to be too tough for the mystics to defeat with their magic ninjutsu arts, not even Ella's sudden anger can't take it down. They got up in a fighting stance with their magic ready while standing in a row. The monster roared the girls and moved closer to them. The Lotus Ninjas backed away and stopped against the wall behind them.

"Oh boy." Lee and Ella muttered.

"Okay, anyone else have any bright ideas?" Donna asked in a panic.

"Just this." Ellie replied.

Ellie and Donna hugged each other while screaming at the top of their lungs. Ellie started climbing on Donna, who was still screaming in terror.

Then suddenly, the warehouse door blew up into pieces. A bright light started to shine from behind the monster, causing it to turn around. The four statue generals started marching their way. One stone general was the leader on the far right, another stone general with a jaguar skin slouch next to him, a female stone general was next to him, and the biggest stone general was carrying a big hammer at the very end of the row. The devices on their stone bodies glowed red. As the four stone generals moved closer to the monster, it started to walk towards them as well. The monster let out a mighty roar and charged forward to attack the biggest general, but he swung his hammer to hit it to the nearby wall. As the monster laid on the floor, the stone generals gathered around the monster to look down upon the creature.

The Lotus Ninjas immediately rushed over to the nearby crates and watched the stone generals successfully capturing the monster.

"Who the heck are those guys?" Donna said in confusion. "This doesn't make any sense at all."

Then, the Lotus Ninjas heard loud familiar sirens outside the warehouse.

"Oh snap. It's the cops. We gotta go." Ellie whispered to her older sisters.

The Lotus Ninjas pointed their magic to the wall behind them and created a yellow swirly portal opening up in front of them. Ellie had jumped into the portal. Donna was next to jump into the portal. Lee then jumped into the portal after her younger sister. Ella looked at the portal and paused for a bit as she turned around to watch the stone generals carrying the unconscious creature to a big black dump truck. Part of her wants to find out about both the monster and the stone generals, but she sighed heavily and jumped into the portal as it closed itself.

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